Syphilis is a bacterial infection caused by Treponema pallidum. It is a sexually transmitted disease that spreads through direct contact with a syphilitic sore. These sores can appear on the external genitals, vagina, anus, rectum, mouth and lips. Syphilis is usually transmitted during sexual activity, but may be transmitted non-sexually by skin contact with a sore. It can spread from an infected mother to her unborn baby, resulting in a life-threatening condition called congenital syphilis. Syphilis may also spread through blood transfusion or contaminated needles.

Syphilis has acute and chronic forms that affect most of the organs of the body and produce a wide range of symptoms. HIV and syphilis are closely linked. Patients with syphilis who suffer from HIV have a higher chance of treatment failure with penicillin compared to those without HIV. Patients with syphilis have a higher chance of acquiring HIV too. If left untreated, syphilis can cause irreversible damage to the nerves, brain and body tissues. Men, specifically homosexuals, are more susceptible to contracting syphilis than women. The infection is most often found among individuals between 15 and 39 years of age.

Congenital syphilis is diagnosed when a child is born with syphilis, transferred from the mother during pregnancy. Acquired syphilis, that occurs in adolescence or adulthood, occurs in 3 distinct stages- primary, secondary and tertiary, with a stage of latency in between: 

  • Primary phase - A painless sore (chancre) appears at the site of infection. A person who touches this infected sore can get infected. This lesion appears 2-3 weeks after being infected and lasts for 3-6 weeks, after which it heals on its own. The disease then progresses to the second stage. 
  • Secondary phase - This phase mimics many other illnesses. It develops 4-10 weeks after the chancre. Common symptoms in the secondary phase are sore throat, fever, joint and muscle pain, rashes all over the body (especially the palms and soles), headache, patchy hair loss, poor appetite and swollen lymph nodes. This phase goes away without treatment, but the disease progresses to the next stage. 
  • Latent (dormant) phase - Early latent phase occurs in the first 12 months following infection. In this stage, the infected individual has no symptoms, but is still infectious. The late latent phase is when the infection had occurred more than 12 months earlier, and the patients are asymptomatic and usually not infectious. However, the infection may still be transmitted from the mother to her unborn baby and through blood transfusions. 
  • Tertiary phase - About one third of the patients progress to this stage after many years or decades of latent syphilis. The heart, brain, bones and skin are affected in this stage. The prognosis of the disease in this stage is generally poor. Congenital syphilis results in low-birth-weight babies, still births or babies born with abnormalities. The abnormalities seen include bone and teeth abnormalities; brain infection; heart, liver and kidney enlargement; jaundice; swollen glands; rashes; low blood counts; and failure to thrive.

Syphilis is diagnosed through blood tests, culture from the tissue sample collected from a skin sore, and spinal fluid analysis. It is treated with antibiotics, commonly penicillin. Syphilis can be successfully cured, especially when treated in the early stages. Curing the infection can prevent further damage, but cannot reverse the organ damage that has already occurred.

Homeopathic treatment not only relieves the symptoms but also it helps in removing the infection successfully. It prevents the progression of the disease to subsequent stages. Homeopathic doctors consider the characteristics of the patient’s personality and physiology before prescribing them a remedy and deciding its dose. Common remedies that are used for the treatment of syphilis include include aurum metallicum, fluoricum acidum, kalium iodatum, mercurius solubilis, nitricum acidum, phytolacca decandra, stillingia silvatica and syphilinum.

  1. Homeopathic medicines for Syphilis
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for Syphilis as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for Syphillis
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatment for Syphilis
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Syphilis

Some of the most important homeopathic remedies that are helpful in treating syphilis are listed below. The symptoms mentioned under each remedy prompt the homeopathic physician to choose the said remedy.

  • Aurum Metallicum
    Common Name:
    Metallic gold
    Symptoms: Aurum metallicum is well indicated in cases of syphilis with the following characteristics:

    • Symptoms of secondary syphilis that occur after the use of mercury containing drugs
    • Syphilis with swollen glands
    • High blood pressure and arteriosclerosis with affections of the liver, brain and arteries
    • Inflammation of the cornea with trachoma (eye infection)
    • Caries in the bones of the skull, nose and mouth
    • Swollen and painful testicles; in young boys
    • Destruction of the bones and swelling in arms and legs due to syphilis, with pains at night 
    • Hair fall

Symptoms are worse in winters, cold weather and from sunset to sunrise.

  • Fluoricum Acidum
    Common Name:
    Hydrofluoric acid
    Symptoms: Fluoricum acidum is suited to those experiencing the following symptoms of syphilis:

    • Stitching, bursting, splitting or hammering type of pain
    • Tendency to get varicose veins, deep ulcers and bedsores
    • Old wounds that threaten to become fresh ulcers
    • Early decay of teeth; caries of nasal and ear bones with destruction
    • Alopecia (hair loss)
    • Increased sexual desire with swelling in scrotum
    • Ulceration of the cervix and uterus with excessive release of white yellow discharge from the vagins
    • Destruction of long bones of the limbs
    • Syphilitic ulcers and abscesses
    • Swelling of finger joints
    • Tendency to alcoholism

Complaints are worse in the morning, with warmth and on consuming warm drinks, and get better on walking and in cold weather.

  • Kalium Iodatum
    Common Name: Iodide of potassium
    Symptoms: Kalium iodatum is an excellent remedy indicated in all 3 stages of syphilis for the following symptoms:

    • Stage 1 - evening fever with night sweat
    • Stage 2 - ulcers on the skin and mucous membrane (inner lining of the gut, urinary tract and respiratory tract) 
    • Stage 3 - enlarged lymph nodes
    • Prominent weight loss
    • Purple spots on legs
    • Rough nodules on the skin which worsen with body heat
    • Tendency to haemorrhage

Symptoms worsen at night, in a warm room and with warmth and better in open air.

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  • Mercurius Solubilis
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Mercurius solubilis is an effective remedy suited to individuals with the following characteristics and symptoms:

    • Secondary syphilis wherein the person suffers from anaemia, joint pain and bone pain, fever, hair fall and ulcers and eruptions in the mouth and throat
    • Hereditary syphilis, with boils, abscesses, mouth ulcers and malnutrition
    • Inflammation of the iris and cornea
    • Painful facial bones with syphilitic pustules on face
    • Abscesses and ulcers in the mouth, nose and throat, with discharges that are green, thin, bloody and offensive
    • Vesicles and ulcers (chancre) on the male genitals with coldness and blood-stained seminal discharges 
    • Pain in the ovarian region with greenish bloody leucorrhoea causing rawness and soreness
    • Weakness from slightest exertion
    • Extreme thirst with profuse salivation

Symptoms are worse at night, with warmth of bed, damp cold weather and perspiration.

  • Nitricum Acidum
    Common Name:
    Nitric acid
    Symptoms: People who benefit from this remedy tend to catch cold often and are prone to constipation and diarrhoea. Nitricum acidum is a very effective remedy for syphilis with the following features:

    • Frequent involvement of skin, mouth, anus, vagina and urethra 
    • Eye involvement (syphilitic iritis)
    • Corroded nasal bones with bleeding
    • Warts on the skin
    • Painful skin ulcers that bleed easily, have irregular edges and a base like raw flesh
    • Pain in genitals along with a burning sensation in men
    • In females, hair on the genitals falls off, presence of ulcers with soreness and pain through the vagina and leucorrhoea which is watery, flesh coloured or brown and offensive
    • Pains that come and go suddenly

Symptoms are worsen with change in weather, in the evening, and at night.

  • Phytolacca Decandra
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Phytolacca decandra is indicated for the following conditions:

    • Tendency to glandular swellings which are painful and appear tumour like
    • Bone pain which worsens at night
    • Enlarged, ulcerated tonsils with a thick grey-white coating in the throat that is difficult to dislodge and throat pain that extends to the ears
    • A sensation of heavyness and hardness in breasts
    • Tumours or abscesses in breasts
    • Swollen testicles with pain that shoots to the penis
    • Syphilitic sciatica with shock-like, shooting and shifting pains
    • Neuralgic pains which are sharp, shooting and feel like electric shocks
    • Dry, shrunken skin with syphilitic lesions, papules and pustules, buboes (lesions caused by a sexually transmitted infection)
    • Skin warts, rashes, and moles
    • Restlessness, weakness and pain with most symptoms

Complaints are worse in cold, wet, damp weather and get better with rest and in dry weather.

  • Stillingia Silvatica
    Common Name:
    Queen’s root
    Symptoms: Stillingia is indicated in people with syphilis who have the following symptoms:

    • Pains in the bones of the limbs and back
    • Chronic ulcers and eruptions on hands and fingers
    • Burning and itching over legs
    • Ulcers and nodes which are chronic and non-responsive to treatment 
    • Destruction of the nasal bones
    • Left-sided sciatica due to syphilis
    • Tendency to suffer from liver problems, jaundice and constipation

Complaints are worse in damp air and in the afternoon and get better in the morning and on exposure to dry air.

  • Syphilinum
    Common Name:
    Syphilitic virus - a nosode
    Symptoms: Syphilinum acts well in individuals having the following symptoms:

    • History of chancre which was treated with a local application, resulting in skin and throat complaints that lasted for years
    • Caries and destruction of the nasal bone with septal perforation and foetid discharge
    • Decay of teeth and ear bones
    • Ulcers on the female genitals
    • Excessive discharge of thin and watery fluid from the vagina
    • Neonatal (newborn) conjunctivitis with profuse pus and swollen eyelids that stick together during sleep 
    • Pain in the long bones of hands and legs, especially at night
    • Pains that gradually increase and decrease

Symptoms are worse at night and get etter during the day.

Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances and are highly diluted. Additionally, they are prescribed in extremely minute amounts. Thus, their action tends to get easily affected. To achieve optimal results and to recover quickly homeopathic physicians suggest the following lifestyle and dietary changes to their patients along with the remedies:


  • One must go for daily walks (preferably in fresh air) and do light manual labour to strengthen your muscles. Some exercises also help to relax the mind.
  • Take a healthy and nutritious diet. 


  • Anything in the diet and regimen that can react with the medicines should be avoided like:
    • Strong-smelling foods and drinks like coffee, herb teas, fine liquors prepared with medicinal spices and spiced chocolate
    • Medicinally compounded tooth powders and mouthwashes 
    • Perfumed sachets
    • Strong-scented flowers in the room
    • Highly seasoned foods and sauces
    • Frozen foods like ice creams
    • Raw herbs on soups, medicinal herbs in foods
    • Celery, parsley, stale cheese and meats 
  • Sedentary lifestyle should be addressed immediately. Long afternoon naps will lead to harmful effects and must be avoided.
  • It is important to avoid mental strain to achieve proper health.

Although modern medicine contributes greatly in treating syphilis, its repeated use can impair the already debilitated immune system of a sick person. Homeopathy offers a simple and safer way to treat syphilis at a deeper level. Homeopathic treatment not only helps treat the disease, but also treats the susceptibility of a person to certain diseases, called miasm.

Homeopathic treatment plays a role in treating the primary and secondary stages of syphilis as well as the latent infection and asymptomatic cases. It helps in strengthening the immune mechanism of the patient, which, in turn, helps in preventing the progression of the disease. Homeopathic remedies also help in preventing the transmission of the lingering traits of the infection to the subsequent generation. Additionally, the correct medicine helps in healing the sores and rashes and tackling the complications of tertiary syphilis. 

Unfortunately, there aren't many studies to prove the effectivity of homeopathic remedies in the treatment of syphilis, so it is best to talk to a homeopathic physician to know more.

Homeopathic medicines are highly diluted and potentised before use; hence, these are essentially safe and are not known to cause side effects. However, it is important that one seeks help from a qualified homeopathic physician for a correct and genuine homeopathic remedy and its dosage.

Syphilis, varying from mild to most serious forms, can have a profound impact on our health. If left untreated, it can cause destructive changes, which may be life threatening. Conventioally, the condition is treated with antibiotics but the treatment can't reverse the damage that is already done. Homeopathy is an extremely safe mode of treatment without any noted side effects that can be taken to relieve the symptoms and treat diseases in a holistic manner. A detailed case history guides the physician to the appropriate remedy for the individual. Homeopathy should only be taken under the supervision of a qualified and experienced homeopathic physician.

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Ananya Gupta

Dr. Ananya Gupta

3 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience


  1. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Syphilis - CDC Fact Sheet. USA; [internet]
  2. Tropical Diseases, Special Programme for Research and Training (TDR). Disease Watch Focus: Syphilis. WHO; [internet]
  3. William Boericke. Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Kessinger Publishing: Médi-T 1999, Volume 1
  4. William Boericke. Stillingia Silvatica. Kessinger Publishing: Médi-T 1999, Volume 1
  5. Wenda Brewster O’Reilly. Organon of the Medical art by Wenda Brewster O’Reilly. B jain; New Delhi
  6. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Syphilis. USA; [internet]
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