What is Semen Fructose test?

Semen fructose test is a part of semen analysis. It measures the amount of fructose present in the semen of a person. Semen is a thick and white fluid, which contains sperms (male reproductive cells) along with secretions of various glands such as seminal vesicles. The seminal vesicle contributes almost 70% of the semen. Secretions from the seminal vesicles include seminal fructose, proteins, vitamin C, enzymes and prostaglandins. Fructose is a sugar that provides energy for the movement of the sperm. 

The seminal vesicle along with vas deferens (a tube that transports the mature sperm) forms an ejaculatory duct that releases the semen into the urethra - the tube that carries urine. 

Obstruction in the seminal vesicle or absence of seminal vesicle/vas deferens may lead to absence of fructose in the semen. Hence, a semen fructose test will help in determining the proper functioning of seminal vesicle and vas deferens.

  1. Why is Semen Fructose test performed?
  2. How do you prepare for a Semen Fructose test?
  3. How is a Semen Fructose test performed?
  4. Semen Fructose test results and normal range

A semen fructose test is recommended for those who show low sperm count or low ejaculating fluid volume. Your healthcare practitioner may order a semen fructose test to check for the origin of azoospermia (absence of sperms in the semen). This test is also performed in conjugation with other tests in semen analysis if the doctor suspects male infertility. It is normally done when a couple is trying to conceive for more than a year but are unable to.

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Your healthcare practitioner will ask you to avoid having sex for two to seven days before the test. Inform him/her if you are taking any medications. Certain prescribed medicines, such as cimetidine affects the results of this test and should hence be avoided. Also, avoid taking herbal medicines like St. John’s Wort and substances such as alcohol, tobacco and caffeine before the test. 

For this test, a laboratory technician will give you a sterile container to collect a sample of your semen. You will be asked to submit the sample by stimulating yourself in a private area. 

Your healthcare practitioner may give a condom or sheath if the sample is to be collected during sexual intercourse. 

The sample should be labelled and submitted within an hour after ejaculation.

Avoid using lubricated condoms or lubricants as they can affect the test results.

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Normal results:

A normal test result is reported as positive for the presence of fructose. A reference value of more than 150 milligrams per deciliter is considered normal. It indicates that your seminal vesicle and vas deferens are working well.

Abnormal results:

A semen specimen that is negative for fructose is considered abnormal. Lack of fructose in a semen specimen that has no sperms indicates the following possibilities:

  • Absence of vas deferens in the area of seminal vesicle 
  • Obstruction in the seminal vesicle
  • Congenital vas deferens-seminal vesicle developmental defect 
  • Absence of seminal vesicle

Disclaimer: All results must be clinically correlated with the patient’s complaints to make a complete and accurate diagnosis. The above information is provided from a purely educational point of view and is in no way a substitute for medical advice by a qualified doctor.


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