Schizophrenia is a mental condition characterised by hallucinations, depression, mood swings and delusion. It affects thinking and perceiving skills which ultimately alters behaviour.
According to Ayurveda, schizophrenia cannot be correlated with a single type of mental disorder but schizophrenia symptoms match with the symptoms of many types of unmada (mental disorder).
Consuming unhealthy and contaminated drinks and foods, loss of mental balance, and poor lifestyle choices are some of the causative factors for vitiation of doshas, which, in turn, lead to mental disorders like schizophrenia.
Panchakarmas (five therapies) including virechana (purgation), vamana (medical emesis), snehana (oleation) and tapa (fomentation) are recommended as the primary line of treatment for schizophrenia along with brain tonic herbs such as ashwagandha (Indian ginseng), jatamansi (muskroot), sarpagandha (Indian snakeroot) and vacha (calamus) and formulations like saraswatarishta and mahakalyanak ghrita.