Name Garvik
Meaning Proud
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 5
Length 3.5
Zodiac Sign Aquarius

Garvik Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Garvik, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Garvik means Proud. Due to Proud the name Garvik becomes very beautiful. If you name your child Garvik then it will be associated with the meaning of this name for the rest of her life. After knowing the meaning of the name Garvik, you can easily name your child Garvik. You can see the effect of the meaning of the name Garvik in their nature. Read further to know the zodiac sign of the name Garvik, what is its lucky number, and Proud of the name Garvik in detail.

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Garvik's Lucky Number

The zodiac sign of the name Garvik is Saturn and the lucky number is 8. People with name Garvik are adept at saving money, hence they always have money. People with this number like to make their own rules and follow them. People of this number are music lovers. People named Garvik do not depend on others' help or luck. They reach the heights of success through their efforts. People with this number have more compassion than others. Success does not come easily to them.

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Garvik Personality

The zodiac sign of people named Garvik is Aquarius. People named Garvik are self-controlled and talented. People with the name Garvik are very intelligent and they feel proud of their intelligence. It is a little difficult to understand the nature of people with this zodiac sign. Despite being social, people named Garvik are careful while choosing friends. People with the name Garvik have a sympathetic personality and always help the needy.

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Garvik's zodiac Aquarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Gajadhar Who can command An elephant Hindu
Gajagamini Majestic like An elephants walk Hindu
Gajakarna One who has eyes like An elephant Hindu
Gajanan One with elephant face, Elephant faced Lord Hindu
Gajanana One with elephant face, Elephant faced Lord Hindu
Gajananan Lord ganapathy Hindu
Gajanand Lord Ganesh, One with elephant face Hindu
Gajananeti Elephant faced Lord Hindu
Gajara Garland of flowers Hindu
Gajavakra Trunk of the elephant Hindu
Gajavaktra One who has mouth like An elephant Hindu
Gajbahu Who has strength of An elephant Hindu
Gajdant Elephant teeth, Lord Ganesh Hindu
Gajendar Kushwah Hindu
Gajender King of elephant and inderlok, Inderdev Hindu
Gajendra Elephant king Hindu
Gajendranath Owner of Gajendra Hindu
Gajhodhar Hindu
Gajinisswaran Hindu
Gajkaran Like ears of elephant Hindu
Gajpati Master of elephant, Lord Ganesh Hindu
Gajra Garland of flowers Hindu
Gajraj King of elephant Hindu
Gajrup Lord Ganesh, One who looks like a elephant Hindu
Gajvadan Name of Lord Ganesh Hindu
Galav To worship, Ebony, Strong, A sage Hindu
Gaman Journey Hindu
Gambhir Deep, Serious, Profound, Tolerant, Powerful Hindu
Gamini Silent Hindu
Gamya Beautiful, A destiny Hindu
Gana Lord Shiva, Flock, Troop, Multitude, Number, Tribe, Series or class Hindu
Ganadhakshya Lord of all ganas gods Hindu
Ganadhip Lord ganapathy Hindu
Ganadhyakshina Leader of all the celestial bodies Hindu
Ganak An astrologer, Mathematician Hindu
Ganaka One who calculates Hindu
Ganakshi Desire, Want Hindu
Ganamurthi Name of a Raga Hindu
Gananath Lord Shiva, Lord of the ganas Hindu
Ganapathi Lord Ganesh, Lord of a group of close devotees, Who have reached the climax of devotion Hindu
Ganapati Lord Ganesh, Lord of a group of close devotees, Who have reached the climax of devotion Hindu
Ganapatizhankilai Lord Murugan, After Ganapati younger brother of Ganesh) Hindu
Ganaraj Lord of the clan Hindu
Ganavi Singer, Melody Hindu
Ganda Knot Hindu
Gandeevi The owner of gandeeva, His bow Hindu
Gandesha Lord of fragrance Hindu
Gandha Fragrant Hindu
Gandhali Fragrance of flowers, Fragrant, Sweet smelling Hindu
Gandhalika Fragrant, Sweet smelling, Another name for Paarvati Hindu