TB or Tuberculosis is a serious infection caused by bacteria. It is also called tuberculosis, yakshma or tuberculosis. TB is a very contagious disease, which spreads very easily from one person to another. This disease usually occurs in the lungs, but can also spread to other parts of the body. TB mainly has symptoms like persistent cough and fever and the person feels tired and weak.

When a person infected with TB coughs or sneezes, the TB bacteria present in his mouth spreads in the air and when these bacteria enter the body of a healthy person through his breath, he also gets TB. After this, this bacteria gets mixed in the person's blood and starts infecting the body parts, as well as it starts multiplying. People who have a weak immune system are at a higher risk of getting TB.

To detect TB, doctors do X-rays, skin tests, sputum tests and blood tests. If you think you have TB or you are experiencing its symptoms or you have been around someone who has TB, then you must go to the doctor because this is a serious disease, which can cause many complications if not treated properly, such as inflammation in the membrane covering the brain, liver problems, heart disease and kidney disease etc. In some cases, due to severe damage, the person also dies.

(Read more - Drug-resistant Tuberculosis)

Children are vaccinated for TB, which strengthens their immune system and reduces their risk of getting TB. However, this disease can affect you even after vaccination. For the treatment of TB, DOTS treatment is done, in which the doctor gives you medicines and this treatment lasts for 6 months because TB bacteria take time to die. This article explains what to do if you get TB and when to go to the doctor for it.

  1. What Should Be Done If You Get Tb?
  2. When Should You Go To The Doctor For Tuberculosis (Tb)?
  3. Summary

If you feel the symptoms of TB, you should immediately go to the doctor without any delay, so that it can be treated properly at the right time. If you are getting treatment for TB from a doctor, then take your medicines at the right time without forgetting. You can do the following first aid for TB -

  • As long as you have TB, you are contagious, so try to stay alone so that this disease does not spread from you to someone else. 
  • Cover your mouth with a tissue while coughing or sneezing and then throw the tissue in a closed box or dustbin. 
  • If possible, go for a walk alone every day, it is good for your health. 
  • Your body needs strength to fight TB, so eat things that contain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. 
  • You can go out and exercise, but do not do exercises that require you to do more physical work. You do not need to wear a face mask while going out, but do not go too close to people. 
  • Try not to take caffeinated drinks and other things, such as tea or coffee etc. 
  • Do not go to public places, such as buses, trains, etc., until your doctor tells you that you can no longer spread TB. If possible, sleep alone in your room.
  • Avoid processed products like sugar, white bread and white rice

(Read more - From Cough to Fatigue: Common TB Symptoms in Women)

  • Open the window of your room for some time in the morning and evening so that air can come in the room. 
  • If you do not have a tissue, then sneeze or cough by covering your mouth with the upper part of the arm instead of your hands and then wash the whole hand thoroughly. If you sneeze or cough in your hand, the germs of TB stick to your hand and then these germs will infect the object you touch. 
  • Eat things that contain antioxidants, such as carrots, black pepper, tomatoes etc. 
  • If you travel in a car, then do not use a fan or AC for air inside the car, rather open the window and let the air come inside the car. If you are taking medicines for TB, take them after meals to avoid stomach upset or as your doctor has advised. 
  • Avoid foods that are high in fat or cholesterol. Instead, eat tofu, fish or beans. 
  • The utensils, clothes and sheets you used can be washed in the normal way. 
  • If possible, use vegetable oil or olive oil instead of butter. 
  • Take good care of your home and your cleanliness and do not leave the house dirty at all. If you want, you can use such vacuum cleaners, which remove even the smallest dirt. 
  • Do not consume any type of tobacco, it can cause serious harm to you. If you smoke cigarettes, try to quit this habit. 
  • Drinking alcohol can be harmful for you, so try to quit alcohol

(Read more -TB Test)

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If you experience symptoms of TB, you should go to the doctor so that you can get the right treatment. Go to your doctor immediately in the following conditions -

(Read more - Understanding Childhood TB: A Guide for Parents)

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TB (Tuberculosis) is an infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs. If TB is suspected, you should immediately get yourself examined by a doctor. If TB is confirmed, it is necessary to take the medicines prescribed by the doctor regularly for the entire course, because incomplete treatment can make the disease more dangerous. The patient should take nutritious food and take care of cleanliness. TB is contagious, so one should cover the mouth while coughing or sneezing and use separate utensils and towels. Free treatment for TB is available in government hospitals, and it can be completely cured if treated on time.

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