Small pores on the skin are called blackheads. Oil and dead skin cells start accumulating in these pores, due to which they start appearing like small black moles on the face. Blackheads are most visible around the nose and chin. Some people also have blackheads on other parts of the body like the back, chest, neck, arms and shoulders.

You can use blackheads removal creams to get rid of blackheads. In this article, we will share which of the creams to remove blackheads are the most effective:

(Read more: Home remedies to remove blackheads)

  1. Best ingredients for blackhead removal creams
  2. Best blackheads removal cream
  3. Other tips for removing blackheads
  4. Takeaway
Doctors for Best blackheads removal creams

There are some compounds that are known to be effective in removing blackheads. No matter which cream you choose, make sure that it contains at least one of these ingredients mentioned below.


Retinoids are a great ingredient to get rid of blackheads. They help in reducing the pores from your skin and all types of acne present on the skin can be cured with its use. They especially contribute to removing blackheads and whiteheads.

(Read more: Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Acne)

Anti Acne Cream
₹629  ₹699  10% OFF

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is one such ingredient, using which you can remove the blackheads from your face. With its use, dead cells and extra oil can come out from the pores present on the face. Also, it helps in bringing a glow to your skin.

(Read more: How to get glowing skin)

Lactic acid

Lactic acid can also prove useful to reduce the problem of blackheads. With its use, the dead cells present on the skin can be removed. Also, it is helpful in dealing with keratosis pilaris, a common skin condition.

(Read more: Oily skin)


Charcoal does not directly reduce the chances of not getting blackheads but with the help of this ingredient, you can remove the impurities on the skin like extra oil and dirt.

(Read more: Get rid of blackheads with this simple remedy)

You can get rid of the problem of blackheads by using creams containing the ingredients mentioned above. Now, we’ll discuss some such creams and cleansers available in the market.

Murad Time Release Active Cleanser

This product acts as a great cleanser that removes blemishes from the skin. It has the ability to remove blackheads without drying the skin. It contains salicylic acid, which can help you get rid of blackheads.

(Read more: Dry skin)

Proactive Adapalene Gel

Using this gel can help you get rid of stubborn blackheads from your skin. Along with this, it is also helpful in preventing pimples. Applying this gel on your face while sleeping at night can give you better results.

(Read more: Anti-Acne Diet)

First Aid Beauty BHA Acne Spot Treatment

This product contains a mixture of salicylic acid and papaya enzymes. With its use, you can put an end to the appearance of stubborn blackheads. Apart from this, it also has glycolic acid and alpha hydroxy acid, which can prove to be helpful in bringing a glow to your skin. In addition, it also contains aloe vera, oats and bisabolol, which soothe the skin. Using it on the skin twice daily can remove the problem of blackheads.

(Read more: Beauty and skincare tips)

Apart from using creams to remove blackheads, there are some other measures that you can adopt. Below are some such tips to remove blackheads:

(Read more: How to get soft and smooth skin)

Egg white and lemon juice

To remove blackheads, take 1 egg white. Now add 1 teaspoon lemon juice and mix it well. After this, apply this mixture to your face for about 10 to 15 minutes. When the mixture starts drying on the face, wash your face with cold water. Afterwards, apply your favourite moisturizer to the face. Make sure to apply this pack once a week to get rid of your blackheads.

Face Serum
₹349  ₹599  41% OFF

Cinnamon and honey

Blackheads can also be overcome with the use of cinnamon and honey. To try this, take 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and add about 3 spoons of honey to it and mix it well. Now apply the paste to your face. Wash your face with warm water after about 20 minutes. You can get good results by applying this pack twice a week.

(Read more: Home remedies for face skin tightening)

Baking soda and honey

To remove blackheads, take 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Add 2 spoons of honey to it and mix it well. Apply this pack to your face and keep it on for about 15 minutes. Wash your face once the time is up. Keep in mind that you should not leave this pack on your face for a long time. Since it contains baking soda, it can cause damage to the skin if used for a long time. If you want, use it only on the area affected by blackheads.

(Read more: Skincare routine for a flawless skin)

You can adopt the methods mentioned in the article above to get rid of blackheads from the skin. Keep in mind to consult a doctor or skin specialist before using a particular medicine or cream, so that any side effects or skin complications can be avoided.

(Read more: Skin disorders and diseases)

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

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Dr. Deepak Argal

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Dr. Ravikumar Bavariya

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