Cracked hands are a very common problem. You can have this problem in any season. Especially in changing weather, the problem of cracked hands is quite common. At the same time, due to dry winds and bad weather, many people's hands start cracking. And if you use more water, then your hands can crack a lot.

In such a situation, it becomes very important to moisturize the hands. Actually, due to lack of moisture in the hands, hands crack a lot. If you want to stay away from the problem of cracked hands, then keep your body and skin hydrated. At the same time, definitely apply moisturizer on the hands. You will find many such products in the market, which can relieve the problem of cracked hands.

Apart from this, you can also overcome the problem of cracked hands by using things available at home. Today in this article we will tell you home remedies for cracked hands.

(Read more - Creams for cracked hand skin)

  1. Home Remedies For Cracked Hands
  2. Some Other Tips For Relief From Cracked Hands -
  3. Summary
Doctors for Say Goodbye to Cracked Hands with These Soothing Remedies

There are many home remedies for cracked hands that you can try, such as using aloe vera, sunflower seed oil, coconut oil, honey or milk. Let's know about them in detail -

Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Cracked Hands

You can use aloe vera to get rid of the problem of cracked hands. Many people use aloe vera for skin care. Aloe vera keeps your skin hydrated. The antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties present in it help you to get rid of skin problems. If you are struggling with the problem of cracked hands, then apply aloe vera gel on your hands. This will moisturize the skin of your hands. Also, it reduces the risk of skin damage.

(Read more - Home remedies for dry hands and feet)

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Benefits Of Oats For Cracked Hands

The problem of chapped hands can also be overcome with an oats bath. It can also help you in enhancing the beauty of your hands. To get rid of the problem of cracked hands, you can use oats by mixing it with oil or a basin. For example, mix a little olive oil with oats in the bathtub. By bathing in this water, the skin of the hands as well as other parts of the body can be saved from cracking.

Benefits Of Sunflower Seed Oil For Cracked Hands

To get rid of the problem of cracked hands, you can also use sunflower seed oil. According to research, this oil can moisturize your skin by hydrating the skin. In such a situation, if your hands or other parts of the skin are cracking, then definitely apply this oil. You can get a lot of benefit from this.

(Read more - Hand Eczema: Types and causes)

Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Cracked Hands

To get rid of the problem of cracked hands, you can also use coconut oil. It can help you moisturize dry skin. Studies have found that dry skin can be treated with coconut oil. It can act like petroleum jelly on your skin. Actually, it can increase the number of lipids (fats) on your skin. This can treat skin cracking. Also, it contains saturated fatty acids, which can provide relief from the problem of dry skin. In such a situation, if your hands are cracking, then you can also apply coconut oil on your hands. This will benefit you a lot.

Benefits Of Honey For Cracked Hands

You can also use honey to prevent the skin of the hands from cracking. According to the study, many skin problems can be overcome by using honey. Antioxidant, antiseptic, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory properties are found in honey, which can treat skin cracking. In such a situation, you can also use honey to prevent the skin of the hands from cracking.

(Read more - Cracking knuckles: benefits)

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Benefits Of Drinking Milk For Cracked Hands

Milk can also be beneficial to avoid the problem of cracked hands. According to research, adding milk to your diet can help solve dry skin problems. Studies have found that the phospholipid in milk can solve skin problems. In such a situation, if your hands are cracking a lot, then definitely include milk in your diet.

  • Apply moisturizer cream on your hands.
  • Apply petroleum jelly on your hands.
  • Drink as much water as possible to keep the body hydrated.
  • Don't forget to wear gloves on your hands.
  • Stay away from stress etc.

(Read more - Home Remedies and tips for dry skin)

You can resort to these home remedies to get rid of the problem of cracked hands. However, if your hands are cracking a lot, then definitely consult an expert once. So that you can get the right treatment. At the same time, keep in mind that the skin becomes very dry in winter, in this situation the skin of the hands and feet can crack. Therefore, moisturize your hands and feet.

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

8 Years of Experience

Dr. Deepak Argal

Dr. Deepak Argal

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Dr. Sneha Hiware

Dr. Sneha Hiware

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