It is normal to have a slight body odor sometimes, but excessive or unpleasant body odor can cause a lot of discomfort to others and can also be embarrassing for you.

When sweat glands become overactive, body odor is produced. But this smell is not due to sweat but due to the mixing of sweat with bacteria. The bacteria that produce body odor grows rapidly in hot and humid environments.

(Read more - 5 Effective remedies to get rid of excessive sweating)

Some other causes of body odor include uncleanliness, lack of nutrients, gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, etc. Other medical problems such as genetic metabolic diseases, liver disease or diabetes are also responsible for body odor.

The primary symptom of body odor is an abnormal strong odor emanating from the body. Other symptoms include excessive sweating, weight loss, night sweats, etc.

Body odor can be treated with medicines or by taking care of hygiene. Here are some simple and natural home remedies that will help you get rid of excessive sweating and body odor by controlling the growth of bacteria.

  1. Causes Of Excessive Sweating And Body Odor
  2. Benefits Of Baking Soda To Remove Body Odor
  3. Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Body Odor
  4. Benefits Of Lemon To Remove Body Odor
  5. Benefits Of Rosemary To Reduce Body Odor
  6. Benefits Of Sage Tea For Excessive Sweating
  7. Benefits Of Witch Hazel To Remove Body Odor
  8. Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil To Remove Body Odor
  9. Benefits Of Wheatgrass To Remove Body Odor
  10. Tips For Reducing Body Odor
  11. Summary

The sweat coming out of the body does not smell but it helps in keeping the body cool. In fact, the fat present in the sweat is the food of bacteria. The waste of these bacteria causes body odor. The following are the main causes of body odor:

  • Unhygienic conditions which cause the growth of odor-producing bacteria.
  • Spicy food which causes foul smell in sweat. 
  • Excessive sweating causes bacteria to grow in the sweaty areas of the body.
  • Caffeinated drinks, the excess of which leads to excessive sweating. 
  • Alcohol addiction, which reduces the craving for more fluid intake in the body. 
  • Clothes that are not skin-friendly do not allow sweat to evaporate easily, which leads to moisture and bacteria.
  • Sugar.
  • Thyroid problems. 
  • Some medicines.

Apart from this, the amount of sweating also depends on the type of climate you live in. 10 effective home remedies to remove body odor are as follows:

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Since baking soda helps in absorbing moisture from the skin, it absorbs sweat and reduces body odor. Apart from this, it also destroys bacteria and acts as a natural deodorant.

(Read more - Body Odor in Pregnancy)

Mix one teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply it on your underarms and other parts (wherever there is excessive sweating). Leave it on for two minutes and don’t scrub at all. Wash it off with water and then take a shower. Repeat this process daily for a few weeks.

Alternatively, mix equal parts of baking soda and cornmeal. Apply it to your armpits to prevent sweat and odor. Use this remedy when you need long-term protection.

(Read more – Sweat Less, Naturally)

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful ingredient to fight bacteria. It also helps eliminate body odor by balancing the skin’s pH level.

(Read more – Vagina odor: causes, symptoms)

  • Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and rub it on your armpits. Wait for two to three minutes and then take a shower. Repeat this remedy twice a day (once in the morning and again before bed) until you feel an improvement.
  • Alternatively, add one cup of apple cider vinegar to lukewarm bath water. Soak in this water for 10 minutes.
  • Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and a little honey to a glass of warm water. Drink this mixture daily before meals.

Lemon juice is considered very good for treating body odor. The acidic nature of lemon juice helps in lowering the pH level of the skin which is helpful in destroying odor-causing bacteria.

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Cut a fresh lemon into two halves. Rub one halve on your armpits. Let it dry on its own and then take a bath. Follow this remedy once a day until the odor is completely gone.

If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the juice of half a lemon in half a cup of water and apply it on your armpits with the help of cotton. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off with water. Repeat this once a day until you feel improvement.

Rosemary helps prevent the growth of odor-causing bacteria. It also contains menthol and chlorophyll which have natural deodorant properties, which neutralize body odor and make your body smell good. Apart from this, it also contains zinc, the deficiency of which can cause body odor.

(Read more - The Top Foods for Optimal Vaginal Health)

  • Mix half a cup of rosemary leaves in four cups of hot water. Let it soak for 10 minutes and then add it to your bath water. Bathe with this water for 15 to 20 minutes. Follow these remedies daily for a good smell.
  • Alternatively, mix eight to 10 drops of rosemary oil in 30 ml of water and apply it on the armpits and body like a deodorant.
  • Note: If rosemary causes any kind of irritation, stop using it.
Rosemary Essential Oil
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  • Sage is an aromatic herb used to eliminate body odor. Sage reduces sweat gland activity and is an antibacterial agent that prevents bacteria from growing on your skin.
  • You can make a natural deodorant by mixing five drops each of sage oil, coriander essential oil, and lavender essential oil with about 60 ml of witch hazel. Fill this mixture in a spray bottle and use it as a deodorant.
  • Alternatively, add two tablespoons of dried sage to four cups of hot water and let it soak for 10 minutes. Now use this mixture to wash your armpits. Repeat this process twice daily until positive results are seen.
  • You can also drink sage tea. Steep one teaspoon of sage in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Strain the sage leaves and enjoy the tea. Do not drink more than two cups of sage tea a day.

(Read more -Benefits of Lavender Oil)

Witch hazel is effective in lowering the pH level of the skin and destroying odor-causing bacteria. Apart from this, its properties help reduce sweat production by shrinking the skin pores.

  • Soak a little cotton in witch hazel.
  • Rub it under your arms.
  • Whenever your body smells, definitely adopt this remedy. It will work as a deodorant.

Tea tree oil has antibacterial and antiseptic properties that help kill the bacteria present on the skin and eliminate body odor. Due to which one gets rid of the smell of sweat.

(Read more - Tea Tree Oil for Skin Whitening)

  • Mix two drops of tea tree oil in 30 ml of water.
  • Fill this mixture in a spray bottle and use it as a deodorant.

Note: People who have extremely sensitive skin should not use tea tree oil.

Tea Tree Essential Oil
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Wheatgrass contains chlorophyll which has a deodorizing effect. It also helps in eliminating toxins.

(Read more - Wheatgrass Juice Benefits)

  • Add one or two teaspoons of wheatgrass juice to a cup of water.
  • Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Follow this routine regularly until the body odor goes away.

Note: Since wheatgrass has a very strange taste, it may cause vomiting in some people.

Wheatgrass Juice
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Along with these remedies, you have to maintain hygiene and consume a balanced diet to get rid of body odor. For freshness, you can follow these additional tips:

  • Take a bath at least once a day.
  • Wash your clothes after wearing them once.
  • Do not wear tight shoes and avoid wearing shoes for a long time.
  • Control your stress and anger as doing so causes more sweating.
  • Keep yourself as dry as possible.
  • Wear cotton clothes instead of synthetic clothes.
  • Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins from the body.

Some simple and effective measures can be taken to get rid of sweat and body odor. First of all, taking regular baths and wearing clean clothes daily helps to control body odor. Applying lemon juice, vinegar, or baking soda on the skin can reduce sweat odor, as they are antibacterial. Using antiperspirant or natural deodorant is also beneficial to control sweating. Apart from this, drinking enough water, avoiding spicy and fried foods, and eating light food can be helpful in reducing body odor.

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