Name Gurudeva
Meaning Master of all, God of Guru
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 9
Length 4
Zodiac Sign Aquarius

Gurudeva Meaning

Most parents want to name their child Gurudeva but before that, they do not try to know its meaning. Gurudeva The meaning of the name is Master of all, God of Guru. Due to Master of all, God of Guru the name Gurudeva becomes very beautiful. For this reason also, before naming the child, its meaning should be known. Because of the meaning of the name, people named Gurudeva are very much liked in society. People with the name Gurudeva are exactly like the meaning of their name. Further, the zodiac sign and lucky number of the name Gurudeva or the Master of all, God of Guru of the name Gurudeva are explained in detail.

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Gurudeva's Lucky Number

Gurudeva The ruling planet of the name is Saturn and the lucky number is 8. People of this number never have a shortage of money because they know how to keep it safe. People of this number do not like to listen to others. They like to make their own rules. People named Gurudeva are very interested in music. People named Gurudeva do not depend on luck or help but achieve success based on their hard work and efforts. People named Gurudeva are kind by nature. They get success late.

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Gurudeva Personality

People named Gurudeva have the Aquarius zodiac sign. These people are self-controlled, talented, and soft-hearted. People with this name do not lack intelligence and are very proud of their knowledge. It is not easy to understand people named Gurudeva. Despite being social, people named Gurudeva are careful while choosing friends. People of this zodiac sign have a lot of sympathy and help the needy a lot.

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Gurudeva's zodiac Aquarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Gaalav To worship, Ebony, Strong, A sage Hindu
Gaangi Sacred, Pure, Comparable to the ganges, Another name for Goddess Durga Hindu
Gaatha Story Hindu
Gadadhara One who has the mace as his weapon Hindu
Gadhadhar Name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Gadin Lord Krishna, One who is armed with a club, One who wields the mace Hindu
Gagan Sky, Heaven, Atmosphere Hindu
Gagana The Sky Hindu
Gaganadipika The lamp of the Sky Hindu
Gaganasindhu Ocean of the Sky Hindu
Gaganasri Sky Hindu
Gaganvihari One who stays in heaven Hindu
Gagnesh Lord Shiva, Ruler of the Sky Hindu
Gahan Depth, Profound Hindu
Gahana Golden Chain Hindu
Gaish Tempest, Commotion Hindu
Gaj Polish, Origin, Aim, Elephant Hindu
Gajadhar Who can command An elephant Hindu
Gajagamini Majestic like An elephants walk Hindu
Gajakarna One who has eyes like An elephant Hindu
Gajanan One with elephant face, Elephant faced Lord Hindu
Gajanana One with elephant face, Elephant faced Lord Hindu
Gajananan Lord ganapathy Hindu
Gajanand Lord Ganesh, One with elephant face Hindu
Gajananeti Elephant faced Lord Hindu
Gajara Garland of flowers Hindu
Gajavakra Trunk of the elephant Hindu
Gajavaktra One who has mouth like An elephant Hindu
Gajbahu Who has strength of An elephant Hindu
Gajdant Elephant teeth, Lord Ganesh Hindu
Gajendar Kushwah Hindu
Gajender King of elephant and inderlok, Inderdev Hindu
Gajendra Elephant king Hindu
Gajendranath Owner of Gajendra Hindu
Gajhodhar Hindu
Gajinisswaran Hindu
Gajkaran Like ears of elephant Hindu
Gajpati Master of elephant, Lord Ganesh Hindu
Gajra Garland of flowers Hindu
Gajraj King of elephant Hindu
Gajrup Lord Ganesh, One who looks like a elephant Hindu
Gajvadan Name of Lord Ganesh Hindu
Galav To worship, Ebony, Strong, A sage Hindu
Gaman Journey Hindu
Gambhir Deep, Serious, Profound, Tolerant, Powerful Hindu
Gamini Silent Hindu
Gamya Beautiful, A destiny Hindu
Gana Lord Shiva, Flock, Troop, Multitude, Number, Tribe, Series or class Hindu
Ganadhakshya Lord of all ganas gods Hindu
Ganadhip Lord ganapathy Hindu