It is common to have a sore throat, this condition can happen to any person at any time. However, throat problems are usually a sign of a minor illness and it gets cured on its own without any treatment. There can also be some serious problems that can cause sore throat, which mainly include swelling in the throat, redness, infection, blisters, growth of flesh in the throat and throat cancer etc.

If the throat problem is not too serious, then it can be cured by home remedies. These remedies are very safe and effective. Throat problems can be treated in just 3 days with them.

Read More - (First aid for throat pain)

  1. Benefits Of Garlic For Sore Throat
  2. Benefits Of Ginger For Sore Throat
  3. Benefits Of Honey For Sore Throat
  4. Benefits Of Celery For Sore Throat
  5. Benefits Of Mint For Sore Throat
  6. Benefits Of Gargling With Salt For Sore Throat
  7. Summary

Garlic has antiseptic properties, which provide relief to the throat by destroying bacterial infection. Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which has antibacterial (bacterial), antifungal (fungal-killing) and antiviral (viral-killing) properties.

Required Ingredients

  • 1 bunch of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon honey or 1 teaspoon olive oil

How to use

  • The best use of garlic for sore throat is to put it directly in your mouth and chew or suck it. Do this process for at least 15 minutes.
  • This may be a little difficult for some people, so to make it easier, grind garlic and mix one teaspoon of honey or one teaspoon of olive oil in it.

When to use

  • Try this process twice a day, until your throat problem is completely cured.

Read More - (Effective Treatments for Sore Throat Relief)

Cough Relief
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Ginger has many properties such as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. With its help, throat problems caused by bacteria or viruses are cured. Apart from this, a study found that ginger juice helps in reducing infections caused by bacteria.

Required ingredients

  • 1 small piece of ginger
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Method of use

  • Cut ginger into small pieces
  • Let it heat on a saucepan with water for 2 to 3 minutes
  • Add lemon juice and honey to it for taste

When to use

  • This mixture of ginger can be consumed 3 times a day.

Due to sore throat, pain, irritation, swelling and dryness can be felt in the throat. Honey eliminates all these problems and provides lubrication and comfort in the throat. Honey has antibacterial and anti-viral properties, which help fight sore throat, swelling, pain and cough caused by bacteria or virus.


  • 2 teaspoons honey

Method of use

  • Although direct consumption of honey is considered most effective in case of sore throat, if you want, you can also drink it by mixing it in tea, soup or hot water.

When to use

  • You can eat honey anytime during the day, it is advisable to eat 2 teaspoons of honey in a day.

Read More - (Burning Sensation in the Throat)

Along with cooking, celery is also used for many home remedies, it is an excellent remedy for treating problems like cough, sore throat, swelling and cold. Celery contains antioxidants, which help in reducing the symptoms of sore throat.

Required ingredients

  • 1 teaspoon dry celery
  • 1 cup hot water

Method of use

  • Boil celery in hot water
  • Strain it and consume it twice a day

When to use

  • This recipe of celery is considered very effective for throat problems, the symptoms of sore throat will end with its consumption for 3 days. It should not be taken more than once a day.

Read More - (Home remedies for itchy throat)

Pudina has healing properties and it works like a medicine for cold and cough. The properties of menthol present in it reduce the mucus in the throat, which reduces the symptoms related to sore throat. Inhaling steam of mint water is considered to be an excellent home remedy for sore throat.

Required Ingredients

  • 3-4 teaspoons of mint oil
  • 150 ml hot water
  • 1 dry towel
  • 1 empty vessel

Method of use

  • Put the peppermint oil in water and boil it in a vessel
  • Take your mouth over the vessel and cover it from all sides with a towel
  • Now take long breaths from the mouth over the water and exhale, until the sore throat and mucus are completely cured.

When to use

  • Use this process in the morning and at night until the symptoms of sore throat disappear

Read More - (Dry throat)

Peppermint Essential Oil
₹1  ₹429  99% OFF

Gargling with salt water cures all types of throat problems. Salt destroys the germs present in the throat and removes water from the tissues, which helps in curing problems like sore throat, swelling and pain.

Required ingredients

  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup hot water

Method of use

  • Mix one teaspoon salt in hot water
  • Now gargle with it thoroughly for 30 seconds
  • If you want, you can also swallow the water

When to use

  • It is advisable to do this remedy once every 1 hour.
  • If your throat is sore or you are feeling any type of symptoms related to it, then do not consume milk during this time. Milk increases mucus, which increases the chances of sore throat. Any problem for more than 1 week can be a sign of a major disease. If you have a lump or pain in your throat, which is not getting cured by any remedy and due to which there is a problem like difficulty in swallowing or wheezing, then this condition can indicate throat cancer. In such a situation, a doctor should be consulted.

Read More - (Chronic cough)

There are some effective home remedies for sore throat that can provide relief. First of all, gargling with lukewarm salt water is a common and effective method, which reduces throat inflammation and pain. Apart from this, consumption of honey and ginger is also beneficial, as honey has antibacterial properties and ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. Adding basil leaves and licorice to tea and drinking it also provides relief to the throat. Drinking warm water or soup also provides moisture to the throat and is helpful in reducing pain. Along with these remedies, adequate rest and intake of fluids are also important.

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