PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) is an extremely common condition that typically affects women of reproductive age. In PCOS, there is a hormonal imbalance in the body; specifically, the level of male sex hormone (androgen) starts increasing in the body of a woman suffering from this problem. Along with this, small cysts may develop in the ovaries. Due to PCOS, many changes are seen in the body of women. Weight gain is one of the biggest problems among these changes.

(Read more: Herbal and home remedies for PCOS)

In this article, we will share how to reduce weight in PCOS.

  1. How to lose weight in PCOS
  2. Other tips for PCOS patients
  3. Takeaway
Doctors for How to lose weight in PCOS

In women suffering from PCOS, the androgen hormone levels start to rise beyond the normal level. An excessive intake of calories along with this hormonal imbalance in the body can lead to extra fat accumulating in the body. Because of this, women start gaining weight. But women suffering from PCOS can control weight by paying attention to their diet. 

(Read more: What to eat in PCOS)

Reduce intake of sugary foods

Simply put, if you have more sugar, your calorie intake will increase, which can lead to weight gain. Women suffering from PCOS should reduce the quantity of sugary foods in their diet to a minimum. Keep in mind that unnatural sweeteners aren’t good for you either and the nutrients are negligible in them. Along with weight gain, sugar increase the risk of developing other health problems as well. You can include things like fruits and dark chocolate in your diet instead.

(Read more: Homeopathic treatment for PCOS)

Include carbohydrates in moderation

About 70% of women with PCOS have insulin resistance. This problem occurs when the hormones present in the cells stop recognizing the effects of insulin. According to research, women suffering from PCOS and insulin resistance can become obese. In this situation, if you want to control your weight, then reduce your carbohydrate intake to a minimum, as it can worsen the insulin resistance, resulting in more chances of gaining weight.

(Read more: Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS)

Include protein in your diet

Most people are advised to have a protein-rich diet. By consuming a protein-rich diet, your weight can be controlled to a great extent. If you are suffering from PCOS, then include high protein foods like eggs, nuts, dairy products, seafood and meat in your diet. Protein can even help you burn calories indirectly. Consuming protein makes you feel less hungry, due to which you consume fewer calories, resulting in eventual weight loss.

(Read more: Weight loss tips)

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Include healthy fats in the diet

Women suffering from PCOS should include healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, coconut oil and nut butter in their diet. Healthy fat is present in all of these food items. Consuming healthy fat does not increase your weight; rather, it can help you in controlling weight. Keep in mind that you should limit unhealthy fats like refined oil, refined flour, white bread in your diet at the same time as consuming such a diet can increase your weight.

(Read more: PCOS and bloating)

Eat Fermented Foods

Women suffering from PCOS may experience problems related to the intestines. Problems such as gas and indigestion can increase your weight if they become persistent issues. In such a situation, fermented foods should be consumed to improve gut health. They contain good bacteria, which can help you keep your intestines healthy. For this, you can include fermented foods like curd, idli, dhokla and kanji in your diet.

(Read more: How to get pregnant with PCOS)

Include fiber in the diet

Women with PCOS should include plenty of fiber-rich foods in their diets such as whole grains, oats, pulses, nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios), seeds (flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, gourd seeds), oatmeal and fresh fruits and vegetables. By consuming a high fiber diet, weight can be controlled to a great extent. This diet not only controls the level of blood sugar of the body but also keeps you feeling full for longer. This helps curb cravings and you do not end up consuming more calories. In this way, your weight can be controlled.

(Read more: PCOS and heart health)

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Women suffering from PCOS should choose a healthy lifestyle along with the right diet. For this, they need to take care of certain things like:

  • Exercise at least 150 minutes a week.
  • Include minimum sugar in your diet.
  • Drink an appropriate amount of water daily at regular intervals.
  • Include foods that reduce inflammation (turmeric, spinach, olive oil, kale, salmon fish) in your diet.
  • Try to stay away from things that cause you to stress as it can make you gain weight.
  • Go for a walk in the morning or evening.
  • Include yoga and meditation in your routine.

With PCOS, you can have many other problems along with weight gain, such as irregular periods, hair loss, trouble conceiving, skin problems, increased depression, etc. If you are experiencing such symptoms of PCOS, then contact your doctor immediately. Follow the directions given by the doctor thoroughly.

(Read more: Floor exercises to stay in shape)

Dr. Ashita

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