
The ligaments inside the wrist keep the hand in the correct position. Ligaments control the movement of the wrist and hand. Strong and flexible tissues like a band are called ligaments, which keep two bones together inside the joint. When the ligaments present in the wrist are over-stretched or damaged, the wrist is sprained. Loss of balance of the body, slipping and falling on the hand are some of the main causes of wrist sprain. In this situation, you start having problems like painweakness and pain on touching the affected part. When the wrist is sprained, there is swelling and redness in the affected area, the affected part may also turn blue. Sometimes a tingling or burning sensation may be felt in the wrist and a cracking sound may also come from the wrist. To test the sprain in the wrist, tests like X-ray and MRI may be required. Wrist sprain can be prevented by avoiding any kind of injury to the wrist and not running on slippery places.

Treatment of wrist sprain should be started immediately by applying ice and giving adequate rest. After the injury to the wrist, it is advisable to apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes daily for a few days, which reduces the pain. If the wrist is severely sprained, then surgery may be required to treat it. If the sprain is mild, it heals in a few days, whereas a severe sprain may take a week or even a month to heal completely.

(Read more - Sprain: symptoms, causes, treatment)

  1. Why Does Wrist Sprain Occur?
  2. Why Does Wrist Sprain Occur?
  3. Types of Sprained Wrist
  4. Symptoms Of Sprained Wrist
  5. Causes & Risk Factors Of Sprained Wrist
  6. Diagnosis of Sprained Wrist
  7. Prevention of Sprained Wrist
  8. Treatment Of Sprained Wrist
  9. Summary
Doctors for Understanding Wrist Sprains: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

What is wrist sprain?

When the ligaments supporting the wrist are stretched beyond the normal limit or are damaged, then in such a situation the wrist is sprained. This is usually caused by a sudden or rapid twist of the wrist, such as falling on the ground on the hand.

(Read more - Workout injuries: types​)

What is wrist sprain?
When the ligaments supporting the wrist are stretched beyond the normal limit or are damaged, then in such a situation the wrist is sprained. This is usually caused by a sudden or rapid twist of the wrist, such as falling on the ground on the hand.

(Read more - Workout injuries: types​)

How many stages are there in a sprained wrist?

Wrist sprain can be mild or severe. The stage of wrist sprain is determined according to how far the ligament has been damaged and moved away from the bone.

  • Grade 1:

In this stage, the ligaments are stretched a lot but they do not get damaged. This is a mild sprain.

  • Grade 2:

In this, some part of the ligament gets damaged. This is a mild sprain and may require plastering to keep the joints stable.

  • Grade 3:

In this condition, the ligaments are completely damaged, this is a severe type of sprain. Medical treatment and operation may also be required to treat this condition. 

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What are the symptoms of sprained wrist?

Wrist sprain causes a lot of pain. Apart from this, the following other symptoms also arise in this condition, such as:

  • Swelling
  • Continuous severe pain when moving the wrist
  • Bruising
  • Pain on touching
  • Change in the color of the skin around the wrist
  • Cracking sound inside the wrist
  • Skin around the sprained area feels hot
  • Feeling weakness and instability in closing the fist or lifting an object

(Read more - Thumb pain)

How does a sprained wrist occur?

There are many situations that can cause a sprain in the wrist, such as falling on the ground with the hand, resisting a strong pressure with the wrist and trying to bend a bent or stretched wrist suddenly. The chances of spraining a wrist while doing normal daily activities are very low. In some weather conditions, such as rain, storm, when a person slips and falls on the hand, his wrist may get sprained. An athlete is also at increased risk for wrist sprains. Any sport increases the risk of wrist sprains and any type of injury to the hand or wrist by some degree. Wrist sprains are especially common in younger men who play sports such as football, basketball and baseball. Falling is the most common cause of wrist sprains, but other conditions can also cause wrist sprains:

  • Something hitting the wrist hard.
  • Rapid twisting of the wrist
  • Excessive pressure on the wrist area.

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How is a sprain in the wrist diagnosed?

To check this condition, the doctor examines the wrist, checks the symptoms and asks about the previous health condition. Apart from this, during the examination, the doctor can also ask about the injury to the wrist or hand in the past. The doctor examines your arm and hand thoroughly, so that it can be ascertained whether any bone is broken or not. During the examination, the doctor can also detect problems like numbness of the hand or pain on touching. If any part of the ligament is damaged, then it may be a little difficult to examine it. 

  • X-ray: To find out whether there is a sprain in the wrist or not and at what stage the sprain is, etc., the doctor may advise to get imaging tests like X-ray done. However, if there is any kind of injury in the ligament, then it cannot be detected with the help of an X-ray test. If any bone is broken due to sprain etc., then it can be detected with the help of X-ray test.
  • MRI and CT Scan: In some serious cases, tests like MRI scan, CT scan and arthrogram can be done. In MR arthrogram, a special type of dye is injected in the affected part, with the help of which ligaments and joints can be seen very clearly.

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How to prevent sprained wrist?

Prevention of sprained wrist can be a bit difficult, because it is usually caused by a sudden accident. However, there are some measures, with the help of which wrist injury can be prevented:

  1. Wrist sprain is usually caused by a sudden fall etc., which cannot be completely prevented. However, using wrist protective equipment (wristbands or wristguards) while playing gymnastics or any sport can prevent wrist sprains in situations like falling.
  2. It is very important to keep the playing environment safe to prevent wrist injuries. 
  3. Before starting a game or practice on the field, the field should be thoroughly inspected and it should be found out whether there is any unnecessary object, big pit or sharp object lying there or whether the ground is not wet.
  4. Being careful about your surroundings also reduces the chances of falling.
  5. Take special care while running or walking on wet or smooth surfaces.
  6. Do exercises that strengthen your wrists, your doctor can tell you about such exercises. 
  7. Use protective braces or tape for the wrist, which protect your wrist from bending too much backwards. It is especially used for those people whose wrists are already damaged.
  8. If the problem of wrist sprain is happening for a long time, then ask the doctor about which activity has caused your wrist damage and what should be done to prevent it.

(Read more - Tips For Healthy Joints)

How is sprained wrist treated?

Mild or moderate sprain in the wrist usually heals on its own. This type of sprain only needs some time to heal. There are some measures, with the help of which the time taken for recovery can be reduced:

  • Rest your wrist for at least 48 hours
  • Apply ice to the wrist to reduce swelling. Apply ice to the affected wrist at least three to four times a day for 20 to 30 minutes continuously and keep doing this for at least two to three days.
  • Apply pressure on the wrist with a bandage.
  • Keep your wrist above the heart level, for this you can put some extra pillows under your wrist while sleeping.
  • Take painkillers to reduce pain and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling.
  • Tie a plaster on the wrist so that the wrist does not move. Plaster etc. should be kept for a short time only, until you go to the doctor. After that, use the plaster only if the doctor tells you to apply it. In some cases, using plaster for a long time causes more stiffness in the wrist and the muscles start weakening. 
  • If your doctor advises, do stretching exercises and exercises to strengthen the muscles of the wrist. It may be better to go to a physical therapist to choose the right exercise and stretching according to your condition.
  • In severe stages of wrist sprain, the ligaments are badly damaged, in such a situation surgery may be required. If the ligament is completely removed from the bone, then the ligaments are reattached to the bone with the help of surgery.

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When the wrist is sprained, first of all rest the wrist and do not move it too much. Apply ice on the injured area for 15-20 minutes, which will reduce swelling and pain. Use an aluminum bandage or support bandage to keep the wrist immobile. Keep the hand elevated so that the swelling is reduced. Painkillers can be taken on the advice of a doctor to control pain and swelling. If the pain and swelling do not subside in a few days or the condition is severe, consult a doctor immediately.

Dr. Shaik Uday Hussain

Dr. Shaik Uday Hussain

General Physician
5 Years of Experience

Dr. Kirti Vardhan Puri

Dr. Kirti Vardhan Puri

General Physician
2 Years of Experience

Dr. Nishi Shah

Dr. Nishi Shah

General Physician
7 Years of Experience

Dr. Samadhan Atkale

Dr. Samadhan Atkale

General Physician
2 Years of Experience

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