Constipation is a very common problem, which every person faces at some time or the other. This is a problem of the digestive system, in which the person either stops passing stools or has hard stools, which cannot come out easily. Apart from this, there are many other problems when constipation occurs, such as stomach pain or flatulence etc. Constipation can be caused by many reasons, such as eating and drinking, lifestyle habits, medicines and diseases.

Constipation occurs when our intestines absorb more water than needed from the food. Due to this, the stool starts drying and cannot move forward, due to which we stop having stools or have very hard stools. Constipation is a short-term problem, which is usually cured by some home remedies or lifestyle changes. However, this can have a bad effect on your life, because you continue to feel discomfort until the stool comes out. This article explains what to do and what not to do when constipation occurs and when to go to the doctor for constipation.

(Read more - Relief for Digestive Issues)

  1. What Should Be Done For Constipation In The Stomach?
  2. What Should Not Be Done In Constipation?
  3. When To Go To The Doctor For Constipation?
  4. Summary

You can do the following first aid in case of constipation -

  • There should not be a shortage of water in the body when there is constipation, so drink as much fluids as possible. This will provide relief in constipation and if you do not have constipation, but sometimes it happens, then you will get relief in that too. In constipation, it is advisable to drink as much water as possible instead of other liquids. By drinking water, your stool will not become hard and will come out easily. 
  • People suffering from constipation should take an adequate amount of fiber. If you have constipation, eat things that are easy to digest and are rich in fiber, such as bananas, kiwi, spinach etc. If possible, eat fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. If you want, you can also take fiber supplements available in the market. 
  • If you have constipation, it is important to make a routine for passing stools. If you do not pass stools regularly, your stools become hard and difficult to pass. Make a time when you can leave everything else and go to pass stools. Try to make a routine of going to the toilet before going to bed at night and as soon as you wake up in the morning. 
  • People suffering from constipation are advised to drink warm liquids. It is believed that drinking warm liquids, especially in the morning, helps you pass stools easily. 
  • While passing stools, sit in such a way that your knees are above the level of your hips. If you use a western toilet, try to keep a stool or something else under your feet so that your knees are above the level of your hips. 
  • If you are suffering from constipation, taking coconut oil daily can be beneficial for you, as it will make your intestines smooth and the stool will move easily. If you cannot drink coconut oil alone, you can take it by mixing it in coffee or in some other way. 
  • It is good to exercise daily for constipation, as it keeps your intestinal muscles active and the stool also comes out easily. It is not mandatory to go to the gym daily to exercise, but walking and jogging keep the stomach and intestinal muscles active. Do light exercises in the beginning and gradually increase your routine. 
  • If you feel like passing stool, do not try to hold back the stool. Doing this makes the stool hard and later there is difficulty in defecation. As soon as you start feeling the need to pass stool, go to the toilet as soon as possible. If you already have a constipation problem, then holding stool can increase your problem. 
  • It is good to take magnesium for constipation. It increases the water in your digestive system and softens your stool. Eat foods that contain magnesium, but consult your doctor before taking it. If you want, you can also take magnesium supplements available in the market. 
  • Laxatives can also be taken for constipation, which are very easily available in the market. However, talk to your doctor or chemist before taking them. Remember that taking laxatives is the last resort for constipation. 

(Read more -How to get rid of constipation)

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When you have constipation, you should keep many things in mind, such as -

  • Processed food does not contain fiber and it also causes constipation. Try not to take such foods if you have constipation. Eat fruits and vegetables instead. 
  • Prolonged constipation can cause problems like fistula and piles, so go to the doctor at the right time and do not ignore your symptoms. In the section below, we have told you about such situations when you should go to the doctor for constipation. 
  • Drinking alcohol in constipation can make your stool harder and increase your constipation problem. If you have constipation, do not consume alcohol. 
  • Consuming caffeinated beverages can make it easier to pass stools, but it can also cause water deficiency in the body, due to which the problem of constipation can also increase. Try not to consume too much caffeine in constipation. 
  • Stress is also considered to be a cause of constipation. If your mind is stressed, then its effect is seen on your body too. Take as little stress as possible when you have a constipation problem and if you are worried about something, then try to reduce it. 
  • Consuming more milk, cheese and dairy products in constipation can increase the problem, because the lactose present in them causes gas problems. That is why I do not consume too much dairy products in constipation. 
  • Some people stop eating due to constipation, but this does not reduce the problem. In constipation, take such things that can reduce your problem. Especially, fiber-rich diet
  • Just like eating, stopping exercise and movement in constipation will also not cure your problem. Rather, it will cause more difficulty in passing stool, that is why do not give up your exercise and daily routine in constipation. 
  • Ignoring the urge to defecate when you are constipated can worsen your problem, so go to the toilet as soon as you have a bowel movement. 
  • Keep in mind that laxatives should not be used excessively, as this can damage the cells of your intestine and it may also happen that a situation arises where you are not able to defecate without a laxative. If you are taking a laxative, then consult your doctor about how and for how long to use it. 
  • In constipation, your body takes more time than usual to defecate, so sit in the toilet for a longer time so that you can defecate properly. 
  • Taking some medicines can also cause constipation, such as sleeping pills, high BP medicines, painkillers, etc. If you feel that you are having a constipation problem after taking any medicine, then you must consult your doctor about this. 

(Read more - Acupressure Points for Constipation)

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Although the problem of constipation gets cured by taking some measures, sometimes you may also need to go to the doctor for this because constipation can also be a sign of some other problem. Be sure to visit your doctor in the following situations -

  • If there is stomach pain or stomach cramps along with sudden constipation, then you should go to the doctor immediately. 
  • If you are having so much stomach pain along with constipation that you are not able to bear it, then you should go to the doctor as soon as possible. 
  • Bleeding in the stool can be a sign of a serious problem, so if you see blood in your stool or the color of the stool is dark red, then go to the doctor. 
  • Vomiting with constipation can be a sign that there is a blockage in your intestine, due to which the body waste is coming out through vomiting. This is a dangerous condition, for which it is necessary to go to the hospital in an emergency situation. 
  • If you have never had constipation before, then consult your doctor once. 
  • Losing body weight without any reason is not a good sign, so go to your doctor if you experience this problem along with constipation.
  • Bloating with constipation can also be a symptom of intestinal obstruction, although this problem can be cured by doing some home remedies, but if it does not get cured, then definitely go to your doctor. 
  • If you are having a lot of pain while defecating, then you should go to the doctor for this. 
  • If there is a sudden or big change in the size, shape and routine of stool, then you should go to the doctor for this problem. 
  • If you have constipation for 2 weeks and it is not getting cured even after trying many remedies, then you should visit a doctor as soon as possible because if the stool does not come out of your body, it starts accumulating in your intestines. 
  • Due to this, you may also have many health problems and your body will also have difficulty in absorbing essential nutrients. Due to the accumulation of stool in the intestines, it may also happen that you lose your bowel control and pus starts leaking from your anus.

(Read more - Combat Constipation With A Balanced Diet)

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Constipation is a common digestive problem, in which there is difficulty in evacuating stool. To cure it, it is necessary to improve the diet first. Include fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, in the diet. It is also important to drink enough water and exercise regularly. Avoid fried foods and excessively spicy food. In some cases, the use of natural or medical laxatives can also be helpful. If constipation persists for a long time or is causing discomfort, it is important to consult a doctor.

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