The inability to digest milk or dairy products is a sign of lactose intolerance. It is a sign that you cannot produce enough lactase or hydrochloric acid to break down casein protein. Digestion can be compromised by things like stress, lack of exercise, excess travel, consumption of stimulants like coffee, chili or stale or heavily processed food. But if your body is unable to digest dairy products then you must do some treatment for it. Here we are telling you about two methods:

(Read More – Lactose)

  1. Benefits Of Ayurvedic For Lactose Intolerance
  2. Ayurvedic Ways To Digest Dairy Products
  3. Summary

According to Ayurveda, the root cause of all types of diseases is weak digestion or indigestion. Breaking down or giving up dairy products to solve lactose intolerance can boost your digestion and metabolism. However, for those who wish to continue eating dairy, Ayurveda has some simple solutions to improve lactose tolerance.

All dairy products should only be eaten with certain foods. They should never be eaten with fresh fruit or fish. Cold milk is considered a poison while hot milk is regarded as a healing elixir in Ayurveda. Most dairy products served cold these days are difficult to digest. Apart from ghee, all other dairy products are considered heavy and difficult to digest. But, they are highly respected for their deep nourishing quality and their ability to provide peace of mind, especially cow's milk (as it is considered sattvic).

Vata (air/season) and Pitta (fire/water) constitutions can benefit from the consumption of dairy products. It is also considered an elixir for Pitta body types, especially yogurt which can soothe the body in the heat or during intense physical activities.

Kapha (water/earth) constituents should avoid dairy products as these act as poison for them. Most people with Kapha body type are naturally intolerant to milk. This can lead to constipation, sinus, headaches and other digestive issues. Dairy products can be made easier to digest by following these methods –

(Read More – Dairy Products)

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Mix Milk With Water For Lactose Intolerance

People who are allergic to milk should mix equal amounts of water and milk. It should be boiled with spices like cardamom, cinnamon, ginger or cloves to promote digestion and consumed hot.

Benefits Of Eating Ghee For Lactose Intolerant

Butter should be converted into ghee form. Ghee is sweet to eat and light to cook so it encourages digestion. It is more stable, lactose-free and suitable for all physical compositions.

(Read more - Malabsorption Syndrome)

Benefits Of Cheese For Lactose Intolerance

Cheese should be consumed with a digestive antidote like black pepper to neutralize the mucus-forming effect. Fresh ricotta, feta or paneer are better than yellow cheeses as they are easier to digest and lighter.

Benefits Of Buttermilk For Lactose Intolerance

Curd congests the nasal channels, so it is better to consume it as lukewarm buttermilk or as a light lassi (lassi is prepared by mixing water and spices)

(Read More – Milk Allergy)

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Benefits Of Ice Cream Between Meals For Lactose Intolerant

Cream or ice-cream should generally be avoided by everyone as they are heavy and difficult to digest. If you are going to eat them, it is best to eat them between meals. Start by drinking 1 tablespoon of milk every day, increasing the dosage to one glass over a period of six weeks. It is best to use non-homogenized and vat pasteurized milk which is easy to digest.

(Read More – Ghee in Your Diet: Health Benefits)

Lactose intolerance is a common condition in which the body cannot properly digest the lactose found in milk and dairy products. Ayurveda recommends several natural remedies and dietary changes for this problem. First, it is recommended to limit the intake of lactose-containing foods. Instead, lactose-free dairy alternatives can be used. Also, consuming Ayurvedic herbs such as ginger, black pepper, and myrobalan can help with digestion. Including fruits and vegetables rich in prebiotic fiber in the diet improves intestinal health. Also, doing yoga and pranayama regularly strengthens the digestive system. According to Ayurveda, the symptoms of lactose intolerance can be reduced by proper lifestyle and balanced diet.

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