Bad breath can be a very embarrassing situation and it not only affects your relationships but also reduces your self-confidence. In some cases, a person also starts having problems of tension or stress due to bad breath. Bad breath or bad breath is called "Halitosis" in medical language. 

There can be many reasons for bad breath, such as infection in the mouth, food getting stuck between the teeth, diabetes, consumption of garlic, onion or the habit of smoking and eating tobacco. Bad breath is treated according to its cause. In this article, what to do if there is bad breath and when to go to the doctor for this has been told. 

(Read more - How to get rid of bad breath

  1. What To Do If You Have Bad Breath?
  2. When To Go To The Doctor For Bad Breath?
  3. Summary

Bad breath is a sign of poor oral health or an internal problem. However, most of the time it is not necessary to go to the doctor for this. You can do first aid for bad breath in the following way -

  • Drinking enough water is beneficial for bad breath because due to lack of water in the mouth, the moisture starts decreasing, due to which the bacteria causing bad breath start growing. The problem of dry mouth can be caused by many medicines and diseases, but not drinking enough water is a major reason for this. Whenever you do any work that causes dry mouth, do not forget to drink water after doing that work. Apart from this, your mouth can also become dry while sleeping, so drink a glass of water first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up. 
  • If you wear false teeth, mouth guards or braces, clean them thoroughly at least once a day or else your mouth may get infected. It is very important to keep your mouth clean. For this, brush thoroughly at least twice a day and do not forget to brush after every meal. Most people brush only their teeth and forget to brush their tongue. Keep in mind that there are germs on your tongue too, so do not forget to clean your tongue while brushing. 
  • Food items containing acid and sugar increase the risk of bacteria growing in the mouth and this causes bad breath, such as raw onion, garlic or vinegar etc. To avoid this problem, you can take fruits, beans, brown rice etc. 
  • You can also chew sugar-free chewing gum to get rid of dry mouth. This increases the production of saliva in the mouth and reduces bad breath. Keep in mind that consumption of alcohol or coffee dries the mouth. 
  • Some home remedies or things can help in reducing bad breath. Eating fennel increases the production of saliva in the mouth and reduces bad breath. Apart from this, fennel has antibacterial properties, which eliminate the bacteria present in the mouth. Eating a little fennel after eating food is very beneficial for bad breath. 
  • If you want, you can also use mouthwash in case of bad breath. This will give you relief from bad breath for some time, but this remedy is not beneficial for a long time. Remember that using only mouthwash is not enough, along with this, brushing regularly is also necessary. 
  • Many people do not change their toothbrush for a very long time, which can cause bad breath as germs can accumulate on your toothbrush and enter your mouth. Toothbrushes should be changed every 3 to 4 months and use a brush with soft bristles. 
  • Smoking and tobacco are the main causes of bad breath, so if you have a habit of smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco, try to quit this habit. 
  • Regular dental checkups help dentists diagnose your dental problems early and treat them properly. You should visit your dentist at least twice a year so that they can check your teeth properly.

(Read more - Oral Hygiene Tips: Brushing, Flossing)

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Most cases of bad breath are caused by poor oral health and in very few cases it is a symptom of a serious condition. Although you should visit your dentist regularly, but go to your doctor immediately in the following symptoms or conditions -

  • I have had a problem with bad breath for a very long time.
  • Having a fever
  • Bad breath not going away even after home remedies and other tips.
  • Having ulcers in the mouth. 
  • Having white spots in the mouth. 
  • Pain while chewing or swallowing. 
  • Newborns or young children having a problem with bad breath.
  • White spots on tonsils. 

(Read more - How to Treat Shortness of Breath at Home)

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Proper oral hygiene is most important to get rid of bad breath. Clean your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day and also brush your tongue, as bacteria accumulation on the tongue can cause bad breath. After eating, rinse your mouth with mouthwash or lukewarm water with salt. Drink more water so that the mouth does not remain dry, as dehydration also causes bad breath. Avoid garlic, onion and spicy food, which can increase bad breath. If the problem persists, contact a dentist for any serious problem with teeth or gums. Consuming ginger, fennel or mint can also be helpful in maintaining freshness.

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