As soon as the summer season arrives, many people develop rashes on their body and start feeling pricks like thorns and this is called heat rash. Not only adults but children and especially newborn babies can also have the problem of heat rash. Heat rash occurs suddenly and looks like lots of small red pimples or rashes on the skin, which may look scary, but there is nothing to be worried about. The skin of infants and children is very delicate, hence they are more prone to heat rash compared to adults.

Actually, heat rash, which some people also call prickly heat or miliaria, is a type of irritation in the skin which occurs due to the skin becoming too hot. Due to these pimples or rashes, one feels uncomfortable and also itches all the time. If the temperature where you live is very hot and your baby keeps moving around all day long, doing activities, playing sports, then it is obvious that he will sweat. In such a situation, the risk of the baby getting heat rash increases.

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The body temperature of infants and children is usually somewhat warmer than that of adults. In such a situation, due to walking on knees, running, climbing stairs, the body temperature increases and sweat comes out, resulting in heat rash. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that young children get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. In such a situation, when you take off the baby's clothes to bathe him and you see a rash-like rash on his skin, then it could actually be heat rash.

Therefore, what is the cause of heat rash in babies, what are its symptoms, what are the treatment and home remedies and how can it be prevented from happening, we are telling you all these things in this article.

  1. Why Do Babies Get Heat Rash?
  2. Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Heat Rash In Infants
  3. Risk Factors Related To Heat Rash In Infants
  4. Treatment And Home Remedies For Heat Rash In Babies
  5. When Is It Necessary To Go To The Doctor For Heat Rash?
  6. Ways To Prevent Heat Rash In Babies
  7. Summary
Doctors for Know Why Children Get Heat Rash In Summer

Heat rash occurs when sweat remains trapped under the skin instead of coming out of the skin. Since the sweat glands present in the baby's body are very small and they are not able to regulate their body temperature, this is why babies are more prone to heat rash than adults. Not only this, if the clothes worn by the baby are very tight, if they are kept tightly wrapped in a cloth or if they are covered with a blanket, then there is a possibility of heat rash. Due to these reasons the baby gets heat rash:

  • The baby has no control over his environment, that is, even if he is feeling hot, he cannot take off his clothes or move away from the hot place.
  • There are more skin folds in the baby's body in which heat and sweat get trapped.
  • When sweat glands in the skin become blocked, sweat gets trapped, forming fluid-filled lumps or bumps on the skin. This bulge is formed especially when one part of the body rubs against another part.
  • In babies, heat rash usually occurs in the bends of the neck, in the creases of the elbows and knees, in the underarms or armpits, or on the inner thighs.
  • If there is too much heat and humidity in the weather and environment, it can also cause heat rash.
  • If the baby is wearing clothes made of such a fabric due to which sweat is not able to come out from the skin, then the sweat getting trapped in the skin can also cause prickly heat.
  • If you have worn too many clothes on your baby or child or the fabric of the clothes you have worn is very hot and heavy according to the weather, then there is a possibility of heat rash.
  • If too much oil, cream or ointment is used on the baby's skin, it can also block the sweat glands.
  • Many times, taking any medicine prescribed by the doctor also increases the function of the sweat gland, due to which there is a risk of heat rash.

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In most babies, the only symptom of heat rash is the appearance of red rashes or rashes on the body, especially on those parts of the body that have been exposed to high heat. Wearing warm clothes, keeping the baby tightly wrapped in cloth, lack of air circulation in the room or living very close to a heat source also increases the risk of heat rash. In such a situation, rashes like rash may appear on the part of the baby's body which was particularly hot.

Talking about the symptoms of heat rash:

  • Red rashes on the skin
  • Very small pin-sized pimples or blisters on large areas of skin
  • Hot skin
  • Persistent itching of the skin
  • Sometimes these blisters or pimples even look like pimples.

In most cases, heat rash goes away on its own without any treatment and does not cause much discomfort or pain. Therefore there is no need to go to the doctor. If the weather outside is extremely hot, then it is obvious that signs of heat rash will be visible on the body. But if you are not able to identify whether the rashes on your baby's skin are heat rash or something else, then contact a doctor. They will diagnose it easily.

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If we talk about those risk factors due to which there is a possibility of heat rash in infants and children, then those reasons are:

  • The baby has to wear clothes that are very warm according to the weather.
  • Living in extremely hot climate
  • Sitting too close to a heat source, such as a space heater or heat lamp
  • If the temperature is extremely hot or your baby is sweating, keep him wrapped tightly in a cloth.
  • Excessive sweating
  • Dressing your baby in very tight clothes that make it difficult for the skin to breathe

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Although heat rash gets cured on its own in a few days even without any treatment, but if the baby or child is feeling any kind of problem or discomfort due to heat rash, then the following should be done to get rid of heat rash quickly  Measures can be taken:

  • As soon as you notice even a single sign of heat rash in your baby's body, start keeping him in a cool place.
  • Reduce the extra layers of clothes on the baby's body.
  • If the baby has come from a hot or humid environment outside the house, then remove his sweat-wet clothes and run a fan so that the baby's skin dries.
  • Keep the baby's skin cool and dry as much as possible.
  • You can also place a cold pack on the part of the skin where there is heat rash. By doing this the skin temperature will reduce and you will feel softness in the affected area.
  • If you want, you can bathe your baby with cold water for about 10 minutes, but do not use soap during this time because soap can increase skin irritation. After bathing, wipe and dry the baby's skin thoroughly.
  • Wash the affected area of heat rash with cold water so that sweat and oil are completely removed from there and then wipe the skin gently and dry it.
  • All the joints and folds of the baby's skin should be cleaned regularly so that sweat or oil does not accumulate there and increase the heat rash.
  • Keep the baby without clothes for some time so that his skin cools down.
  • Use a fan or AC to keep the baby's skin cool.
  • Do not let there be a shortage of water in the baby's body. For this, if the child is very small then feed him mother's milk regularly and if the child is older then keep feeding him water.
  • Do not use any kind of rash cream on your own without medical advice because rashes are not any kind of allergic reaction. Allergy creams or creams used for dry skin cannot help in curing heat rash in any way.

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  • If heat rash does not get better and the matter gets worse, heat rash usually gets cured on its own within a week. But if heat rash is visible on your baby's skin even after a week or if the heat rash increases or any kind of infection is visible in it, then contact your pediatrician immediately.
  • If the baby gets fever, if the baby gets fever along with heat rash, then it would be better that you take your baby to the doctor immediately. The doctor may prescribe a steroid cream or antihistamines or antibiotics for the child so that the problem of heat rash or bacterial infection gets cured soon.

To ensure that newborn babies or small children do not get heat rash, these measures should be tried:

  • Always dress your baby or child according to the season. It is not necessary that you always cover the baby with a blanket or wrap it tightly in clothes, especially when the weather is extremely hot.
  • Instead of making children wear very tight clothes, make them wear loose-fitting cotton clothes so that their skin can breathe, such as cotton pants or gowns etc.
  • Always keep infants and children away from bright and direct sunlight. If children are going to play in the sun, stop them from doing so.
  • When the temperature rises too high and the weather is very hot, use a fan and AC to keep the baby cool.
  • Always keep an eye on infants and children. If your baby is sweating excessively, his face is red or he is excited, take him to a cool place.
  • Whether your child is playing in hot temperatures or cold, keep him watered regularly. If the child's body remains hydrated, there is no shortage of water in the body, then the body temperature will automatically remain at a healthy level.

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Heat rash, also known as prickly heat or miliaria, is a common skin condition in children, especially during hot and humid weather. It occurs when sweat gets trapped in the skin's sweat ducts, leading to irritation, inflammation, and the development of small red bumps or blisters. Heat rash typically appears on areas of the body where friction occurs, such as the neck, chest, back, and diaper area. While heat rash is usually harmless and resolves on its own, it can cause discomfort and itching for children. Prevention involves keeping the skin cool and dry, dressing children in lightweight and breathable clothing, and avoiding excessive heat exposure. If heat rash persists or worsens, consulting a healthcare professional is recommended for proper evaluation and treatment options.

Dr Shivraj Singh

Dr Shivraj Singh

13 Years of Experience

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Dr. Abhishek Kothari

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Dr. Varshil Shah

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Dr. Amol chavan

Dr. Amol chavan

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