Gastritis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach. It may occur due to stomach infections, alcohol or overuse of certain anti-inflammatory medications and may lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, indigestion, blood in vomit, weight loss, blood in stool, hiccups and burning stomach pain. Some allergic and immune system disorders may also lead to gastritis. If left untreated, the inflamed stomach lining may erode and gets exposed to stomach acids, leading to ulceration and bleeding. Gastritis can be acute, severe attacks last for 1 to 2 days or chronic, involving a long-term loss of appetite and nausea.

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Conventionally, gastritis is treated with antacids, antibiotics and other medications depending on the underlying cause of the disease. 

Homeopathy describes many medicines for the management of inflammatory conditions of the digestive tract and the symptoms associated with it. Some commonly used homeopathic medicines for gastritis are ipecacuanha, kalium bichromicum, nux vomica, oxalicum acidum, phosphorus, bismuthum subnitricum, cuprum metallicum, antimonium tartaricum, arsenicum album and hydrastis canadensis. 

Homeopathic therapy is quite unique and individualised since a doctor considers every aspect of the patient's personality (including both his/her mental and physical characteristics) along with the disease symptoms to choose the right remedy for them. Hence, a remedy may not have the same effect on two people.

  1. Homeopathic medicines for gastritis
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for a gastritis patient as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for gastritis
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatments for gastritis
  5. Takeaway
  • Ipecacuanha
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Ipecac-root is primarily used for nerve irritations that cause spasms in the chest and stomach. It helps in the management of nausea and vomiting in case of acute gastritis. Other symptoms that can be treated with ipecacuanha are:
    • Excessive salivation
    • Hiccups
    • Throwing up blood, food, bile or mucus

The symptoms aggravate on lying down and exposure to mist or warm wind.

  • Kalium Bichromicum
    Common Name:
    Bichromate of potash
    Symptoms: Kalium bichromicum has a special affinity to the inner lining of the stomach and intestine. Thus, it is mainly used in the treatment of acute and chronic gastric disturbances. This remedy can also be used in the management of:
    • Stomach ulcers
    • Inflammation of the stomach lining
    • Vomit that appears like bright yellow–coloured water
    • A sensation of heaviness along with severe pain in the abdomen after eating
    • An inability to digest meat
    • Nausea and vomiting immediately after drinking beer

Symptoms worsen in the morning and in hot climatic conditions. Drinking beer also aggravates the symptoms. Symptoms get better from heat.

  • Nux Vomica
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Nux vomica is used for treating acute and chronic inflammatory conditions of the stomach, especially the one caused by alcohol abuse. It can be used for treating the following symptoms:
    • Bloating
    • Burps with a sour and bitter after-taste
    • Nausea in the morning and after eating food
    • Indigestion and difficulty in belching of gas
    • Vomiting
    • Heaviness and pain in the stomach that worsens after eating

All symptoms worsen in dry and cold weather, in the morning, after eating spicy food, and with mental exertion. Symptoms get better in humid and rainy weather, in the evening, and after taking enough rest.

  • Oxalicum Acidum
    Common Name:
    Sorrel acid
    Symptoms: This remedy is mainly used in the treatment of acute gastritis but can also treat chronic gastritis and gastroenteritis, i.e., inflammation of the stomach and intestinal linings. It is also useful for other symptoms like:
    • Severe pain in the abdomen
    • Flatulence
    • Burning sensation in the abdomen
    • Bitter and sour burps that worsen at night
    • Stomach tender to touch
    • Burning pain in the stomach that extends to the upper part of the abdomen

Symptoms worsen at about 3 a.m, when the patient thinks about them or lies on their left sides.

  • Phosphorus
    Common Name: Phosphorus
    Symptoms: Phosphorus is primarily used to treat issues of the mucous membranes (inner lining of the stomach) such as inflammation and degeneration. It is effective in both acute and chronic gastritis and gastritis caused due to alcohol abuse. Phosphorus can also be used to manage the following symptoms:
    • Stomach pain and vomiting
    • Excessive belching after every meal that leaves a sour taste in mouth
    • Inflammation of the stomach lining 
    • An empty sensation in the abdomen
    • Burning sensation in the stomach that extends to bowel and throat

All complaints worsen due to change of weather, getting wet in hot weather, consuming warm foods and drinks, lying on the left side, and with exertion. Bathing with cold water, exposure to open air, consuming cold food, lying on the right side and sleeping help in ameliorating the symptoms.

  • Bismuthum Subnitricum
    Common Name:
    Precipitated sub-nitrate of bismuth
    Symptoms: This remedy is mainly used for the treatment of chronic inflammation and irritation of the digestive tract including the stomach and the intestine, but may also be helpful in acute conditions. It helps alleviate the following symptoms:
    • Vomiting and belching after drinking anything
    • Slow digestion
    • Stomach pain
    • Headache
  • Cuprum Metallicum
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Following are the symptoms that can be effectively managed using cuprum metallicum:
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Diarrhoea
    • Metallic taste
    • A gurgling sound when the fluid descends down after drinking a liquid
    • Tenderness in the abdominal region

Symptoms worsen after vomiting and before the onset of periods. Drinking cold water can help in relieving the symptoms.

  • Antimonium Tartaricum
    Common Name:
    Tartar emetic
    Symptoms: Antimonium tartaricum helps manage symptoms like the presence of blood and mucus in stool. Other symptoms that can be treated with this medicine include:
    • Difficulty in swallowing food
    • Nausea and vomiting after taking a meal
    • Nausea that is followed by headache, yawning and watering of eyes
    • Flatulence
    • A sensation of pressure in the abdominal region, especially when bending forward
    • Partial loss of consciousness

All the symptoms worsen in cold and humid weather, in the evening, on lying down at night, and after consuming sour foods and milk. Symptoms get better when the patient burps or expectorates (excess phlegm production) or sits in an erect posture. 

  • Arsenicum Album
    Common Name: Arsenious acid
    Symptoms: Arsenious acid is one of the best therapies for individuals who tend to get exhausted after slight work. It works best against burning pains, weakness, irritability and restlessness and is an excellent remedy for stomach inflammation that occurs due to excessive alcohol intake. Some other symptoms that can be effectively managed using arsenicum album are:
    • Indigestion
    • Extremely irritable stomach
    • Nausea and vomiting after eating or drinking anything; the patient can't even tolerate the smell of food.
    • Burning sensation and pain in the stomach
    • Heartburn
    • Long-lasting burps
    • Swallowed food seems to accumulate in the oesophagus instead of entering the stomach
    • Vomiting of mucus and blood

Symptoms worsen post-midnight, especially if it is rainy outside. Eating and drinking cold foods and drinks also exacerbate the symptoms. The patient feels temporary relief when he/she keeps their head elevated and takes warm beverages.

  • Hydrastis Canadensis
    Common Name:
    Golden seal
    Symptoms: Hydrastis canadensis is the most suitable therapy for individuals who have excessive mucus discharge from the nose, throat and stomach. It is useful in the management of pain and ulceration of mucous membranes (inner lining of some organs) and treats both acute and chronic gastritis. Other symptoms that can be treated using this medicine are:
    • Rhythmic throbbing sensation in the upper abdomen
    • Weakened digestion
    • A constant stomach ache
    • Ulcer and inflammation of the stomach lining
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To get the maximum benefit from homeopathic treatment, doctors suggest the following dietary and lifestyle guidelines to their patients:


  • Include physical exercise in your routine.
  • Eat nutritious and healthy food.
  • Maintain good hygiene.
  • In acute conditions, gratify your desire related to foods and drinks.


  • Do not drink beverages that contain caffeine or have a strong odour
  • Do not eat spicy food items, meats in decomposed forms and food that have medicinal properties.
  • Avoid all the excesses in food including salt and sugar.
  • Avoid overexertion of the mind.

When followed properly, these guidelines help improve the symptoms faster.

Homeopathic medicines help in the management of the commonly experienced symptoms in both acute and chronic gastritis. These medicines can also be effectively used in the management of gastroenteritis, i.e., inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestine.

A case study done at the National University of Health Sciences, USA, a 53-year-old gastritis patient reported relief from gastritis symptoms after taking individualised homeopathic medicines.

A 2010 study indicated that homeopathic remedies like nux vomica and calendula suppress the harmful effects of H.pylori (a bacteria that causes stomach ulcers) on the stomach and is hence effective in the treatment of gastritis and the ulcers caused due to gastritis).

However, more evidence is needed to prove the efficiency of homeopathic medicines in the treatment of gastritis.


Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances that are extensively diluted prior to administration. Hence, these medications are found to be effective and safe in a wide range of the population. Homeopathic medicines are said to be safe for pregnant women, children and the elderly. However, it is always advisable that you visit a qualified physician before taking a homeopathic remedy.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach that occurs due to various factors including alcohol abuse, infections and allergies. Although there are many conventional remedies for this condition, the long-term use of anti-inflammatory medicines may also lead to gastritis. Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances and are said to be free of side effects. Along with the medicines, homeopathic doctors also suggest their patients make some changes in their diet and lifestyle. It is best to follow the doctor's advice to promote quick recovery. 


  1. National Health Service [Internet]. UK; Gastritis
  2. Better health channel. Department of Health and Human Services [internet]. State government of Victoria; Gastritis
  3. William Boericke. Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Kessinger Publishing: Médi-T 1999, Volume 1
  4. The European Comittee for Homeopathy. Benefits of Homeopathy. Belgium; [Internet]
  5. Partha Pratim Pal, Madhu Sudhan Ghosh, Abhijit Chakma. Homoeopathic treatment of ulcerative Colitis: A case report. Year : 2017 Volume : 11 Issue : 1 Page : 74-78
  6. Wenda Brewster O’Reilly. Organon of the Medical art by Wenda Brewster O’Reilly . B jain; New Delhi
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