Varicocele is a medical problem related to the veins of the testicles and scrotum of men. In this condition, the veins get swollen, which causes severe pain. It also becomes the cause of infertility in men. This problem can be treated better with yoga than medicines and surgery. By doing some special yoga asanas, one can get rid of this problem quickly and completely. Let us know which yoga asanas can be beneficial for varicocele -

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  1. Yoga For Varicocele
  2. Summary
Doctors for Yoga for Men’s Varicocele: Strengthening and Stretching for Relief

Usually the problem of varicocele is seen between the ages of 15 years to 35 years. There are valves in the veins of the testicles, which carry blood from the testicles and scrotum to the heart. When these valves do not work, the blood accumulates in one place. This causes the veins around the testicle to swell and causes the problem of varicocele. It is advisable to cure the problem of varicocele with yoga instead of medicines and injections. Let us know in detail which yoga asanas are beneficial in varicocele -

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Pranayama Benefits For Varicocele

Pranayama helps in increasing blood circulation in the whole body. Varicocele is also a disease related to blood circulation, so pranayama like Kapalabhati and Anulom-Vilom can give relief from this pain by increasing blood circulation in the body. The process of doing both these types of pranayama is given below -

Process of Kapalabhati:

  • First of all sit in Vajrasana or Padmasana.
  • After this, make Chitta Mudra by placing both hands on the knees.
  • Take a deep breath inwards and exhale the breath from the nose with a jerk. While doing this, the stomach will go inwards.
  • Keep doing this continuously for a few minutes. You can do it from 35 to 100 times at a time.
  • Keep in mind that the mouth should not be opened during this.

Process of Anulom-Vilom:

  • First of all, sit with your body straight. Keep your spine and neck straight and close your eyes.
  • Now close the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand and inhale through the nostril of your left hand.
  • Now, while taking the thumb from your right nostril, close the left nostril with two fingers and exhale slowly through the right nostril.
  • After this, inhale through the right nostril and then close it with your thumb and then exhale slowly by removing the fingers from the left nostril.
  • This way, one cycle will be completed. You can do 5-6 cycles at a time.

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Dhanurasana Benefits For Varicocele

In this asana, the body looks like a bow. This asana reduces the symptoms of varicocele and increases blood circulation in the veins around the testicles in the scrotum.

Process of the asana:

  • First, spread a yoga mat on a flat surface and lie down on your stomach and keep your hands beside your body.
  • After this, bend your knees and bring your feet closer to your hips.
  • Then hold your ankles with both hands and try to lift your body up while breathing.
  • Then try to look back as much as possible.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds and keep breathing at a normal pace.
  • After this, slowly come back to normal position and rest for a while and do it again.

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Matsyasana Benefits For Varicocele

With this asana, the body takes on the shape of a fish. This asana creates a stretch in the body, which increases blood circulation in the veins and muscles. Therefore, this asana provides relief from swelling in the veins around the testicle due to varicocele. There are many ways to do this yogasana, but here we are telling you the easiest way to do it.

Process of the asana:

  • Sit in Padmasana on the yoga mat.
  • Now slowly bend backwards and lie down on your back.
  • After this, hold the left foot with the right hand and the right foot with the left hand.
  • During this, the elbows and knees will remain close to the ground.
  • After this, while breathing, try to bend the head backwards.
  • Now stay in this position for some time and keep breathing at a normal pace.
  • Now while exhaling, slowly return to the first position.
  • After resting for some time, do it again.

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Vajrasana Benefits For Varicocele

By doing this asana, one gets relief from the problem of varicocele. Varicocele patients should sit in this asana for 10 to 20 minutes. This is the easiest and most beneficial yoga asana. This is the yoga asana that can be done immediately after eating food.

Process of the asana:

  • Stand on your knees and join the thumbs of both feet together.
  • Now sit on it while maintaining a distance between the heels.
  • In this position, the entire weight of the body should be on the feet and keep both hands on the thighs.
  • The waist and the part above it should be absolutely straight.

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Padmasana Benefits For Varicocele

This asana, known as the lotus asana, gives strength to the entire body. Doing this asana daily reduces the stress of the body and increases the blood circulation in the muscles as well as the veins. This reduces the swelling of the veins of the testicle, which gives relief from pain.

Process of the asana:

  • Sit with the legs stretched out in front and keep the spine straight.
  • Bend the left knee and place the foot on the right thigh. Keep in mind that the heel should be near the stomach and the sole of the foot should be upwards.
  • Now repeat the same thing with the other leg.
  • Keep the hands on the knees in the mudra position.
  • Stay in this position and keep breathing deeply.

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Salamba Bhujangasana For Varicocele

This asana is a variation of Bhujangasana. Doing this asana improves blood circulation and relieves the body from stress. Doing this opens the valves of the veins around the testicles, which reduces swelling and reduces pain.

Procedure of the asana:

  • Lie down on the stomach, keep the toes of the feet on the floor and the forehead on the ground.
  • Keep the feet together keeping the toes and heels close to each other.
  • Keep the hands near the head and the palms should be touching the ground.
  • Now take a deep breath and slowly lift the head, chest and stomach, while the navel should remain touching the floor.
  • With the help of the hands, pull the body backwards away from the ground.
  • Stay in this position for some time and keep breathing at a normal pace.
  • After this, slowly come down while exhaling and rest for some time.

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Anand Balasana Benefits For Varicocele

This asana is very relaxing and helps in reducing stress. In this asana, you have to lie on your back and lift both your legs and hold them with your hands like a small child does. Doing this asana stretches the body, which puts pressure on the muscles and nerves. Due to this, the valves of the nerves around the testicles open and the blood flow in them increases.

Process of the asana:

  • Lie on your back and take a long deep breath.
  • Now while exhaling, bend your knees towards the chest.
  • The feet should be towards the ceiling.
  • Let the hips remain attached to the ground.
  • Hold both the legs from the inside or outside with both the hands.
  • Slowly stretch the knees and take them towards the armpit.
  • Move the legs back and forth and slowly rotate the body from one side and then the other side.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds and then slowly come back to the first position.

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Shavasana Benefits For Varicocele

This is the easiest yogasana. This asana relaxes the whole body. Along with this, mental stress is also relieved and blood flow in the body improves. This reduces the swelling in the testicular veins of men due to varicocele and provides relief from pain.

Procedure of the asana:

  • Lie on the yoga mat on your back without using a pillow or anything else and close your eyes.
  • Keep a little distance between the legs and keep the hands a little away from the body.
  • The direction of the palms should be towards the sky.
  • Relax the whole body.
  • Take slow and deep breaths and keep your full attention on the breath.
  • Make sure that you do not fall asleep while doing this asana.
  • After 10-20 minutes, when the body is completely relaxed, turn to the right side while keeping the eyes closed. Stay in that position for 1 minute. Get up and sit with the support of the right hand.
  • Take some long deep breaths while keeping the eyes closed and open the eyes slowly.

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The problem of varicocele is often ignored considering it to be a common pain, but doing so is wrong. If it is not paid attention to, it can become a big problem. If varicocele is left untreated for a long time, it can cause infertility in men. Due to this, the ability to produce sperm in men can also be affected. In such a situation, the best way to get rid of this pain is yoga.

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