Small children and newborns are at a very high risk of having skin problems because their skin is very soft and sensitive. Pimples on the face of a small child is a common problem. In this condition, such rashes and spots form on the baby's face, which look similar to eczema. Baby acne on the face of a baby is treatable and the symptoms caused by it are also usually for a short time.

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  1. What Is A Rash On The Baby's Face?
  2. Symptoms Of Rash On Baby's Face
  3. Causes Of Rash On The Baby's Face
  4. How To Prevent Pimples On A Baby's Face?
  5. How To Test A Baby's Face Rash?
  6. How To Treat Rashes On The Baby's Face?
  7. Complications Of Pimples On The Baby's Face
  8. Summary
Doctors for Baby Acne: How Long Does It Last and When to See a Doctor?

This condition is also known as "neonatal acne" or "neonatal cephalic pustulosis". This is a common problem, which occurs to one or more out of every five healthy babies. These start developing when the baby is two weeks old, in which pimples and rashes start appearing on the forehead, cheeks, eyelids and chin of the baby.

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What are the symptoms of baby acne?

Just like adults and teenagers, the rashes that develop on the baby's face look like red pimples. White colored pimples or pimples with white mouths can also develop and the skin around them can also become red.

Pimples and pimples can develop anywhere on the face of babies, but in most cases they are seen on the cheeks. Some babies may also have pimples and rashes on the neck and upper part of the back (back of the neck).

If the baby remains irritable and cries frequently, then the situation can become more serious. Using a rough cloth can worsen the condition of the rash, and the saliva and vomit coming out of the baby's mouth goes into the rash and does not allow it to heal.

Baby acne is sometimes present in the baby from birth. However, in most cases, it develops after 2 to 4 weeks of birth. These rashes usually last from a few days to weeks, although in some severe cases, they can last for months.

When should one consult a doctor?

As soon as the baby develops rashes on his face, he should be shown to a pediatrician once, so that the doctor can find out the condition and its severity.

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Why do babies get rashes on their face?

Just as the exact cause of pimples and boils on the face of adults and teenagers is not known, similarly studies are being done to find out the causes of baby acne. Some researchers believe that this condition is caused by the baby's hormones or changes in the mother's hormones during pregnancy.

How to prevent baby acne?
Although the pimples on the baby's face usually go away on their own, however, during this time, the baby's skin can be kept healthy by adopting some common methods:

Keep your baby's face clean:
Wash the baby's face in lukewarm water, you can also do this while bathing the baby. However, for this, use only plain water or use the soap prescribed by the doctor.

Before using any product on the baby's skin, ask the doctor about it. Because some products can make the situation worse.

Do not use harsh and strong products:
Products containing retinoids, vitamin A or erythromycin are usually used for adults. These products should not be used for small children, as they are more powerful which can affect the baby's skin.

Do not use any type of soap or other foaming product for the baby as it may contain chemicals.

Do not apply lotion:
Lotions can affect the skin of the baby's face, which can cause pimples and rashes to develop. If the baby already has pimples on his face, the situation can get worse.

Do not rub:
Often after bathing the baby, his skin is cleaned by rubbing it with a towel, this should not be done. The baby's skin is very sensitive and rashes and pimples can develop in it due to the rubbing of the towel.

Do not press the pimples:
If pimples have started appearing on the baby's face, do not try to press them. By doing this, the skin starts getting damaged further and the pimples start appearing more.

(Read more - Baby development six months after birth)

There is no need to do any special test for rashes on the baby's face. Doctors generally detect this condition by looking at the baby's skin. However, in some rare cases, if the condition is serious, some types of skin tests may have to be done.

(Read more - Baby development in the first month after birth)

How is rashes on the baby's face treated?

In most cases, rashes on the face of small children do not need to be treated, they start healing on their own after some time. Some babies may have these rashes for months instead of weeks. If these rashes are not cured on their own, then the pediatrician can give some types of creams and other ointments etc. to treat these rashes.

No cream, ointment or face wash etc. should be used on the child's skin without the doctor's advice. This is because the skin of babies is very sensitive and the chemicals and other substances present in these products can affect the soft skin of babies.

Lifestyle changes and natural remedies
If your baby has pimples on his face, then these tips can be very beneficial for you:

  • Keep the baby's face clean and wash it with lukewarm water daily
  • Dry his face without rubbing with a cotton cloth
  • Do not burst or scratch the pimples and boils, doing so increases the risk of itching and infection
  • Do not apply any kind of lotion or oil etc. on the baby's face without asking the doctor.
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What complications can occur due to pimples on the baby's face?

Baby acne usually heals within a few weeks without any treatment. However, in some cases, they remain for months and itching also starts in them, due to which the baby's nature remains irritable.

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Baby pimples on the face are usually caused by hormonal changes, heat, allergies, or infections. In newborns, these pimples are caused by the effect of the mother's hormones, which resolve on their own in a few weeks. Heat and sweat rashes (prickly heat) are also common, which are caused by excessive heat or rubbing of clothes. Some babies may also develop rashes due to allergies, which can be triggered by food, dust, or skin care products. Treatment is usually mild and safe, such as keeping the baby's skin clean and dry, dressing in light and cotton clothes, and using moisturizers or medicated creams as advised by the doctor. If the rash persists for a long time or there are signs of infection, it is important to consult a doctor.

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