Penis infection is a very common problem for men. Usually due to moisture, infection-causing fungi accumulate around the penis. Moist skin is most favorable for these fungi. Due to this, their effect gradually increases. The front part of the penis is most affected by the infection. Sometimes the infection increases so much that it also affects the foreskin of the penis.

If there is an infection in the penis, it can be treated only by a doctor. However, if it is the initial stage of infection or the condition is not very serious, then its symptoms can be reduced to a great extent with home remedies. Below are some home remedies, with the help of which penis infection and its symptoms can be reduced.

Read More - (Penile Yeast Infection)

  1. Use Tea Tree Oil To Prevent Penis Infection
  2. Using Curd For Penis Infection Is Beneficial
  3. Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Get Rid Of Penis Infection
  4. Keep Cleanliness Regularly To Cure Penis Infection
  5. Summary

Tea tree oil is a very beneficial medicine for any type of infection. The antibacterial and antifungal properties present in it help in curing the infection and also prevent it from growing.

Required Ingredients

  • A bowl of lukewarm clean water
  • A dry towel
  • Two to four teaspoons of tea tree oil

Method of use

  • First of all, wash and clean the infected part thoroughly with water.
  • Now dry it with a towel and remove moisture.
  • After drying thoroughly, apply tea tree oil on the penis and its surrounding parts with light hands. Do not rub too much while applying.
  • Do not wear clothes until the oil dries. If very necessary, wear light clothes which are not directly in contact with that part.

When to use

  • Using this process twice a day gives rapid benefits.
  • Do not stop the process as soon as the improvement is seen, continue it for a few days

Read More - (Itching in penis)

Tea Tree Essential Oil
₹360  ₹400  10% OFF

Curd is full of many properties. The antifungal properties present in it are very helpful in preventing any type of infection from growing. It is effective in both cases, consuming curd and applying it on the infected part. Firstly, it cools the infected skin, and the good bacteria present in it help in curing the infection quickly.

Required ingredients

  • One bowl of curd (containing bacteria)
  • One bowl of lukewarm water
  • One clean towel

Method of use

  • First of all, wash the infected part with clean water and dry it thoroughly.
  • After it dries, apply a paste of curd on the penis and around it.
  • Leave the paste like this till it dries, wear clothes only if it is very necessary.

When to use
Use this process twice a day (morning and evening), doing so gives quick relief.

Read More - (Pain in penis)

Apple cider vinegar has many properties that help fight infection. Sometimes people do not like its smell, but with the passage of time the smell of vinegar evaporates. Applying vinegar can sometimes cause skin irritation, in such a situation a little water can be added while applying vinegar.

Required materials

  • A bowl of clean water
  • A clean towel
  • Two to four teaspoons of apple cider vinegar

Method of use

  • First of all, wash and clean the infected area with water.
  • After this, wipe it with a clean towel and dry it.
  • After drying thoroughly, apply vinegar on the infected areas. Now let it dry.
  • Wear any clothes only after it dries thoroughly.

When to use
Using it twice a day can prove beneficial. However, first try applying a small amount of vinegar, if you are experiencing excessive burning sensation then do not use this method.

Read More - (Reproductive System Infection)

Delay Spray For Men
₹349  ₹499  30% OFF

This problem can be got rid of by maintaining proper cleanliness in the initial stages of infection. Not only this, by keeping the genitals clean on a daily basis, one can also protect oneself from infection.

Required materials

  • Lightly lukewarm clean water
  • Clean and soft towel

How to use

  • First of all, wash the penis and its surrounding parts thoroughly with water.
  • Do not use any type of soap or gel.
  • Now dry thoroughly with a dry towel. Keep in mind that infection spreads rapidly in moist places, so do not allow moisture at all.
  • After drying thoroughly, wear undergarments made of light fabric.

When to use

  • Maintaining constant cleanliness is the most important step during infection.
  • Washing and drying the infected area two to three times a day helps prevent the infection from spreading.

All the home remedies mentioned are effective. It is better to use home remedies if the infection is detected in the early stages. If the infection is not serious, it is advisable to use home remedies before using any medicine. Medicines increase the risk of side effects. Whereas, by using traditional remedies, heavy expenses on medicines can also be avoided.

Read More - (Chlamydia)

Some home remedies can be helpful in treating penis infection, but consult a doctor. First of all, it is very important to take care of cleanliness. Washing the affected area with mild antiseptic soap and lukewarm water can help reduce the infection. Applying coconut oil, which is rich in antibacterial and antifungal properties, gently can provide relief from infection. Consuming turmeric, which has natural antiseptic properties, or making a paste and applying it externally can be beneficial. Also, wearing loose and cotton clothes that allow for air circulation is important during the infection. If the condition does not improve, seek medical advice soon.

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