Blood in stool refers to the passage of blood from anus, usually with or after stool. Bleeding may be mild or severe, which is either seen on toilet paper or in the toilet bowel.

Though it is usually caused due to rectal bleeding, blood in stools may as well be coming from other parts of the digestive tract including stomach and intestines. This is ascertained by the colour of blood. Bright red (haematochezia) bleeding usually indicates the involvement of anus, rectum or sigmoid colon, whereas dark red, maroon or black (melaena) coloured bleeding along with the presence of a foul smell indicates bleeding from stomach, small intestine, transverse colon or right colon. Many a time, blood loss may be slow and not visible to the naked eye. This is known as occult blood and is detected only through stool examination.

Blood in stools is usually an associated symptom of health conditions such as haemorrhoids (piles), anal fissure, anal fistula or abscess, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease), gastroenteritis, diverticulitis/diverticulosis, peptic ulcers, polyps, injury, angiodysplasias and colon or rectal cancer. Depending on the condition, a patient may also experience dizziness, weakness, fainting, confusion, low blood pressure and rectal pain or pressure along with blood in stools. Prolonged blood loss can result in anaemia.

Physical examination including rectal examination and tests like blood tests, stool test, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, anoscopy and upper endoscopy help to determine the cause of this condition.

Depending on the diagnosis and totality of symptoms, various remedies like arsenicum album, crotalus horridus, hamamelis, lachesis mutus, leptandra, nitricum acidum, nux vomica and phosphorus are prescribed for treating this condition. These remedies consider individual characteristics of patient’s personality and physiology. Dosage of the remedy also varies on the basis of each individual case.

  1. Homeopathic medicines for blood in stools
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for a patient with blood in stools as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for blood in stools
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatments for blood in stools
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Blood in Stool

Some of the most important homeopathic remedies that are helpful in treating blood in stool are listed below. The symptoms mentioned under each remedy prompt a homeopathic physician to choose the said remedy.

  • Arsenicum Album
    Common name: Arsenic trioxide
    Symptoms: Patients who benefit from arsenicum album have some of the following smptoms:
    • Small, offensive, dark stools containing blood
    • Burning and pressure in rectum and anus
    • Weakness and exhaustion after passing stool
    • Haemorrhoids that burn like fire
    • Corroded anal skin
    • Symptoms that are worse at night, after eating and drinking and after consuming alcohol or stale meat
    • Extreme restlessness with anxiety, especially about health
    • Thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals
  • Crotalus Horridus
    Common name: Poison of rattlesnake
    Symptoms: Crotalus horridus acts as a great sedative. It is an excellent remedy for diseases in the last stage, like rectal cancer. Symptoms that respond well to this remedy are as follows:
    • Bleeding from various orifices of body
    • Offensive, dark stools containing blood which does not clot easily
    • Blood oozing out of rectum while walking or standing
    • A tendency to develop cancer of the liver and gastrointestinal tract
    • A tendency for intestinal bleeding
    • Hot, bloated and tender abdomen
    • Infections like typhoid, yellow fever, diphtheria, septicaemia, exhausting diarrhoea and vomiting
    • Usually right-sided symptoms
  • Hamamelis Virginiana
    Common name: Witch hazel
    Symptoms: Hamamelis virginiana is a remedy indicated in cases of bleeding from veins in any part of the body, especially after operations. It acts well on individuals having the following symptoms:
    • Profuse bleeding with dark, tar-like blood and small clots in case of haemorrhage due to piles, typhoid and dysentery
    • Hard stools coated with mucus
    • Extreme weakness from blood loss
    • Pulsations in the rectum with itching, and soreness in anus
    • Symptoms that are worse in warm, moist air
  • Lachesis Mutus
    Common name: Surukuku snake poison
    Symptoms: This remedy is particularly suited to women during menopause. Individuals who respond well to lachesis have the following symptoms:
    • Constipation with offensive stools and constricted feeling in anus
    • Rectal pain while sneezing and coughing
    • Presence of black coloured blood in stools
    • Prolapsed haemorrhoids that are purple in colour
    • Intolerance to tight clothing around the neck and waist
    • Symptoms that are worse at night
    • Cancers, boils, ulcers, pustules or haemorrhoids that bleed profusely with delayed clotting
    • Predominantly left-sided symptoms
  • Leptandra Virginica
    Common name: Culver’s root
    Symptoms: Leptandra virginica is an effective remedy for blood in stools when it is present with the following symptoms and conditions:
  • Nitricum Acidum
    Common name: Nitric acid
    Symptoms: Nitricum acidum works well in those who have been treated with or have overused mercurial remedies in the past. It suits people with the following characteristics and symptoms:
    • Chronic diseases with a tendency for recurrent cold and diarrhoea, especially in the elderly
    • Anal fissure with violent splinter-like pain during and after passing stool that lasts for hours even with soft stool
    • Prolapse of rectum and haemorrhoids, which bleed profusely with bright red blood
    • Symptoms that are worse in the evening and at night
  • Nux Vomica
    Common name: Poison nut
    Symptoms: This remedy is well suited to lean and irritable individuals who get angry pretty easily and are prone to gastric complains and piles. Nux vomica is an efficacious medicine for treating blood in stool when it is present with the following symptoms:
    • Severe constipation with hard and difficult stools covered with streaks of blood
    • Constant urge to pass stool but a very small quantity is passed
    • Colicky and constricted pain rectum
    • Slimy and bloody mucus in stools in case of diarrhoea
    • Piles with sticking and burning pain in rectum
    • Symptoms generally triggered by excessive tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco and spicy foods, lack of sleep, overexertion and medicine overdose or abuse
    • Symptoms that are worse in the morning, with mental exertion and after eating spicy foods
  • Phosphorus
    Common name: Phosphorus
    Symptoms: Phosphorus works well in lean, tall and emaciated individuals who are extremely nervous and oversensitive to heat, light, touch and noise. People who benefit from phosphorus have the following symptoms:
    • A tendency for bleeding where even small wounds bleed profusely with bright red blood
    • Offensive stool and flatus (gas)
    • Constipation with hard, long and narrow stools which are difficult to expel
    • Extreme weakness after passing stool
    • Bleeding piles
    • Weakness and prostration after the slightest loss of body fluids through diarrhoea, vomiting or bleeding
    • Swollen, puffy eyes with dark circles; sickly appearance
    • Craving for cold water
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  • Since homeopathic medicines are given in very small doses, take utmost care to preserve these medicines by keeping them away from direct sunlight and strong fragrances.
  • Go for daily walks in fresh air in almost all kinds of weather.
  • Do light manual labour to strengthen muscles. Some exercises also help to relax the mind.
  • Take a healthy and nutritious diet.


  • Avoid certain foods and cosmetics that can interfere with the cure and medicines. This includes:
    • strong-smelling foods and drinks like coffee, herb teas, fine liquors prepared with medicinal spices and spiced chocolate
    • medicinally compounded tooth powders and mouthwashes
    • perfumed sachets
    • strong-scented flowers
    • highly seasoned foods and sauces
    • frozen foods like ice creams
    • raw herbs on soups, medicinal herbs in foods
    • celery, parsley, stale cheese and meats
  • Avoid long afternoon naps. It is important to avoid mental strain to achieve improvement in health. 

Conventionally, patients who notice chronic or recurrent bleeding from the gastrointestinal system are often subjected to various medicines, which may not provide a permanent solution to their condition. Homeopathy offers a simple and safer way to manage and treat this condition at a deeper level, thereby leading to cure or remission in a majority of cases. Homeopathic remedies treat not only diseases but also the predisposition of a person to certain diseases, called miasm.

In most cases, blood in stool is due to haemorrhoids, anal fissure, fistula in ano, abscesses, ulcerative colitis or peptic ulcer. Appropriate remedies are prescribed on the basis of homeopathic principles and detailed clinical history of an individual. The indicated remedy then helps in treating the cause as well as pain and other associated symptoms like blood loss and anaemia. For example in case of constipation and diarrhoea, a remedy would aim at regulating bowel movements, stabilising the blood pressure and restoring energy levels along with providing respite from pain.

According to a case report, a patient who had been suffering from ulcerative colitis for ten years sought homeopathic treatment after unsatisfactory results with conventional medicine. The patient started improving within three to four months of homeopathic treatment and became symptom-free at the time of his last follow-up.

An observational study conducted to determine the efficacy of homeopathy in the treatment of haemorrhoids found that it helped improve individual health in terms of symptom severity and anoscopic scores. However, controlled studies are required to ascertain efficiency levels in varied cases and conditions.

Homeopathic medicines are highly diluted and potentised; hence, these are essentially safe and are not known to cause side effects. However, it is important that one seeks help from a qualified homeopathic physician for a correct and genuine homeopathic remedy and its dosage.[

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Blood in stool, varying from trivial to most serious forms, can be caused due to various health conditions ranging from piles and gastroenteritis to rectal and colon cancer. It is important to find the exact cause of this condition for an effective treatment. Homeopathy is a very safe mode of medication without any noted side effects. Detailed case history and individual miasms guide a physician to the appropriate remedy that is well suited to an individual.

When taken under the guidance of an experienced physician, homeopathic medicines can provide relief in acute episodes as well as prevent the recurrent appearance of blood in stools. 

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Ananya Gupta

Dr. Ananya Gupta

3 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience


  1. Healthdirect Australia. Blood in stool. Australian government: Department of Health.
  2. Kaushik Deb Das. et al. Treatment of hemorrhoids with individualized homeopathy: An open observational pilot study. J Intercult Ethnopharmacol. 2016 Sep-Dec; 5(4): 335–342. PMID: 27757262.
  3. H.C. Allem. Keynotes And Characteristics With Comparisons of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica. B. Jain Publishers. 8th Edition.
  4. William Beoricke. Homeopathic Materia Medica. Homeopathic Materia Medica. Médi-T,1999.
  5. Samuel Hahnemann. Organon Of Medicine. 6th edition. [aphorisms: 259 to 261; 264, 265, 269; 272 and 274].
  6. Wenda Brewster O’really PhD. Organon of the Medical art. Dr Samuel Hahnemann, 1st edition 2010 , 3rd impression 2017, pg 227, 228 and 229, aphorisms 259, 261 and 263.
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