TB or Tuberculosis is a serious infection caused by bacteria. It is also called tuberculosis, yakshma or tuberculosis. TB is a very contagious disease, which spreads very easily from one person to another. This disease usually occurs in the lungs, but can also spread to other parts of the body. TB mainly has symptoms like persistent cough and fever and the person feels tired and weak.
When a person infected with TB coughs or sneezes, the TB bacteria present in his mouth spreads in the air and when these bacteria enter the body of a healthy person through his breath, he also gets TB. After this, this bacteria gets mixed in the person's blood and starts infecting the body parts, as well as it starts multiplying. People who have a weak immune system are at a higher risk of getting TB.
To detect TB, doctors do X-rays, skin tests, sputum tests and blood tests. If you think you have TB or you are experiencing its symptoms or you have been around someone who has TB, then you must go to the doctor because this is a serious disease, which can cause many complications if not treated properly, such as inflammation in the membrane covering the brain, liver problems, heart disease and kidney disease etc. In some cases, due to severe damage, the person also dies.
(Read more - Drug-resistant Tuberculosis)
Children are vaccinated for TB, which strengthens their immune system and reduces their risk of getting TB. However, this disease can affect you even after vaccination. For the treatment of TB, DOTS treatment is done, in which the doctor gives you medicines and this treatment lasts for 6 months because TB bacteria take time to die. This article explains what to do if you get TB and when to go to the doctor for it.