Warts, medically known as verrucae, are small, rough growths that can appear on any part of the body and often resemble solid blisters. They are benign growths, resulting from a rapid increase in skin and mucosal cells, with human papillomavirus (HPV) as a common causative factor. More than 100 types of HPV virus exist, which are capable of infecting various parts of the body. 

Warts are broadly classified as genital and non-genital warts. Genital warts typically spread by sexual contact with an infected person. Non-genital warts include common warts, foot warts or plantar warts and flat warts. Common warts occur on the hands, elbows and knees, whereas plantar warts occur in the form of clusters on the sole. Plantar warts typically appear on pressure areas such as the heel. Flat warts affect the skin exposed to light and are usually seen on the face and back of the hands; it appears in the form of clusters of 20 or more. Warts may also occur due to other underlying diseases, for example, genital warts caused by syphilis

As per Homeopathic medicine, both the internal inclination to diseases (miasm) and the external virulence can cause the disease. It is commonly seen running in families, which points at the role of our innate immunity in the development of warts. Conventional methods of treating warts may cause pain and scarring. In contrast, homeopathic treatments are safe, mild, gentle, painless and follow a curative approach. Individualisation, along with wisely chosen remedies, determines the effectiveness of therapy of warts. Remedies generally used to treat skin warts include antimonium crudum, calcarea carbonica, causticum, dulcamara, ferrum picricum, natrium carbonicum, nitricum acidum and thuja occidentalis.               

  1. Homeopathic medicines for warts
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for warts patient as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for warts
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatments for warts
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Warts
  • Antimonium Crudum
    Common name: Black sulphide of antimony
    Symptoms: Antimonium crudum is used for the treatment of horn-like warts on the soles and also works well when corns and warts appear together on the soles of feet. This remedy is mainly indicated in conditions that are aggravated by heat or by bathing in cold water. Individuals who are unable to tolerate heat of the sun and experience pain when not-expected also benefit from black sulphide of antimony. It helps relieve the following symptoms:
    • Eczema with gastric derangement
    • Pimples, vesicles and pustules
    • Thick, hard, honey-coloured scabs
    • Urticaria
    • Measle-like eruption
    • Itching when warm in bed
    • Dry skin
    • Dry gangrene
    • Scaly, pustular eruption with burning and itching
    • Symptoms worsen in the evening, from heat, acids, wine, water and washing
    • Symptoms improve in open air, during rest and with moist warmth
  • Calcarea Carbonica - Ostrearum
    Common name: Carbonate of lime
    Symptoms: This remedy works well in malnourished individuals and it helps in relieving the following symptoms:
    • Unhealthy, readily ulcerating and flaccid skin
    • Small wounds that do not heal easily
    • Swollen glands on the head, neck region and near ears, generally caused by infection or stress
    • Nettle rash or urticarial rash (a raised itchy rash)
    • Warts on face and hands
    • Craving eggs
    • Eating dirt and other indigestible things
    • Symptoms worsen from physical exertion, cold weather, water, moist air, wet weather or due to standing for long periods of time
    • Symptoms improve with dry climate and weather
  • Causticum
    Common name: Hahnemann’s tinctura acris sine kali
    Symptoms: This remedy is mainly helpful for people who have a white sallow skin with warts, especially on the face. Burning, rawness and soreness in skin are characteristic symptoms for which causticum is prescribed. Other symptoms that respond to causticum are:
    • Soreness in folds of skin, back of ears and between thighs
    • Large, jagged warts on the tips of the fingers and nose that bleed easily
    • Old, painful burns that do not heal
    • Reopened old injuries
    • A tendency to develop to intertrigo (an inflammatory condition of the skin folds) during teething
    • Symptoms worsen with dry, cold winds, in clear fine weather and cold air, while they improve with damp wet weather and warmth of the bed
  • Dulcamara
    Common name: Bitter-sweet
    Symptoms: Dulcamara is most useful for facial warts that are large, flat or smooth in nature. It is highly beneficial in the treatment of skin warts that appear on hands, arms and face during the menstrual period. Symptoms that can be treated with this remedy are:
    • Inflammation of lymph nodes
    • Itching that worsens in cold and wet weather
    • Swollen and indurated (hardened) glands from cold
    • Vesicular eruptions (blisters)
    • Sensitive ulcers that bleed easily
    • Little boils
    • Red spots
    • Urticaria brought on by a sour stomach
    • Humid eruptions on the face, genitals, hands and other parts
    • Generalised swelling of the body
    • Thick brown-yellow crusts that bleed when scratched
    • Symptoms worsen at night, from cold and damp weather
    • Symptoms get better from moving about and external warmth
  • Ferrum Picricum
    Common name: Picrate of iron
    Symptoms: Ferrum picricum is considered a great remedy to complete or enhance the action of other medicines, often by means of synergism. It is seen to act best in dark-haired patients, indicating the majority of the Indian population. Symptoms that generally improve by using this remedy are: 
    • Failure of an organ under exertion, e.g., the voice fails after public speaking
    • Corns with yellowish discolouration
    • Hands covered with warts
  • Natrium Carbonicum
    Common name: Carbonate of sodium
    Symptoms: Symptoms that respond well to natrium carbonicum include:
    • Dry, rough and cracked skin
    • Eruptions on fingertips, knuckles and toes
    • Vesicular eruptions in patches and circles
    • Sore and raw skin on the soles of the feet
    • An inclination to perspire easily
    • Symptoms worsen with long periods of sitting, summer heat, mental exertion, changes in weather and sun exposure
  • Nitricum Acidum
    Common name: Nitric acid
    Symptoms: Symptoms that are relieved by this remedy include:
    • Large, jagged warts that bleed on washing
    • Ulcers that bleed easily, are sensitive with splinter-like pains, have a zigzag shape with irregular edges and a base that looks like raw flesh
    • Black pores on face
    • Papules, which are worse on the forehead
    • Symptoms worsen in cold and hot weather, in the evening and at night.
  • Thuja Occidentalis
    Common name: Arbor vitae
    Symptoms: Thuja occidentalis is a well-accepted remedy for warts that are seedy, large or pedunculated and arise on any part of the body. Symptoms that respond to thuja are:
    • Warts and ulcers arising in the anogenital region
    • Freckles and blotches
    • Excessive perspiration
    • Dry skin with brown spots
    • Herpetic eruptions
    • Tearing pain in glands
    • Crippled, brittle and soft nails
    • Eruptions on covered parts that worsen after scratching
    • Sarcoma (malignant tumour of connective tissue)
    • Brown spots on hands and arms
    • Symptoms worsen at night from the heat of the bed, cold, damp air, after breakfast or coffee, in obese patients and after vaccination
  • Silicea Terra
    Common name: Silica, pure flint
    Symptoms: Silicea terra works by promoting the expulsion of foreign bodies from tissues. Symptoms that respond well to this remedy are:
    • Old fistulous ulcers
    • Eruptions that itch only in the daytime and evenings
    • Indurated tumours
    • Abscesses of the joints
    • Scars that suddenly become painful
    • Dry fingertips
    • Rose-coloured blotches
    • Symptoms worsen in the morning, in damp conditions, from washing, during menses, on uncovering the wounds or by lying on the left side
    • Symptoms improve during warm summers and by covering the head
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  • Follow a healthy diet and lifestyle
  • Keep your room cool and well ventilated
  • Keep your surroundings clean and tidy
  • Wear comfortable clothes, preferably cotton, that do not stick to the body but allow air circulation


  • Avoid strong smelling and stimulating drinks like caffeinated drinks, fine Chinese tea, other herbal teas, beer and herbal liquor
  • Avoid strong-smelling products like perfumes
  • Avoid spicy foods, old cheese, sauces, spiced chocolates and spiced cakes
  • Avoid foods with roots, stalks and herbs of plants possessing medicinal properties
  • Avoid dishes with onions, celery and meats in a state of decomposition or foods that possess medicinal properties, e.g., the meat of ducks, geese and pork, young veal, and sour food items
  • Avoid all excesses in food, including the excess of sugar, salt and spirituous drinks

Homeopathy classifies warts as a one-sided disease (a disease expressing few symptoms) and further as external local maladies. Consequently, warts treatment is based on the location and type of warts. The homeopathic treatment for warts mainly uses constitutional medicines. This means that a single remedy is recommended on the basis of the totality of symptoms including individual tendencies to particular conditions. Apart from providing long term relief it also reduces the stress of multiple therapy administration. 

Homeopathic remedies that are selected and prescribed by a qualified homeopathic physician for the right indications do not produce side effects. Moreover, these remedies are well diluted and designed with high standards of safety and efficacy. Thus, they do not interfere with any other medicine either. However, not all remedies suit every person equally so it is best that you check in with a doctor before taking a remedy at home.

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Warts are skin outgrowths that can appear on any part of the skin. They usually occur due to HPV infection and are conventionally treated with cryotherapy or tissue scraping that leaves scars. Homeopathic remedies have a curative approach rather than just suppressing the condition temporarily. They have a stimulating effect on the immune system that helps fight HPV infection naturally and effectively.

These remedies are prescribed in centesimal potencies that do not have any side effects or risks. However, for effecetive recovery, it is best to take homeopathic medicines after consulting a doctor.

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Ananya Gupta

Dr. Ananya Gupta

3 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience


  1. Oscar E. Boericke. Repertory. Médi-T; [Internet]
  2. William Boericke. Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Kessinger Publishing: Médi-T 1999, Volume 1
  3. Wenda Brewster O’Reilly. Organon of the Medical art by Wenda Brewster O’Reilly. B jain; New Delhi

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