Runny nose, also called rhinorrhoea, is a condition marked by excessive fluid discharge from the nose. This discharge may be thin or thick, clear or coloured, and intermittent or persistent. Your nose and sinuses normally produce a certain amount of mucus to keeps itself moist. Excessive secretion of mucus with watery consistency leads to rhinorrhoea.
Many conditions can lead to a runny nose, for e.g., cold weather, crying, cold and flu, nasal polyps, allergic rhinitis, nonallergic rhinitis, nasal tumours and deviated nasal septum. Most times, a runny nose does not require treatment and goes away on its own. But if it persists for more than 10 days, the diagnosis of the underlying cause is needed to treat the condition. Other symptoms that are commonly experienced with a runny nose are fatigue, facial pressure, sore throat, cough and, occasionally, fever. A runny nose due to allergies has associated symptoms like itchy and watery eyes and sneezing.
Homeopathy describes numerous medicines that can treat a runny nose and the symptoms associated with it. These include arsenicum album, gelsemium sempervirens, sabadilla, quillaya saponaria, justicia adhatoda, euphrasia officinalis, bromium, ambrosia artemisiaefolia, kalium iodatum, natrium muriaticum, natrium arsenicosum and arsenicum iodatum.