In today's era, cold drinks are considered the pride of every party. It is impossible that there is no cold drink at a party. Apart from the party, people also resort to cold drinks to quench their thirst, this is the reason why today people have started using cold drinks more instead of water. Cold drinks are liked by children and youth as well as people of other age groups.

But cold drinks popular among youth and children have many harmful effects. Cold drinks do not contain any kind of nutrients. Also, the harmful chemicals present in it have many side effects on health. Excess sugar and fructose corn syrup present in cold drinks cause diabetes and damage the heart and liver. Apart from this, chemicals like phosphoric acid that keep the beverage safe are the cause of bone and kidney disease. Along with this, there is a risk of damage to teeth due to citric acid in cold drinks.

(Read more - Are Cold Drinks Harmful During Pregnancy?)

To give complete information about the side effects of cold drinks, you are being told about the disadvantages and side effects of cold drinks in this article. Along with this, an attempt has been made to tell you in detail about the disadvantages of drinking cold drinks, side effects of drinking cold drinks and side effects of cold drinks etc.

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  1. Benefits Of Cold Drink
  2. Harmful Effects Of Cold Drink
  3. Summary

Drinking cold drinks has many disadvantages to health, but it can be used in other household chores. Some such benefits of cold drinks are given below.

Clean the grease of utensils. To try this remedy, you have to fill the cold drink in the vessel containing grease and oil. After this, keep this vessel on the gas for some time. When the cold drink becomes slightly warm, take the vessel off the gas and clean it with a scrub. This removes the grease and food stuck to your utensils very easily. 

(Read more - The Surprising Health Risks of Cold Water Consumption)

Clean the rust on the car battery. With the help of a cold drink, you can easily clean your car battery. For this, you have to apply a little cold drink on the rusted part, after this wait for some time and then clean the rust with an old toothbrush. After this, clean the cold drink left on the battery with a cloth. 

You can clean the jewellery and old coins kept at home. You can use a cold drink to clean the oil stains on the floor.

(Read more - Health benefits and side effects of beverages)

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Side Effects Of Drinking Cold Drink For Obesity

Excess weight is not the cause of any problem, but due to this, pressure starts to come on the heart and immune system. Children who drink more cold drinks are at a higher risk of becoming obese. A study found that obese children and teenagers who consumed less cold drinks and soft drinks daily lost weight rapidly.

These beverages do not contain any kind of nutrients and should not be included in the diet of children. The caffeine present in cold drinks replaces milk and other nutritious nutrients and reduces the appetite of the child.

Many people think that by doing more exercise after drinking cold drinks regularly, they will be saved from its side effects. But this is not so. Drinking cold drinks for a long time increases the calorie level in your body rapidly and you start becoming obese.

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Side Effect Of Cold Drink For Diabetes

The high amount of sugar present in cold drinks works to increase the level of glucose in the blood without filling your stomach. As a result, your body starts feeling tired. This vicious cycle of cold drinks has negative effects, which increases your chances of type 2 diabetes.

Drinking one or more cold drinks daily increases the risk of weight gain and type 2 diabetes in women. Along with this, regular consumption of cold drinks in men increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Side Effects Of Cold Drinks For Heart Disease

Heart diseases are also included in the side effects of cold drinks. The calories and cholesterol present in cold drinks block the arteries of the heart. Drinking cold drinks for a long time gradually causes the arteries of the heart to close completely, due to which pressure starts building up on the heart. In this situation, many heart diseases start occurring.

Not only this, cold drinks increase the risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes and all these problems point towards heart diseases. When you consume more sugar from unhealthy sources, it reduces the chances of you eating nutritious, fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. Due to this, the lipid level in your body becomes abnormal and it causes heart problems. Studies have shown that men who regularly drink cold drinks have a 20 percent higher risk of having a heart attack than others.

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Side Effect Of Cold Drink For Vitamin Deficiency

Cold drinks contain phosphoric acid and caffeine. Both these substances have diuretic effects, that is why after about an hour of drinking cold drinks, these elements start removing nutrients and vitamins from your body. If you drink cold drinks daily, then it has a very adverse effect on your health, and gradually you start having vitamin deficiency.

(Read more - Exploring the Connection: Vitamin Deficiency and Dry Skin)

Side Effects Of Cold Drink For Liver Disease

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is commonly used in cold drinks. High fructose corn syrup is made from corn starch. The liver does the work of digesting or breaking down fructose. If you consume high amounts of fructose, it can cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This condition is related to high cholesterol and high BP. High fructose corn syrup is cheaper than other sugars and is mostly used in cold drinks.

(Read more - Liver Injury)

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Side Effects Of Cold Drinks For Skin

Drinking cold drinks daily has side effects on the skin just like smoking. Due to the high sugar present in cold drinks, redness and swelling starts appearing on the skin. Also, due to this, there is a lack of water in the body and wrinkles start appearing. Due to this, the skin starts aging prematurely and becomes lifeless. Apart from this, drinking cold drinks increases the problem of eczema, dry skin, itching, acne and redness.

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Side Effects Of Cold Drinks For Cancer Risk

Many chemicals (preservatives) and artificial flavors are added to cold drinks to keep them safe for a long time. These chemicals damage the process of cell formation and increase infection in the organs. Due to this, cancer occurs in many organs.

Along with this, the element added to many cold drinks for brown color is very harmful from a health point of view. A 4-methylimidazole chemical is added to it for brown color. In research, this element has been found to be the main cause of lung, liver and thyroid cancer in some rats.

(Read more - What is the difference between a tumour and cancer?)

Drinking cold drinks can have many disadvantages, which have a negative effect on health. They contain high amounts of sugar and calories, which can cause weight gain and obesity. Regularly drinking cold drinks can lead to diabetes, heart diseases and dental problems, such as cavities and weakened teeth. They contain ingredients like phosphoric acid and caffeine, which can weaken bones and affect calcium absorption. Apart from this, they can also cause gas, acidity and digestive problems. Cold drinks do not contain any nutrients, and they only provide empty calories, which can cause long-term damage to the body. Therefore, replace cold drinks with healthier options like water, coconut water or fresh fruit juices.

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