Pregnancy comes with many do's and don'ts, especially when it comes to food. Although dry fruits and nuts are included in the list of what you should eat during pregnancy because they are considered healthy, often pregnant women have a confusion about peanuts whether they should consume it or not. The reason for this is that the problem of peanut allergy is increasing rapidly these days and this allergy can also cause very serious problems.

So should you completely stop eating peanuts during pregnancy to protect your unborn child from any serious risk? Is it safe to consume peanuts and peanut products for the unborn baby, can it also cause peanut allergy in the baby or can the health benefits of peanuts be beneficial for the pregnant woman and her child? In this article, we are telling you whether you should eat peanuts during pregnancy or not, whether it is beneficial for you or not and what precautions you should take if you eat peanuts during pregnancy.

(Read more - Pregnancy Nutrition: What to Eat)

  1. Should Peanuts Be Eaten During Pregnancy Or Not?
  2. Benefits Of Eating Peanuts During Pregnancy
  3. Disadvantages Of Eating Peanuts During Pregnancy
  4. Summary

Actually, peanuts are at the third place after milk and eggs in the list of foods that can cause allergies. This is the reason why many women are afraid of eating peanuts during pregnancy due to fear of allergies. You will be surprised to know that about one-fourth of pregnant women experience allergies during pregnancy - There are many types of allergies that increase during pregnancy, while the problem of allergy is common in the family of some women.

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In such a situation, if a pregnant woman is not already allergic to peanuts, then consuming peanuts during pregnancy can be considered safe for her. Unless the pregnant woman herself is allergic to peanuts, there is no evidence that consuming peanuts or peanut products can put the mother or the baby in the womb at risk of developing allergies. But if you have a food allergy to peanuts or any other food item, then you should not consume peanuts during pregnancy.

Despite this, if you have any kind of confusion, then talk to your doctor or dietician and take the right advice from them whether you should eat peanuts during pregnancy or not.

(Read more - Pregnancy diet: What to eat)

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Peanuts can really be a smart option for pregnant women as it contains plenty of protein and folate. Folate and folic acid supplements are recommended during pregnancy to prevent birth defects, especially birth defects of the brain and spinal cord. Apart from this, there are many other benefits of eating peanuts during pregnancy:

Benefits Of Eating Peanuts During Pregnancy For Healthy Fats

Pregnant women need to include healthy fats in their diet, especially because healthy fats contribute to the development of the baby (especially the development of the baby's brain). Apart from this, healthy fats also help in the growth of the placenta, reduce the risk of premature birth and also ensure a healthy weight of the baby at birth. Peanut butter falls in the category of healthy fats. It helps in reducing the level of bad cholesterol as well as providing healthy fats to both the mother and the baby. Peanuts are a superfood that is recommended to be eaten at all stages of pregnancy. 

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Benefits Of Eating Peanuts During Pregnancy For Folate

Pregnant women are advised to consume foods rich in folate, as it contributes to the healthy development of the baby. Perhaps you may not know this, but peanuts contain a lot of folate, so including it in your daily diet can be beneficial for you. According to experts, 100 grams of peanuts contain about 60 percent of your daily requirement of folate (essential for a pregnant woman). Consumption of peanuts and peanut butter is especially recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy so that the baby can get more folate to grow and develop.

(Read more - Diet during the first month of pregnancy)

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Benefits Of Eating Peanuts During Pregnancy For Protein

The growing baby in the womb needs protein to develop, so it is very important to include protein in your diet. But for many pregnant women, it is not possible to eat meat due to changing tastes. Therefore, they can consume peanuts to fulfill their protein needs. Peanuts are rich in protein along with healthy fats. Peanut butter made from 100 grams of peanuts can fulfill the daily requirement of protein. Therefore, to fulfill the protein needs of yourself and your child, you can consume peanuts in limited quantities.

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Benefits Of Eating Peanuts During Pregnancy To Prevent Mood Swings

A large number of women also experience mood swings during pregnancy. Sometimes you are very happy and sometimes the next moment you feel like crying and shedding tears. There is no need to worry because mood swings are very common during pregnancy. If you want, you can overcome these mood related problems by consuming peanuts. Actually, peanuts contain tryptophan which is an essential amino acid. This amino acid helps in the production of happy hormone serotonin. In such a situation, when you consume peanuts during pregnancy, it also helps in preventing the problem of mood swings and keeping depression away.

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Benefits Of Eating Peanuts During Pregnancy For Fiber And Iron

Often women also face the problem of constipation during pregnancy. In such a situation, if you include peanuts which are rich in fiber in your diet, then problems related to digestion and excretion will be overcome and there will be no problem of constipation. Apart from this, during pregnancy your body needs more iron so that it can produce more blood to help in the growth of the child. But if there is a lack of iron and blood in the body, then there can be a risk of anemia. Therefore, eat peanuts which are rich in iron and prevent the problem of anemia during pregnancy.

(Read more - Fruits for Pregnant Women)

If you do not have a problem of allergy to peanuts and are consuming peanuts during pregnancy, then you should still consume it in limited quantities because eating too much peanuts during pregnancy can also have many side effects.

  • As we have already mentioned, peanuts contain high amounts of healthy fat which helps in gaining weight. But if you are already obese during pregnancy and you are overweight, then you should not eat peanuts or eat them in very limited quantities.
  • If you have stomach inflammation or gastritis or any other problem related to digestion, then you should not consume peanuts as it can worsen your stomach problems and inflammation in the stomach.
  • If you have kidney stones, then also you should not eat peanuts.

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Consuming peanuts during pregnancy, in limited quantities, can provide many health benefits. Peanuts are rich in protein, folate, and healthy fats, which are essential nutrients for pregnant women. Folate helps in the development of the baby's brain and spinal cord, while protein and fat help maintain energy levels. The antioxidants and other nutrients present in peanuts strengthen the immune system. However, there is a risk of peanut allergy, so consult a doctor before including it in your diet.

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