Hibiscus plants are easily available in homes. Hibiscus flowers are as beautiful to look at as they are beneficial for health. This plant, which originated in North Africa and Southeast Asia, is now found in many countries of the world. People around the world use various parts of this plant as food and medicines. The part of the hibiscus plant that holds the flowers from all sides is called the calyx. Dried calyx is used to make hibiscus tea.

Hibiscus tea has many health benefits. Hibiscus tea is consumed in many parts of the world. According to experts, this tea is considered very effective in lowering blood pressure, fighting bacteria and even losing weight.

Historically, hibiscus tea was used in African countries to reduce body temperature, treat heart disease and relieve sore throat. For years in Iran, it has been used to treat high blood pressure. Recent studies have also found hibiscus tea to be very beneficial in the treatment of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. In this article, we will tell you in detail about how to make hibiscus tea, its health benefits and side effects.

Read More - (Green Tea: Benefits)

  1. How To Make Hibiscus Tea?
  2. Benefits of Hibiscus Tea
  3. Disadvantages of Hibiscus Tea
  4. Summary

Hibiscus tea, i.e. hibiscus tea, is a type of herbal tea. It is made from the dried parts of hibiscus plants. The color of the tea is red. If we talk about its taste, it is sweet and astringent like cranberry. Hibiscus tea can be consumed both hot and cold. Although it has not been much discussed like green tea and black tea, looking at its health benefits, its popularity is gradually increasing.

How to make tea - Hibiscus tea can be made both hot and cold.


  • Loose hibiscus tea or tea bags
  • One and a half cups of water

How to make

  • First of all, heat the water. You can also use an electric kettle.
  • Set the temperature of the kettle to 208°F. Now add loose hibiscus tea to it and let it heat up. If you are using tea bags, then pour the hot water into a cup and leave a tea bag in it for some time.
  • When the color of the tea turns red, you can add sugar, honey or date syrup as per taste.


  • Loose hibiscus tea or tea bags
  • One and a half cups of water
  • A small jar or vessel
  • Ice cubes

How to make

  • To make hibiscus iced tea, first mix loose hibiscus tea and water in a vessel. Now cover it well and keep it in the fridge for 12 hours. After that, filter it in a cup and take it out and consume it by adding ice cubes.

Tips of Hibiscus Tea

  • It is better to use loose hibiscus tea instead of tea bags.
  • Instead of sugar, consume it by mixing honey, brown sugar or date syrup.

Read More - (Oolong Tea: Health Benefits)

Hibiscus tea is considered to be one of the most beneficial beverages. Many tests conducted with hibiscus tea and extract have shown pleasant results. It is rich in many nutrients along with reducing blood sugar, obesity, and heart related diseases. You can get many benefits by consuming it.

Benefits of Hibiscus Tea for Blood Pressure

Hibiscus Tea is very effective in reducing blood pressure. High blood pressure puts extra pressure on the heart, which can weaken the heart. Also, many types of heart related diseases can arise. Many studies conducted on hibiscus tea found that it can reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. During a study, 65 people with high blood pressure were given hibiscus tea and a placebo. After six weeks, it was found that those who consumed hibiscus tea had a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure compared to placebo.

Although hibiscus tea can be a safe and natural way to reduce blood pressure. However, people who are taking medicines like hydrochlorothiazide are not advised to consume it. If you are already taking any medicine, then consult your doctor before taking hibiscus tea.

Read More - (Tulsi Tea Benefits)

Benefits Of Hibiscus Tea For Liver

Liver is one of the important organs of the body. Due to any kind of problem in it, there is a fear of many types of diseases. Many studies show that hibiscus tea helps in promoting liver health and making its functions easier.

To know its effects, 19 such people were included in the study, who were overweight. Hibiscus extract was given to these people for 12 weeks. As a result, it was found that the liver steatosis of these people improved significantly. Liver steatosis is a condition in which fat starts accumulating in the liver. This greatly increases the risk of liver failure. Another study found that the risk of liver failure can be reduced to a great extent by consuming hibiscus extract. However, the point to note here is that these studies have assessed the effects of hibiscus extract. Further research is needed to know how hibiscus tea affects the liver in humans.

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Benefits Of Hibiscus Tea For Weight Loss

Hibiscus tea can reduce weight and obesity. This has been confirmed in many studies. In one study, 36 overweight participants were given hibiscus extract or placebo. After 12 weeks, it was found that people who consumed hibiscus extract had a significant reduction in weight, body fat, and body mass index. Better results were also seen in studies conducted on animals. During the study, some obese rats were given hibiscus extract for two months. After this, a significant reduction in the weight of the rats was recorded.

It is worth noting here that all these studies have been done with hibiscus extract, more research needs to be done on what effect hibiscus tea has on the body. Experts believe that like the extract, hibiscus tea can also give effective results in reducing weight.

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Benefits Of Hibiscus Tea For Nutrients

Hibiscus tea is naturally calorie and caffeine free. It is taken in hot or iced form. Since it has an astringent taste, many people add sugar or honey for taste, due to which there is a presence of calories and carbohydrates in it. Since a compound called anthocyanin is found in hibiscus tea, experts believe that it can be beneficial for the heart.

Read More - (Benefits of Chamomile Tea)

In the above points, you learned how hibiscus can be helpful in curing many diseases. However, it is very important in what quantity hibiscus should be used. During a review of studies, it was found that there is a risk of liver damage due to the consumption of very high amounts of hibiscus extract. The same review found that hibiscus extract may react with hydrochlorothiazide (high blood pressure medicine) and acetaminophen.

According to other sources, experts believe that consuming hibiscus is not safe for those who are taking malaria medicine chloroquine. Hibiscus can reduce the effect of the medicine in the body. Apart from this, pregnant and lactating women are advised not to take hibiscus tea.

Read More - (Lemon Tea (Nimbu Chai) benefits)

To make hibiscus tea, dried hibiscus flowers are used. To make it, add 1-2 teaspoons of dried flowers to boiling water and keep it covered for 5-10 minutes. Then it can be filtered and drunk by adding honey or lemon. Hibiscus tea is beneficial for health in many ways. It is rich in antioxidants, which help in increasing  the immunity of the body. It is considered helpful in controlling high blood pressure, reducing cholesterol and weight loss. Also, it is beneficial for skin and hair health.

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