Today many couples have many options to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Copper T is also included in these options. Today Copper T has become a very popular method among the options used to prevent unwanted pregnancy among the people. Due to its effects, women have started using it in large quantities. But many types of apprehensions also remain in the minds of women regarding Copper T. Keeping these apprehensions of all of you in mind, today you are being told about Copper T in detail. It will also tell about the types of Copper T, is it safe, how it works, method of applying Copper T, method of removing it, benefits of Copper T, disadvantages and price of Copper T.

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  1. What is Copper T?
  2. Is It Safe To Insert Copper T?
  3. How Does Copper T Work?
  4. Method Of Insertion Of Copper T
  5. How To Remove Copper T
  6. Benefits of applying Copper T
  7. Side Effects Of Copper T
  8. Summary

Copper T is used to give freedom to women from unwanted pregnancy. Copper T is also included in contraceptive devices. This contraceptive option is mainly said to be useful for women who have already become mothers. Copper T is a small device made of copper and plastic. This device is inserted in the uterus of women. With the help of which women are not able to conceive. But whenever women feel the need to conceive, they can easily remove the copper T and conceive.

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This question comes to mind of many women. Some women choose some other option of contraception when they do not get the answer to this question, while some women ask their doctor about this. In response to this question that comes in the mind of women while using Copper T, experts say that this technique of avoiding pregnancy is quite effective. Its T shape is easily located in the uterus. Apart from this, Copper T does not allow the sperm to easily fertilize the egg formed in the uterus of women. Just as it starts working as a contraceptive after applying it, in the same way, after removing it, you are easily able to conceive. Copper T is made to prevent pregnancy for 10 years, but many Copper Ts are able to work only for 5 years. The ability to prevent pregnancy also depends on the quality of Copper T. Apart from this, if you want to get pregnant soon, then you can remove it and conceive at any time.

There are no hormones of any kind present in Copper T, that is why it does not affect the menstrual cycle of women. Whereas many other hormonal options of birth control make menstruation irregular.

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When Copper T is properly inserted in the uterus, it starts working. The copper wrapped around this T-shaped device affects the uterus and due to which you are unable to conceive. The copper of this device, when mixed with other fluids of the cervix and uterus, increases the amount of copper in it. Due to the high amount of copper, this fluid acts as a spermicide. Due to which the sperms reaching the uterus are destroyed after coming in contact with it. Due to the destruction of sperms, the egg formed under ovulation in women is not fertilized and due to this the woman is not able to get pregnant.

  • Effectiveness of Copper T - Copper T is considered very useful in contraceptive methods. According to experts, it is up to 99 percent effective.
  • Duration of effect - After applying Copper T, you will be free from pregnancy for 5 to 10 years. Its time period depends on the quality of Copper T. After removing it, you can easily get pregnant again. By inserting Copper T in the first 5 days of menstruation, you cannot get pregnant. Copper T starts working from the first week of its insertion and it remains effective for the maximum time period of Copper T

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In Copper T, both the upper ends of the T-shaped part are bent downwards and inserted into a thin pipe. After this, this pipe is inserted into the uterus through the vagina of the woman and Copper T is left there. As soon as it comes out of the pipe, both the ends of this T open and fit into its correct shape. Once it is positioned correctly, it starts working. In this way, this small device made of plastic and copper becomes a birth control device. Doctors can choose Copper T according to the size of your uterus. If inserted correctly, Copper T can do its work effectively for years without moving. To apply this, you should take the help of an expert or a doctor.

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There is a simple method of removing Copper T. You can remove it with the help of your doctor. Within a month of removing Copper T, your body becomes capable of conceiving 30 percent. There is a thread on the lower end of Copper T, which when pulled outwards, the Copper T comes out easily. The doctor takes it out with a forcep. Many women feel pain while removing Copper T. In this condition, bleeding can also occur. But this bleeding is not like menstruation. This type of bleeding is common immediately after removing Copper T. In many cases, this bleeding gets cured on its own. If the maximum period of inserting Copper T has been completed, then you can remove it and get another Copper T inserted at the same time. 

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There are many benefits of applying Copper T. These include the following -

  • There is no hormone present in Copper T. Also, it does not react with any medicine.
  • After using it, women do not have to take unnecessary stress to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  • If a woman wants to get pregnant, she can easily remove the Copper T. As soon as it is removed, your body becomes ready to conceive again.
  • Copper T is made to be used for 10 years. 
  • Due to being used for a long time, Copper T is considered a cheaper option than other contraceptive options. 
  • Copper T is used in effective methods of birth control.

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There are many benefits of applying Copper T, but you may also have to face many difficulties by applying it. So let's know about the disadvantages of it -

Frequent bleeding -
Many women have to face the problem of frequent bleeding after applying Copper T. Generally, this problem comes to the fore in women in the initial stage of applying Copper T. Apart from this, some women have the problem of cramps in the lower part of the stomach during menstruation. This problem is different from the normal cramps that occur during menstruation. You can take painkillers for this pain.

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Infection -
Women who are allergic to copper may have rashes and itching in the vagina after applying Copper T. But, this happens to very few women. To get rid of such infection, you have the option of removing the Copper T. If you get infected from the Copper T, you can choose any other option of contraception.

Copper T coming out on its own -
In many women, the Copper T comes out on its own. Such a problem arises in the initial stage of inserting the Copper T. This kind of problem is seen immediately after giving birth to a child or in women who have never been pregnant before.

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Problems in the uterus -
Many times, while inserting the Copper T, the uterus of women gets scratched. Apart from this, in some cases, the uterus of women also gets seriously injured. Due to which the lining of the uterus gets damaged or it starts bleeding. In this situation, if the Copper T is not removed immediately, it can cause serious infection in the uterus.

There is no protection from sexual infection -
Even after inserting the Copper T, women can become victims of sexual infection. Therefore, it is very important to protect against sexual infections even after inserting the Copper T.

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Copper T, also known as IUD (intrauterine device), is an effective contraceptive device. It is a small, T-shaped device that is inserted into the woman's uterus by the doctor. Copper T is made of copper which works by inactivating sperm and preventing the egg from getting fertilized.

It has many advantages like it provides long-term contraception (up to 5-10 years) and its effect starts immediately. Fertility returns immediately upon its removal. However, it can also have some side effects like heavy menstrual bleeding and cramps in the initial few months. Overall, Copper T is a safe and effective contraceptive option but it is important to consult a doctor before using it.

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