Spermatorrhoea or dhat syndrome falls under the category of culture-bound syndromes and specific neurotic disorders. In this syndrome, an individual experiences overt anxiety and concern due to excessive semen loss at night. Afflicted by the existing belief system, the individual believes that the loss of semen equates to loss of blood (a vital fluid), which is harmful to both the physical and mental well-being. Constant anxiety eventually manifests in the form of weakness, tiredness, depression, nervousness and loss of appetite. Spermatorrhea symptoms last from 3 months to as long as 20 years in some cases.

Individuals affected by spermatorrhoea are generally young, recently married, belonging to lower socio-economic strata and from families that have a conservative approach towards sex. Spermatorrhoea may also be an associated symptom of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and hypochondriasis. According to modern medicine, spermatorrhoea is related to neurosis, orchitis, prostatitis or spermatocystitis.

Homeopathic treatment plays an effective role in the management of spermatorrhoea or dhat syndrome. Common remedies that are used for spermatorrhoea symptoms include agnus castus, caladium, gelsemium, lycopodium, nux vomica, phosphoric acid, selenium and staphysagria. Individual characteristics of a patient’s personality and physiology are considered along with disease symptoms before a suitable remedy is selected.

  1. Homeopathic medicines for dhat syndrome (spermatorrhea)
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for spermatorrhea (dhat syndrome) patient as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homoeopathic medicines and treatments for spermatorrhea (dhat syndrome)
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatments for spermatorrhea (dhat syndrome)
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Spermatorrhea

Some of the most important homeopathic remedies that are helpful in treating spermatorrhoea are listed below. The symptoms mentioned under each remedy prompt the homeopathic physician to choose the said remedy.

  • Agnus Castus
    Common name:
    Chaste tree
    Symptoms: This remedy works well in young and unmarried individuals who indulge in excessive sexual activity. Patients who benefit from agnus castus have some of the following characteristics and symptoms:
    • Depression, nervousness and mental distraction
    • Impotency with a relaxed and flaccid penis
    • Diminished sexual power or desire (Read more: Low libido causes)
    • Swollen and hard testicles with pain along the spermatic cord
    • Itching in the genitals with yellow urethral discharge
    • A tendency for gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted disease)
  • Caladium Seguinum
    Common name:
    American arum
    Symptoms: Caladium is indicated in cases of spermatorrhoea with the following symptoms:
    • Impotency; no erection, emission or orgasm even after caress or sexual intercourse
    • Swelling, redness, itching, and sweating in genitals.
    • Erection when patient is half asleep which disappears on waking up
    • Relaxed and flaccid penis despite sexual desire and excitement
    • Depression
    • Craving for tobacco
  • Gelsemium Sempervirens
    Common name:
    Yellow jasmine
    Symptoms: Gelsemium is an efficacious remedy for spermatorrhoea. It works well in people who experience the following symptoms:
    • Seminal emissions without an erection, which occur even while passing stools
    • Emission with the slightest caress
    • Sweating in the scrotal area
    • Cold and relaxed genitals
    • First stage of gonorrhoeal infection with scanty corroding discharge and slight pain accompanied by burning and heat at the genital opening
    • Symptoms that are worse after emotional excitement, thinking of the complaints, tobacco smoking and bad news, and better after profuse urination
    • Muscle weakness, tiredness and lack of muscle coordination
    • Dullness, dizziness, drowsiness and confusion
  • Lycopodium Clavatum
    Common name: Club moss/wolf’s foot
    Symptoms: This remedy works well in people who are intelligent but physically weak and emaciated, especially in the upper part of the body. Lycopodium suits individuals with the following characteristics:
    • Impotency, especially in young men after excessive sexual indulgence
    • Premature ejaculation with relaxed, small and cold penis
    • Strong desire but improper erection in elderly men
    • Falling asleep during intercourse
    • Itching and swelling in genitals
    • Weakness after masturbation or sexual intercourse
    • Tendency for gastric and respiratory complaints
    • Strong craving for sugar
    • Symptoms are usually right-sided and worse between 4 pm and 8 pm
  • Nux Vomica
    Common name:
    Poison nut
    Symptoms: Nux vomica is an efficacious medicine for lean and irritable individuals who are prone to gastric complaints and haemorrhoids. It helps in the treatment of the following symptoms: 
    • Spermatorrhoea with lascivious dreams, irritability, weakness and burning in spine
    • Easy sexual excitability
    • Symptoms caused due to excessive sexual indulgence and masturbation
    • Inflammation and constrictive pain in testicles
    • Painful erections, especially in the morning and after midday sleep
    • Weak erections after sexual intercourse
    • Excessive secretion of smegma behind the glans (head of penis)
    • Complaints generally triggered by excessive tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, spicy foods, lack of sleep, overexertion and medicine overdose or abuse
  • Selenium Metallicum
    Common name:
    The element selenium
    Symptoms: This remedy is generally administered to people who have a fair complexion and emaciated hands, legs, feet and face. These people are extremely forgetful about their work but dream of it during sleep. Selenium metallicum works well on patients having the following symptoms:
    • Involuntary dribbling of seminal and prostatic fluid, especially while sitting, during bowel movements or during sleep
    • Increased sexual desire and thoughts, yet slow and weak erection
    • Itching and tickling in the scrotum
    • Priapism (persistent painful erection) with glans drawn up
    • Gonorrhoeal infection
    • Irritability and weakness in the back after sexual intercourse
    • Tendency for hair loss from scalp, face and genitals
    • Weakness and easy exhaustion from the slightest mental and physical exertion
  • Phosphoric Acidum
    Common name:
    Glacial phosphoric acid
    Symptoms: Phosphoric acid is best suited to those experiencing the following symptoms:
    • Weakness and exhaustion after excessive sexual indulgence, grief, mental and physical exertion and acute infections
    • Seminal emissions at night and during bowel movements
    • Weakness of sexual organs with little sexual desire
    • Erections in the morning in bed and while standing, without desire for sexual intercourse
    • Weakness after sexual intercourse
    • Painful and swollen testicles, spermatic cord, glans and prepuce (foreskin)
    • Eczema of the scrotum
    • Herpes and warts on the genitals (Read more: Genital warts treatment)
    • Appearing sick, with sunken and dark circles around eyes
    • Indifference to life. Such people are, apathetic and weep easily
    • Physical weakness following mental debility
  • Staphysagria
    Common name:
    Symptoms: Staphysagria is a remedy suitable to people with the following charecteristics:
    • Symptoms following excessive masturbation, sexual excess, suppressed anger or indignation
    • Depressed, indifferent and apathetic, with weak memory after sexual abuse
    • Constantly think about sexual matters and sexual pleasure
    • Spermatorrhoea with backache, weakness and nervous debility
    • Increased sexual desire with frequent erections at night
    • Itching in the scrotum which excites seminal emission
    • Breathlessness after sexual intercourse
    • Painful and inflamed testicles
    • Warts and growths on genitals
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  • Since homeopathic medicines are given in very small doses, take utmost care to preserve the medicines safely. Avoid foods and habits that can interfere with the cure and medicines.
  • Take short walks in fresh air in almost all kinds of weather.
  • One must do light manual labour to strengthen muscles. Some exercises also help relax the mind.
  • Take a healthy and nutritious diet. (Read more: Balanced diet benefits)


  • Foods and cosmetics that can react with homeopathic medicines, and interfere with their action, should be avoided. This includes:
    • Strong-smelling foods and drinks like coffee, herb teas, fine liquors prepared with medicinal spices and spiced chocolate
    • Medicinally compounded tooth powders and mouthwashes
    • Perfumed sachets
    • Strong-scented flowers in the room
    • highly seasoned foods and sauces
    • frozen foods like ice creams
    • Raw herbs on soups, medicinal herbs in foods
    • Celery, parsley, stale cheese and meats
  • Sedentary lifestyle should be addressed immediately. Long afternoon naps will lead to harmful effects and must be avoided.
  • It is important to avoid mental strain to achieve proper health. 

In 1843, Dr Ranking, a British physician, published an article about a disorder that was first identified by Dr Lallemand, a urologist. He explained that any kind of genital abuse, whether natural or unnatural, results in seminal emission during sleep. Excessive masturbation was considered to be the prime cause of this condition. It was further added that initially, these emissions are accompanied by erections, but later erections become weak, incomplete or premature, which is then followed by various mental and physical symptoms.

Conventional medicine aims at counselling the patient regarding the phenomenon, dispelling myths surrounding this syndrome, teaching relaxation techniques and treating the symptoms of anxiety and depression with psychiatric medicines. It is believed that once the misconceptions about semen loss are dealt with through education and explanation, the prevalence of this syndrome may be expected to decline.

On the other hand, homeopathy not only treats a disease but also the susceptibility of a person to certain diseases (referred to as miasm).  By helping the person overcome habits like masturbation and relieving anxiety, guilt and depression associated with this condition, homeopathic remedies help improve both the physical and psychological well-being. It also makes one feel more energetic and helps in improving sleep quality, thought process and physical derangement, if any.

Homeopathic medicines are highly diluted and potentised; hence, these are essentially safe and are not known to cause side effects. However, it is important that one seeks help from a qualified homeopathic physician for a correct and genuine homeopathic remedy and its dosage.

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Spermatorrhea is a culture-bound condition that causes anxiety, guilt and depression due to involuntary seminal emissions. Conventional medicine does not recognise spermatorrhea as a specific disease and thus has no specific treatment for this condition. Homeopathy is a very safe mode of medication with no noted side effects. When administered along with regular psychotherapy, homeopathic remedies not only relieve spermatorrhea symptoms but also help alleviate anxiety and depression associated with this condition. 

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience

Dr.Gunjan Rai

Dr.Gunjan Rai

11 Years of Experience


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