Guggul is said to be a resin-like substance. It is obtained from the Guggulu tree. It is a gum resin secreted by the plant during extreme heat. It helps in curing many diseases. To obtain the resin, a circular cut is made in the main stem. Through these cuts, the aromatic liquid rapidly solidifies to a golden brown or reddish brown color. The dried resin has a bitter aromatic taste and odor. The resin obtained is Guggulu which is used for medicinal purposes. Guggulu is a resin-like substance. It is obtained from the Guggulu tree. It is a gum resin secreted by the plant during extreme heat. It helps in curing many diseases. To obtain the resin, a circular cut is made in the main stem. Through these cuts, the aromatic liquid rapidly solidifies to a golden brown or reddish brown color. The dried resin has a bitter aromatic taste and odor. The resin obtained is Guggul which is used for medicinal purposes.

Read More - (Herbs for jaundice)

  1. Benefits of Guggul
  2. Side Effect Of Guggul
  3. Summary

Guggul is also known as Guggal. It is the resin of a plant known as Commiphora Mukul. This plant grows as a small tree and reaches a height of 4-5 feet. Its branches are thorny. These plants are found from North Africa to Central Asia, but they are most common in Northern India. Fresh guggul is soft and sticky. This resin is bitter in taste and hot in nature. It is helpful in keeping all three doshas normal. So let us know about its benefits -

Guggul Benefits For Cholesterol

Guggulu has blood purifying and rejuvenating properties. It helps in removing toxins from the body and helps in curing skin diseases caused due to accumulation of toxins. Guggulu improves the immunity of the body and regulates lipid levels. It is a natural product to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. To treat these diseases you will need Guggulu, honey and lime juice. Mix one gram of Guggul, honey and lime juice and take it on an empty stomach in the morning. 

(Read more - Herbs for healthy liver)

Kanchnar Guggulu
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Guggul Benefits For Skin

Guggulu is used to treat ulcers and wounds. It is mixed with coconut oil and used on the affected skin area. 

Guggul Benefits For Oral Health

Guggulu has antiseptic and astringent properties. You can use it to treat oral problems like gum weakness, pyorrhea etc. For this purpose, melt two grams of guggul in a glass of warm water and use it for mouth wash and gargling. Guggulu is a natural product and can be taken safely for a long time without any harm. It has been used safely in clinical trials for up to 6 months. Some research shows that it can be used safely for up to two years. 

(Read more - Shatavari: The Queen of Herbs)

Guggul Benefits Weight Loss

We know that obesity is the main cause of heart disease, diabetes, joint pain, PCOS and other metabolic disorders. Based on the principles of Ayurveda, obesity occurs when Vata distorts Kapha. This resin is especially used for weight loss. That is why if you want to lose weight then consuming it can be good for you. 

(Read more - Diet Plan for Weight Loss)

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Guggul Benefits For Joint Pain

The anti-inflammatory properties of Guggulu help in reducing joint pain and general swelling. This resin is helpful in reducing pain and swelling in external use of herbal medicine. This gum is the main ingredient of Ayurvedic preparations used in arthritis, sciatica and joint pain. 

(Read more - Ayurvedic herbs for joint pain)

Guggul Benefits For Digestion

This resin increases appetite and normal digestive system. It helps in providing relief from indigestion, bloating and flatulence. It acts as a liver rejuvenator and removes toxins from the liver. It is also helpful in piles, constipation etc. Guggulu is warming in nature and stimulates the production of bile. It is very helpful in improving metabolism and digestion. 

(Read more - 5 Best Ayurvedic medicine for indigestion)

Guggul Benefits For Respiratory Problems

Guggulu helps in enhancing lung health and is very useful in treating chronic cough, bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. Also it is recommended by Ayurveda Acharya for the treatment of urinary calculi and cystitis.

(Read more - Acute Respiratory Infectio)

Guggul Benefits For Diabetes

It is recommended to be used as an Ayurvedic remedy for diabetes and obesity. The use of this resin helps in weight loss, hence it helps in controlling high blood sugar levels. Apart from this, old Guggul has blood sugar reducing properties.

(Read more - Remedies and Herbs for Diabetes)

Guggul Benefits For Men

The aphrodisiac properties of this gum have been mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. This resin is the best Ayurvedic remedy for erectile dysfunction. Since it helps in weight loss and diabetes, this herbal medicine can be used in erectile dysfunction. It increases male libido and it increases sperm count, hence this resin is used in Ayurvedic Vajikarana therapy.

(Read more - Permanent cure for erectile dysfunction)

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Guggul Benefits For Fibroids

Guggulu is recommended for use in female infertility and menstrual disorders. It can be used in Ayurvedic treatment of PCOS or PCOD.

(Read more - Yoga for PCOS / PCOD)

Guggulu stimulates blood flow during menstruation, reducing the size of the uterus. Therefore its use should be avoided during pregnancy. Guggulu affects thyroid function so use caution in underactive or overactive thyroid. Consuming it in excessive amounts can be harmful for the liver. Guggulu should be used with caution in liver disease or inflammatory bowel disease. Breastfeeding women should also talk to their doctor before consuming it.

(Read more - Home remedies for female infertility)

Guggulu is an Ayurvedic medicine that has been used in the Indian medicinal system for centuries. It is a gum resin obtained from a plant called Commiphora mukul. Guggulu has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, making it helpful in treating various health problems. It is mainly used in the treatment of high cholesterol, obesity, arthritis, and skin diseases. Guggulu helps increase the breakdown of fat in the body, reduce inflammation, and detoxify the body's natural toxins. Furthermore, it also boosts metabolism by stimulating the production of thyroid hormones. However, it is important to consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before using Guggulu, as its overdose or improper use may lead to some side effects.

Medicines / Products that contain Guggul

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