Trigeminal neuralgia, also known as tic douloureux, is considered as the most severe type of facial pain. The condition normally involves the lower part of the face and jaw but occasionally also affects the area around the nose and above the eye. It is caused due to irritation of the trigeminal nerve which supplies the forehead, cheek and lower jaw. Usually, the pain affects only one half of the face. 

Although it can occur at any age, trigeminal neuralgia is more common in people above the age of 50. Every year, around 150,000 people are diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) reports that this condition is more prevalent in women than in men.

Trigeminal neuralgia may be caused by diseases that damage the myelin covering of nerves or by pressure or injury to the trigeminal nerve. However, the exact cause is often not known. The symptoms of the condition include painful episodes triggered by touch or sound that last for a few seconds to 2 minutes.

Although conventional medicines are used to treat trigeminal neuralgia, they have numerous side effects. Patients not only have to bear the severe pain of trigeminal neuralgia but also the side effects of medicines taken. At times, these medicines fail to relieve pain and surgery may be recommended, even though the success rate is variable. Homeopathy is a safer alternative to treat the condition. Homeopathic medicines are effective in both chronic and acute cases of trigeminal neuralgia. Since these medicines are made from natural substances, they are said to be safe for use when taken under the guidance of an experienced homeopathic doctor. Aconite, arsenicum, belladonna, bryonia, china, colocynthis, magnesium phosphoricum, pulsatilla, spigelia and verbascum are a few remedies used in acute flare-up of trigeminal neuralgia.

  1. Homeopathic medicines for Trigeminal Neuralgia
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for Trigeminal Neuralgia as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for Trigeminal Neuralgia
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Trigeminal neuralgia

The following are some homeopathic remedies for trigeminal neuralgia:

  • Aconitum Napellus
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: The characteristic symptoms for the indication of aconite are restlessness, constant fear and anguish and acute sudden onset of fever. This remedy only affects the functions of the body; it does not have any effect on the structure of body tissues. Patients who benefit from this remedy also experience the following symptoms:
    • Vertigo that worsens on shaking one's head and on getting up
    • Pain at the root of nose (top part of the nose where the nose meets the forehead)
    • Numbness and a tingling sensation in cheeks
    • Left-sided neuralgia
    • Jaw pain

Symptoms aggravate in a warm room, in the evening, at night, on lying on the affected side, and dry cold winds, but feel better in open air.

  • Arsenicum Album
    Common Name:
    Arsenious acid, arsenic trioxide
    Symptoms: Arsenious acid acts on all the tissues and organs in the body. People who benefit from this remedy tend to be restless and experience worsening of symptoms at night. It helps relieve the following symptoms: 
    • Headache that is relieved on exposure to cold weather
    • Tinnitus during an outburst of pain
    • Yellow and swollen face covered with sweat
    • Burning, needle-like pain on the face
    • Pain in the tongue along with a burning sensation
    • Painful teeth

Symptoms worsen after midnight, on consuming cold food and beverages and in wet weather, but get better on having warm drinks and on elevating one's head.

  • Belladonna
    Common Name:
    Deadly nightshade
    Symptoms: Deadly nightshade works well on the nervous system, especially the parts that cause pain, twitching, and convulsions. It also has significant action on the cardiovascular system. Belladonna is used to treat dry mouth, skin flushing, especially that of the face and neuralgic pains that come and go suddenly. These patients also experience symptoms like:
    • Vertigo with a tendency to fall backwards or to the left side
    • Headache, mainly in the forehead and on the right side. It usually worsens on lying down
    • Pain that aggravates on touching the affected area, and on lying down and gets better on applying pressure
    • Throbbing pain in eyes and teeth along with swelling and pain in the tongue
    • Bluish discolouration of face along with swelling, and a sensation of heat and convulsive motion of muscles

These symptoms aggravate in the afternoon, touching the affected ara and lying down, but improve when the patient sits in a semi-erect position.

  • Colchicum Autumnale
    Common Name:
    Meadow saffron (colchicum)
    Symptoms: Meadow saffron affects mainly the periosteum (outer layer of the bones) and muscles. It is useful in the management of tearing pain, especially those that aggravate on touch, and after the evening. It also helps relieve the following symptoms:
    • Headache, specifically in the forehead and sides of the head that aggravates in the afternoon and evening
    • Contracted left pupil with tearing pain in eyes
    • Sharp, shooting pain on the outer ear, particularly below the tragus of the right ear
    • Shifting pain in the facial muscles
    • Inflammed cheeks
    • Jaw angle pain, especially on the right side
    • Dry mouth
    • Toothache

These symptoms worsen on moving the affected area, mental exertion, and from sundown to sunrise, but improve on bending forward.

  • Gelsemium Sempervirens
    Common Name:
    Yellow jasmine (gelsemium)
    Symptoms: Yellow jasmine mainly acts on the nervous system and is indicated in paralysis of motor nerves that control voluntary movement. Patients who benefit from this remedy show the following symptoms:
    • Head feels heavy 
    • Dull, heavy headache around the eyelids
    • Temple pain (pain in the sides of the head) that extends up to the ears
    • Pain in the nerve supplying around eyes along with contraction and twitching
    • Flushed face
    • Facial neuralgia
    • Contractions in facial muscles with chin trembling
    • Pain radiating from throat to ear

Symptoms worsen when thinking of the condition and in humid weather. The patient feels better in open air and on bending forward.

  • Kalium Iodatum
    Common Name:
    Iodide of potassium (kali hydriodicum)
    Symptoms: Iodide of potassium acts mainly on the connective tissues and helps reduce oedema. Those who benefit from this remedy exhibit the following symptoms:
    • Intense headache
    • Severe pain in eyes and root of the nose
    • Pain in facial nerves
    • Piercing or stabbing pain in the upper jaw
    • Piercing or deep pain in ears

Symptoms worsen at night, with warm clothing, and in damp weather, but improve on moving about in open air.

  • Magnesium Phosphoricum
    Common Name:
    Phosphate of magnesia (magnesia phosphorica)
    Symptoms: Magnesium phosphoricum is the best remedy for relieving muscle spasms and cramps, and neuralgic pain, especially those that are relieved by warmth. It also helps manage the following symptoms:
    • Vertigo
    • Pain above the eyes with eyelid twitching
    • Nerve pain in ears that worsens when the patient washes their face with cold water
    • Pain in teeth which improves on having hot drinks
    • Angina pectoris (chest pain due to reduced blood supply to the heart)

Symptoms worsen at night, on touching the affected area, and in cold weather, while they improve on putting pressure on the area and with warmth.

  • Mezereum
    Common Name:
    Spurge olive
    Symptoms: Neuralgia of teeth and face, as well as skin and bone conditions, are the important indications for this remedy. Spurge olive helps manage the following symptoms:
    • Different type of pain along
    • Extreme sensitivity to cold air
    • Aggressive neuralgia of face and teeth extending to the ear that worsens on eating and improves near a hot stove
    • Cluster headaches after an eye operation
    • Stiffness in bones around eyes along with pain that radiates downwards

Symptoms aggravate after evening and till midnight, on touching the affected area, in cold air and after consuming warm food, but get better in open air.

  • Phosphorus
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Phosphorus is used in conditions that lead to inflammation of the spinal cord and nerves and cause destruction of bones (mainly the lower jaw bone), and paralysis. It helps relieve the following symptoms:
    • Vertigo on rising in elderly people
    • Neuralgia and burning pain; affected parts must be kept warm
    • Pain in bones that surround eyes
    • Tearing pain in facial bones
    • Redness in cheeks
    • Pain in teeth after doing laundry

Symptoms worsen in the evening, on touching the affected area, and on consumption of warm food or drink. They improve in open air, in the dark, on sleeping and on lying on the right side.

  • Hecla Lava
    Common Name:
    Lava scoriae from Mt. Hecla (Hekla lava)
    Symptoms: Hecla lava acts strongly on jaws and is very effective in the management of gum abscess and bone inflammation. Those who benefit from this remedy also experience the following symptoms:
    • Nerve pain in the face after tooth extraction and due to caries
    • Toothache
    • Swelling in jaws
    • Enlarged cheekbone (maxillary bone) 
  • Verbascum Thapsus
    Common Name:
    Mullein (verbascum)
    Symptoms: Mullein is the remedy of choice in trigeminal neuralgia due to its profound action on the trigeminal nerve and ears. It also acts on the respiratory tract and bladder and helps relieve the following symptoms:
    • Neuralgia on the left side of the face, temporomandibular (jaw) joint and ear, with a sensation as if the parts are being crushed with tongs
    • Pain that occurs at the same time in the morning and afternoon every day
    • Pain in ears with a feeling as if something is stuck in the ear

These symptoms worsen on sneezing, biting hard and with change in temperature.

  • Rhus Toxicodendron
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Poison-ivy is mainly indicated in rheumatism and tearing type of pain. Patients who benefit from this remedy exhibit the following symptoms:
    • A sensation of heaviness in the head with vertigo on getting up
    • Pain in the back of the head that worsens on touch
    • Cracking of jaws on eating
    • Sensitivity of cheeks to touch
    • Nerve pain and chills in the face that worsens in the evening

Symptoms worsen at night, on resting on one's back or right side, and in cold and rainy weather. The patient feels better on rubbing the affected area or using warm applications. Warm and dry weather also improves the symptoms.

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Since homeopathic medicines are prescribed in the minimum effective dose, the diet of the patient should be devoid of substances having medicinal properties that can overwhelm or extinguish the effect of these medicines and act as an obstacle in the line of treatment. So, homeopathic physicians suggest the following dietary and lifestyle changes to their patients along with the medications: 


  • Wear cotton instead of linen garments in warm weather.
  • Be physically active by doing regular exercises and eat appropriate, non-medicinal foods for faster healing in chronic cases.
  • In acute cases, patients show a desire for certain foods and drinks. Gratifying these desires may only pose a slight obstacle in the radical removal of disease. Hence, it is advised to gratify the patient’s desires without refusing or persuading any food or drink.


  • Do not use homeopathic preparations as a substitute for conventional ways of immunisation.
  • Avoid beverages like herb tea, coffee and liquors or beer with medicinal spices
  • Avoid spicy dishes, soups and sauces made of onions, celery, meat and old cheese that have medicinal qualities.
  • These medicines must not be stored near perfumes, camphor, ether or other volatile products, as they neutralise the effect of the medicines.
  • Sedentary lifestyle and uncleanliness must be avoided.
  • Staying in damp rooms or marshy places should be avoided.

Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars. According to this law, ‘like cures like’, meaning a substance that causes a certain set of symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat the same symptoms in a sick person. A homeopathic physician chooses a remedy that has the most similar symptoms to that of the patient. The remedy acts by stimulating the innate immunity of the person and reducing inflammation.

An observational study was conducted on 15 patients diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. All the patients were prescribed individualised homeopathic medicines as oral liquid and were evaluated at the end of each month for 4 consecutive months. Overall, a 60% reduction in the intensity of pain was observed in the patients. The study indicated that homeopathic medicines are safe and effective in the management of trigeminal neuralgia.

Medicines used in homeopathy are administered in extremely minute doses. They do not interact with conventional medicines or have any side effects when taken under the guidance of an experienced physician. Thus, these remedies are considered safe and non-toxic in nature. Since the medicines are derived from natural sources such as plants, animals and minerals, they can be safely used in patients of all ages. However, since homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the basis of a patient's history and physical and mental characteristics, do not take any remedy on your own.

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Homeopathy is an effective, natural and safe system of healing that works with the body to relieve trigeminal neuralgia symptoms and improve the overall health of the patient. It is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a safe alternative to conventional medicine and can be used in children and pregnant women with no risk. Homeopathic medicines and treatment should only be taken by a qualified homeopathic practitioner to receive optimal benefits and quick, gentle and safe results in trigeminal neuralgia.

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Ananya Gupta

Dr. Ananya Gupta

3 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience


  1. British Homeopathic Association. Is homeopathy safe?. London; [Internet]
  2. National Center for Homeopathy [Internet] Mount Laurel, New Jersey, U.S Homeopathy
  3. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: US National Library of Medicine; Trigeminal neuralgia
  4. William Boericke. Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Kessinger Publishing: Médi-T 1999, Volume 1
  5. American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Trigeminal Neuralgia. USA; [internet]
  6. Mojaver YN et al. Individualized homeopathic treatment of trigeminal neuralgia: an observational study.. Homeopathy. 2007 Apr;96(2):82-6. PMID: 17437933
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