As the time of pregnancy increases, women become more excited. In the ninth month, the doctor already tells the estimated date of delivery. At the same time, some women do not feel labor pain even after the due date has passed. In such a situation, if the cervix opens on time, then delivery can be easy. For this, women can try some home remedies, which increase the expansion in the cervix and can help in getting the delivery done on time. For this, some special exercises and dates etc. can be consumed. Today in this article we will know which home remedies can be used to open the cervix on time-

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  1. Home Remedies Beneficial In Opening The Cervix
  2. Summary
Doctors for Preparing for Labor: Home Remedies to Open the Cervix

In the year 2011, a study was done on 201 pregnant women. Among these, 50 percent of women had tried home remedies to start labor pain. Health experts recommend that women should wait for at least 39 weeks for delivery. If labor pain does not start even after the 40th week, then some natural methods can be tried, which are mentioned below -


Exercise is a home remedy to cure most problems. Exercise can also be done to make delivery easier. Exercise can be of any type. Exercise reduces stress, increases heart rate. Exercise is also a great way to keep the body strong.

If exercise is not effective in opening the mouth of the uterus, then it can still provide many other benefits. Just keep in mind that only a doctor can tell which exercise to do and which not to do. Therefore, before starting any exercise, definitely take the advice of a doctor.

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Castor Oil

Castor oil can be an easy home remedy to open the mouth of the uterus. For this, 29ml to 59ml of castor oil can be consumed. Drinking this oil releases prostaglandins, which can help prepare the cervix and start labor.

To make delivery easier, this home remedy should be used only on the advice of a doctor. Also, avoid drinking castor oil in large quantities. Drinking castor oil can also cause side effects like diarrhea. Therefore, do not consume it without consulting a doctor.

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Some scientific research shows that eating dates is beneficial in the last weeks of pregnancy. Eating dates can help open the mouth of the uterus, making delivery easier. Dates help prepare the cervix when labor pain occurs. It also increases the dilatation of the cervix.

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Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme breaks down proteins in the tissue. Actually, the bromelain enzyme travels to the cervix and works to break down the tissue there. This softens the cervix and can ease the delivery process.

There is no concrete evidence yet to confirm this theory. This enzyme is not active in the stomach and is only absorbed by the body. Eating pineapple can cause side effects like tingling of the tongue and ulcers in the mouth.

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Walking can help in the dilation of the uterus by increasing blood flow. The woman can walk around the house. Even changing positions can encourage dilation, as the weight of the baby puts pressure on the cervix. This can cause labor pain and delivery can happen on time. The woman can also use an exercise ball. It is also called a birthing ball. In this, one has to sit on the ball and move back and forth. This will loosen the muscles in the pelvis and make delivery easier.

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Laughter can also make delivery easier. This can keep stress and fear away. This relaxes the body and also helps in uterine expansion. For this, pregnant women can meet friends, watch comedy movies or shows.

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Breast/Nipple Stimulation

Some solid medical research believes that stimulating the breast or nipple can help in opening the mouth of the uterus. Nipple stimulation produces oxytocin. Oxytocin is the hormone that contracts the uterus.

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Before adopting any measure to induce labor, definitely consult a doctor, so that all kinds of risks and complications can be avoided. Some of these remedies are real, but there is no concrete evidence whether they work or not. At the same time, health experts advise that it is safest to let the delivery happen in a normal way.

Dr. Ashita

Dr. Ashita

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
3 Years of Experience

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Dr. Alpana Bharti

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
6 Years of Experience

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
7 Years of Experience

Dr Sujata Sinha

Dr Sujata Sinha

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
30 Years of Experience

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