Yoga not only keeps the mind but also the health better. Doing yoga relieves stress, increases the body's immunity. Doing yoga daily can keep one away from all kinds of diseases. Some yoga asanas are done while standing, while some are done while sitting. One such yogasana is Parsva Sukhasana, which is done while sitting. Doing this yogasana improves blood flow in the body and can also relieve stress. Today in this article we will learn about the benefits of Parsva Sukhasana and how to do it -

(Read more - Hatha Yoga)

  1. Benefits of Parsva Sukhasana
  2. How to do Parsva Sukhasana?
  3. Precautions While Doing Parsva Sukhasana
  4. Summary
Doctors for Parsva Sukhasana Benefits: Pose for Maximum Wellness

Parsva means side or armpit, while Sukhasana is a sitting posture. Doing this asana regularly brings flexibility in the muscles of the neck, shoulder and back. Doing this also reduces stress and gives good sleep. Let us know how the body and mind can benefit by doing this -

Benefits Of Parsva Sukhasana To Improve Posture

Sometimes sitting at one place for a long time spoils the body posture. In such a situation, Parsva Sukhasana can improve bad posture. This asana can also be done to maintain better body posture.

(Read more - Yoga for mental health)

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Benefits Of Parsva Sukhasana To Stretch The Body

By doing Parsva Sukhasana, the muscles of the waist, arms and hips feel stretched. This makes the muscles strong. Parsva Sukhasana works as a full body workout in a way. This asana activates the abdominal muscles. It also relaxes the muscles of the shoulder, back and neck.

(Read more - Benefits of Parvatasana Yoga)

Benefits Of Parsva Sukhasana For Increase Blood Circulation

By doing Parsva Sukhasana, blood circulation in the body improves. By practicing this, the efficiency of the lungs increases and the body gets enough oxygen. Apart from this, doing this asana also gives energy to the body.

(Read more - Benefits of Viparita Salabhasana)

Benefits Of Parsva Sukhasana To Tone Hips

This yogasana can be beneficial for people who have fat deposits on their hips. Hip fat can be burnt by doing this yogasana. Also, the muscles of the hips can be toned. Parsva Sukhasana can be done daily to give a good shape to the hips.

(Read more - Benefits Of Yoga For Periods)

Benefits Of Parsva Sukhasana To Relieve Stress

Nowadays most people live under stress. Regular practice of Parsva Sukhasana can relieve stress. Doing this asana also calms the mind and gives good sleep.

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The steps to do this yogasana correctly are given below -

  • To do this yogasana, first spread a yoga mat in a clean and calm environment.
  • Sit in Sukhasana by folding your legs on the mat.
  • During this, keep your spine, back and waist bone absolutely straight.
  • Keep both hands relaxed.
  • After this, place the palm of the left hand on the mat near the knee of the left leg.
  • Then take a deep breath and raise the right hand towards the sky and keep it close to the ear.
  • Now while exhaling, turn from the waist to the left.
  • This will make you feel stretched on the right side.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds and keep breathing at a normal pace.
  • Then come back to normal position.
  • After this, repeat this with the other hand.
  • This can be done 4-5 times one by one.

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It is also important to take some precautions while doing Parsva Sukhasana, which is mentioned below -

  • If someone has an injury in the feet or ankles, they should avoid doing this yogasana.
  • People who have an injury in the knees or have pain in the knees should also avoid doing this yogasana.
  • Do not practice Parsva Sukhasana in case of back and shoulder pain.
  • This yogasana should not be done if there is pain in the muscles of the hips.
  • People with sciatica problems and those who have recently undergone surgery should do this asana on the advice of an expert.

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It is clear from this article that doing Parsva Sukhasana correctly can give many benefits. People of all ages can easily do this asana at home, but if there is any health problem or you are doing yoga for the first time, then it is necessary to do it under the supervision of a yoga expert. The full benefits of yoga can be achieved only when it is done in the right way and at the right time.

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