Burning sensation in the throat is a very common problem that can happen anytime for any reason. When the throat burns, you need immediate relief, because this burning sensation bothers you and you are unable to concentrate anywhere. Due to this, neither you are able to eat properly nor talk to anyone. Burning sensation in the throat occurs mostly without any serious reason and in very rare cases it has a serious cause. There may be other symptoms along with burning sensation in the throat, such as pain in the throat, hoarseness etc. For this you do not need to take any special treatment, the burning sensation in the throat gets cured automatically with some home remedies or methods.This article describes what to do if the throat is burning and when to go to the doctor in such a situation.

(Read more - Heartburn)

  1. What To Do For A Burning Sensation In The Throat?
  2. When To Go To The Doctor For A Sore Throat?
  3. Summary

If you have a burning sensation in your throat, you can do first aid in the following way -

  • The most common remedy for a burning sensation in the throat is gurgling. Gargling with salt water prevents the growth of germs in your throat and also removes mucus. For this, heat a glass of water and add some salt to it. Now gargle with this mixture three to four times a day. Remember that the salt should dissolve completely in the water, otherwise the salt grains can cause further damage to your throat. 
  • For sore throats, you can also take painkillers available at medical stores. In such a case, taking ibuprofen will be more effective as it will cure both irritation and swelling. However, consult your doctor before taking any medicine. 
  • If you smoke cigarettes, try to quit this habit. If you are not able to do this, then at least do not smoke cigarettes until your throat is healed and do not go near anyone who is smoking because their cigarette smoke can also harm you. 
  • If you have a burning sensation in your throat, you can also take pills available at medical stores. If you have diabetes, take sugar-free pills. If possible, take menthol pills, these will cool your throat. 
  • Drink as much water as possible so that your throat does not dry. 
  • If you have a burning sensation in your throat, you can eat ice cream or consume other cold things, such as cold fruits or cold water. This will numb your throat and there will be no burning sensation. 
  • If your food is hot, then eat it after cooling it. Eating hot food can increase the burning sensation in your throat.
  • You can also use apple cider vinegar in case of sore throat. For this, add one teaspoon of honey and apple cider vinegar in a glass of lukewarm water and drink this mixture. If you want, you can also gargle with this mixture, but do not add honey to it for gargling. 
  • You can also use throat spray for sore throat which is easily available at medical stores. Spray this spray on the back of your throat. 
  • The burning sensation is more when the throat is dry, for this it is necessary to make the air humid. You can use a humidifier to humidify the air of your home or office. If you do not want to use a humidifier, then you can also take a bath with hot water or take steam from hot water. 
  • After some time bacteria starts accumulating on your toothbrush, that is why it is important that you change your toothbrush after some time. If you are having a sore throat, try changing your toothbrush. 

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In most cases, sore throat gets cured on its own or by taking some measures, but in some situations, definitely go to your doctor such as -

  • Sore throat not getting cured in a few weeks. 
  • High fever with sore throat. This can be a symptom of bacterial infection
  • Severe pain in the throat.
  • Experiencing symptoms of flu and these symptoms do not get cured for a few days. 
  • Blood in spit or mucus. 
  • Hoarseness and symptoms not improving for 2 weeks. This can be a symptom of throat or mouth cancer
  • Difficulty in swallowing food. 
  • Excessive mucus formation, sneezing and itching in the eyes along with sore throat. 
  • Difficulty in opening the mouth. 
  • Drooling along with sore throat. 
  • Difficulty in breathing. 
  • Feeling a lump in the throat. 
  • Pain in the throat spreading to the ears. This can be a sign of a serious problem. 

(Read more - Home remedies for itchy throat)

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In case of sore throat, first gargle by adding salt to lukewarm water, it reduces swelling and irritation. Drinking warm water with honey or herbal tea, such as ginger or mint tea, also provides relief. Consumption of honey reduces irritation by coating the throat. Avoid things that are too cold or hot, and do not smoke or consume strong spices. Consume natural ingredients like ginger and cloves, which are beneficial for sore throat. If the irritation persists or other severe symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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