After the completion of the first trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women enter the second trimester. At this time, working women start planning for their leave. Every stage of pregnancy is very important for a woman. By this time, the symptoms of morning sickness and fatigue in the first trimester of most pregnant women are over. With the end of morning sickness and fatigue, in the second trimester, the woman starts feeling more energetic than before. But even during this time, women should take complete care of their health so that there is no problem.

So that women do not have any problem in this stage of pregnancy, the second trimester of pregnancy is being explained in detail in this article. Along with this, what is the meaning of the second trimester in pregnancy, physical changes in the second trimester of pregnancy, development of the fetus in the second trimester of pregnancy, what to eat in the second trimester of pregnancy and care in the second trimester of pregnancy etc. have also been explained in detail.

(Read more - How To Take Care During Pregnancy)

  1. What Is The Meaning Of The Second Trimester In Pregnancy?
  2. Physical Changes In The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy
  3. Baby's Development In The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy
  4. What To Eat In The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy?
  5. How To Take Care In The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy?
  6. Summary

Pregnancy is divided into three stages of three months each. Its second stage is called the second trimester. The second trimester is considered from the 13th week of pregnancy to the 27th week of pregnancy. It is also called the honeymoon period of pregnancy. For most women, the second trimester of pregnancy is more comfortable than the first trimester. In the second trimester, the size of the fetus becomes slightly larger and in such a situation the woman's stomach is seen coming out. Women should also have complete information about the problems and care in the second trimester of pregnancy. During this time, the pregnant woman should also know about the changes in the body, the development of the fetus and the diet.

(Read more - Every Mother Should Know : Pregnancy Problems)

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Just like the first trimester of pregnancy, the second trimester is also important for every woman. During the second trimester, the symptoms seen in the first trimester of pregnancy improve. Generally, at this time most women get relief from the problem of nausea and fatigue. But during this time also many types of changes occur in the woman's body. The changes in the woman's body in the second trimester of pregnancy are being described in detail below.

Back Pain:
Due to the increase in the weight of the woman in the last few months of pregnancy, she may have to face the problem of back pain during this time. To reduce the pressure on the back or waist at this time, women should try to sit with their back straight. Also, use a chair that supports the waist to sit. Apart from this, sleep on the side and keep a pillow between your legs while sleeping. At this time, a pregnant woman should avoid lifting heavy items. Apart from this, instead of high heel sandals, one should wear comfortable shoes or slippers. If there is a lot of pain in the waist or back, then in such a situation women can get a light massage done on the painful part by a family member or husband.

(Read more - Diet during the first month of pregnancy)

Increase In The Size Of Uterus And Breasts:
In the second trimester of pregnancy, the uterus of the woman is in a position to grow sufficiently for the development of the fetus. Also, at this time the pain in the breasts during the first trimester reduces, but the growth of women's breasts continues even in the second trimester. This happens because even in the second trimester, women's breasts are getting ready to breastfeed the child. When the size of the breasts increases, women should wear such a bra, which can provide adequate support to their breasts.

(Read more - Pregnancy Nutrition: What to Eat)

Bleeding Gums:
Most women have swollen and painful gums during the second trimester of pregnancy. This is because the hormonal changes in the woman's body at this time increase blood flow to the gums, due to which sensitivity and bleeding in the woman's gums becomes common. After the birth of the child, the condition of the woman's gums becomes normal again. During this time, the woman should use a soft toothbrush, and should not apply too much force while cleaning the teeth. Some studies have shown that pregnant women who have gum problems have a higher chance of their child being born prematurely and having low birth weight.

(Read more - How To Take Care During Pregnancy)

Nose Blockage And Bleeding:
Due to the increase in hormone levels in the second trimester of pregnancy, more blood is produced in the woman's body. Due to this, the mucous membrane of the woman gets swollen. Due to this swelling, the woman's nose gets blocked and nose bleeds. Women get relief from nose blockage by using saline drops. Also, take sufficient fluids at this time, put a humidity fire in the room and maintain moisture in the skin of the nose by applying petroleum jelly on the edges of the nostrils.

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White Discharge (Discharge):
It is normal for a woman to have white discharge (leucorrhea) from her vagina in the second stage of pregnancy. Women should not use tampons during this period. There is a risk of germs entering the woman's vagina from tampons. Contact your doctor if there is yellow, foul-smelling and excessive discharge during this period. 

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Other Physical Changes In The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy

During the second trimester of pregnancy, all the organs of the fetus are fully developed. At this time, the size of the fetus increases as compared to the first trimester. In such a situation, the stomach of the pregnant woman also starts appearing outside. The child starts hearing and swallowing in the second trimester itself.

By the end of this stage, the woman starts feeling the movement of the fetus, not only this, the pregnant woman can also easily experience the sleeping and waking state of the fetus. According to pregnancy related organizations, by the end of the second trimester, the length of the fetus becomes about 14 inches and the weight is a little more than two pounds.

(Read more - Benefits for Pregnant Women)

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In the second trimester of pregnancy, a balanced and nutritious diet is necessary for the woman and the fetus. By taking a complete diet, the fetus gets sufficient nutrients, which are considered very important for its development. Not only this, by taking a proper diet, the woman is also protected from many types of problems occurring during pregnancy. At this time, the woman has to take vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates etc. in the right quantity. However, the woman needs more calories in the second trimester than normal days.Know about the nutrients and foods necessary for the second trimester of pregnancy as follows.

Iron-rich Foods:
Iron helps in transporting oxygen throughout the body. During pregnancy, iron-rich foods work to transport oxygen to the fetus. Not taking iron at this time can cause anemia and other problems (such as premature birth of the child and depression after delivery) in women. Therefore, women should include green leafy vegetables, dry fruits (nuts), beans, and fat-free meat in their diet at this time.

(Read more - Should Probiotics Be Taken During Pregnancy?)

Protein-rich Foods:
In the second trimester of pregnancy, women should take 75 to 100 grams of protein in their diet in a day. Taking protein daily helps the brain and other tissues of the fetus to grow. Also, protein is necessary for the development of the mother's uterus and breasts. To get protein, a woman should include foods like tofu, eggs, fish, peas and nuts in her diet.

(Read more - The Role of Folic Acid in Female Fertility)

Vitamin B is also known as folate. Folate is very important in pregnancy, it mainly protects the baby from neural tube defects such as spina bifida. You can get it from green leafy vegetables like spinach and cabbage etc. Apart from this, vitamin B is also present in oranges and whole grains.

(Read more - How to Use a Pregnancy Test Kit at Home)

Other Essential Nutrients

(Read more - Diet For Anemia In Pregnancy)

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman should take adequate care of herself. Along with this, it is very important for the woman to have complete information about all the precautions to be taken at this time. What a woman should do and what she should not do during this time, all these things are being explained in detail below.

What To Do In The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy

  • Keep teeth and gums healthy. Due to dirty teeth, the chances of the child being born prematurely increases.
  • Be sure to take prenatal vitamins during pregnancy.
  • Exercise regularly. 
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Include fruits, vegetables, low-fat protein and fiber in your diet.
  • Do exercises related to pelvic muscles. 
  • Drink water as per requirement. 
  • Take the right amount of calories, try to take 300 calories more than normal days.

What Not To Do In The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy

  • Do not drink alcohol. 
  • Do not take caffeine.
  • Do not do exercises that cause injury to the stomach.
  • Smoking
  • Eating uncooked fish. 
  • Drugs
  • Unprocessed milk.
  • Do not eat fish that contain mercury.

(Read more - Ectopic Pregnancy)

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The second trimester of pregnancy covers the period from the fourth to the sixth month of pregnancy, which is usually from week 13 to week 26. This time is often called the "golden time" of pregnancy because problems such as nausea and fatigue that occur during the first trimester often subside. Pregnant women get more energy in the second trimester and their belly begins to grow rapidly.

The baby's important development processes continue during this period. The baby's organs and nervous system are more developed, and the baby's movements such as kicking can be felt. In addition, the baby's face and other features become more pronounced.

This is the time for women to pay attention to regular health checkups, proper nutrition and light exercise. Along with this, it is also important to pay attention to pregnancy-related problems such as back pain, swollen legs and bleeding gums. Overall, the second trimester is an exciting and important time for pregnant women, in which they can feel the growth of their baby.

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