Most of the people who go to the hospital in an emergency complain of chest pain. The cause of chest pain can be serious or normal, such as TB, GERD, asthma etc. Some causes of chest pain are very serious, but most are not fatal. Its causes can also be related to the heart, such as heart attack or cardiac arrest etc. ECG is done to find out the cause of chest pain and its treatment requires medical treatment from a doctor. This article explains whether chest pain is a serious problem, what to do if you have pain in your chest, how to help someone who is having chest pain and when to go to the doctor in case of chest pain.

(Read more - Common Causes of Chest Tightness)

  1. Is Chest Pain Always Serious?
  2. What To Do If You Have Chest Pain?
  3. How To Help Someone With Chest Pain?
  4. When Should You Go To The Doctor If You Have Chest Pain?
  5. Summary

Everyone knows that chest pain is a problem that should never be ignored. It is not necessary that the cause of chest pain is serious, but ignoring it without knowing the reason can be dangerous.

Chest pain can be caused by anything from indigestion or stress to heart attack. Often it is difficult to find out the exact cause, that is why one should go to the doctor if there is chest pain, whether the reason is serious or not.

(Read more - treatment and remedies for Chest Pain)

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If you are having chest pain, then you can get relief in the following way -

  • First of all, call the ambulance or call someone for help.
  • After this, open the door of your house so that if you faint, help can reach you easily. 
  • Stop whatever you are doing.
  • Stay calm and relax.
  • If you are having chest pain due to anxiety or stress, sit comfortably and take deep breaths. 
  • If you have aspirin, put it under your tongue or between your cheek and gum. Remember not to swallow aspirin. 
  • If you have had chest pain before and you have consulted a doctor, your doctor must have given you nitroglycerin spray or some medicine. Apply the spray or take the medicine as prescribed by the doctor as soon as possible.
  • If you have not called the ambulance yet and your symptoms are not improving even after taking the medicine, then immediately call someone for help and call the ambulance. After taking nitroglycerin, do not smoke cigarettes or eat or drink anything for some time. This can increase the problem. 
  • If you are having chest pain due to some serious reason or heart attack, then taking medical treatment is the best option for you.

(Read more - Angina: symptoms, causes, treatment)

If someone around you is having chest pain, then you can give him first aid in the following way -

  • If the person is doing some work, then stop him from doing that work.
  • Now make the person sit in the most comfortable way.
  • Give them reassurance, this will distract their attention.
  • If the person is wearing tight clothes, then loosen them. Especially around the neck.
  • Ask the person if they have chest pain medicine or spray. If they have medicine, then give the medicine to the person without any delay.
  • If the pain does not subside even after some time after giving the medicine, then give them another dose of medicine.
  • Do not give the person anything to eat or drink.
  • If the person's chest pain does not go away, call an ambulance immediately.
  • If the person stops breathing, give him CPR immediately.
  • If the person's chest pain goes away after taking medicine and resting, they can do their normal work that does not require much physical exertion.

(Read more - Chest Infections)

If you suddenly start having chest pain, you should immediately go to the doctor. You should definitely go to the doctor in the following situations -

  • Pain is not getting cured even after taking anti-inflammatory medicines.
  • Pain even after 5 minutes of taking nitroglycerin.
  • Chest pain while sitting comfortably.
  • Difficulty breathing along with chest pain.
  • Rapid heartbeat. 
  • Chest pain even after taking the dose of medicine prescribed by the doctor.
  • Feeling as if something is broken in the chest bone. 
  • Increasing pain.
  • Chest pain spreads to the jaw, opposite hand and back. 
  • Dizziness
  • Slow heartbeat. 
  • Confusion or shortness of breath
  • If the person's chest pain is relieved after taking medicine and resting, then they can do their normal work which does not require much physical exertion.

(Read more - Chest Congestion)

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When there is chest pain, it is important to first understand its severity and cause. If the pain is mild and is due to digestive problems, gas, or muscle strain, drinking warm water, taking anti-acids, or resting can provide relief. Avoid cold and heavy food and try to relax by breathing deeply.

However, if the pain is severe, spreading to the left arm, jaw, or back, sweating, or difficulty breathing, it could be a sign of a heart attack or a serious problem. In such a case, seek medical help immediately. Getting regular checkups, eating a balanced diet, and reducing stress help prevent chest pain. Consult a doctor if you experience frequent chest pain.

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