Name Mahakram
Meaning Lord Vishnu, He provides easy step-by-step access for the elevation of his devotees
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 3
Length 4.5
Zodiac Sign Leo

Mahakram Meaning

Mahakram The meaning of the name is Lord Vishnu, He provides easy step-by-step access for the elevation of his devotees. If you know the meaning of Mahakram before naming your baby, it can make your baby's life better. Having Lord Vishnu, He provides easy step-by-step access for the elevation of his devotees is considered very good and this is also reflected in the people named Mahakram. Let us tell you that by naming your baby Mahakram, you can increase the positive possibilities in her life. By keeping the name Mahakram, your child also acquires the qualities that are included in its meaning. It is believed that if your name is Mahakram and its meaning is Lord Vishnu, He provides easy step-by-step access for the elevation of his devotees, then it also has a deep impact on the personality of the person. Further, the zodiac sign and lucky number of the name Mahakram or the Lord Vishnu, He provides easy step-by-step access for the elevation of his devotees of the name Mahakram are explained in detail.

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Mahakram's zodiac Leo Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Maatangi Goddess of Matanga, Goddess Durga Hindu
Maathar Traveller, Voyager Hindu
Maathur From or relating to Mathura Hindu
Maaya Goddess Lakshmi, Wealth, Unreality, Compassion, Sympathy, An unreal or illusory image, Name of mother of Buddha, Prakriti, Affection, An epithet of Lakshmi, Art, Wisdom, One of the nine shaktis of Vishnu Hindu
Maayan Water source, Indifferent to wealth Hindu
Maayin Creator of the universe, Creater of the Maya, Illusionary, Wily, Magician, Enchanting, Another name for Brahma, Shiva enchanting Hindu
Maccha Killer Hindu
Madan Cupid, God of Love, Man filled with beauty, Intoxicating, Pleasing, Another name for the Love God Kaama, Spring, Passion Hindu
Madanapal Lord of Love Hindu
Madanika Hindu
Madanmohan Attractive and lovable Hindu
Maderu Worthy of praise Hindu
Madesh Lord Shiva, Lord of intoxication, Name of Shiva Hindu
Madeshwaran Hindu
Madev Hindu
Madhan Cupid, God of Love, Man filled with beauty, Intoxicating, Pleasing, Another name for the Love God Kaama, Spring, Passion Hindu
Madhav Another name of Lord Krishna, Sweet like Honey Hindu
Madhava Another name of Lord Krishna, Sweet like Honey Hindu
Madhavan Lord Shiva Hindu
Madhavdas Servant of Lord Krishna Hindu
Madhavi A creeper with beautiful flowers, Springtime Hindu
Madhavilata A flowering creeper Hindu
Madhesh Lord Shiva, Lord of intoxication, Name of Shiva Hindu
Madhu Honey, Sweet, Nectar, Charming Hindu
Madhubala Sweet girl Hindu
Madhuban Lord Vishnu, Lord Vishnu, Flower garden Hindu
Madhubhala Honey spear Hindu
Madhuchanda Metrical composition Hindu
Madhuchhanda Pleasing metrical composition Hindu
Madhudeep God of Love Hindu
Madhughne Killer of demon Madhu Hindu
Madhughosh Sweet sounding Hindu
Madhuj Made of Honey, Sweet, Sugar Hindu
Madhuja Made of Honey, Sweet, Honeycomb, The earth Hindu
Madhuk A honeybee, Melodious, A bird, Honey coloured, Sweet Hindu
Madhukaitabhahantri Slayer of the demon-duo Madhu and kaitabha Hindu
Madhukant The Moon Hindu
Madhukanta The Moon Hindu
Madhukar Honey bee, Lover, The mango tree Hindu
Madhukari Bee Hindu
Madhukesh Hair of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Madhukiran Sweet Ray as from God Hindu
Madhuksara One who showers Honey Hindu
Madhul Sweet, Intoxicating, A drink Hindu
Madhula Sweet, Intoxicating, A drink Hindu
Madhulan Hindu
Madhulata Sweet creeper or Lovely creeper Hindu
Madhulatha Sweet creeper or Lovely creeper Hindu
Madhulekha Beautiful Hindu
Madhulika Honey, Sweetness, Bee Hindu