It is important to warm up before starting exercise. Exercising without warming up increases the risk of injury. High Knee Exercise is great for warming up, as it activates the entire body along with the hips and legs. At the same time, doing only this is also good for health. Doing high knee exercise can help reduce calories by increasing the heartbeat. Also, the posture of the body can also improve. Today in this article you will learn about the benefits of high knee exercise, how to do it, types and precautions -

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  1. Benefits Of High Knee Exercise
  2. How To Do High Knees Exercise?
  3. Types Of High Knees Exercise
  4. Precautions For High Knees Exercise
  5. Summary
Doctors for High Knee Exercises: A Dynamic Warm-Up for Better Performance

Doing high knee exercise warms up the hips and legs as well as other parts of the body. Actually, it prepares the body for other exercises and activities. Also, performance also improves. Let us know in detail about the benefits of high knees exercise -

Benefits Of High Knees Exercise To Burn Calories

High knees are good for heart health. Within a few seconds of doing it, you will feel that the heartbeat has increased. Doing this also reduces calories rapidly. If it is done fast and with strength, then about 7 calories can be burnt in 1 minute.

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Benefits Of High Knees Exercise For The Lower Part Of The Body

High knees activate the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes and hip flexors. In this way, the balance in these muscles improves and strength also increases. Doing it with high intensity also increases the strength of the lower part of the body.

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Benefits Of High Knees Exercise To Improve Posture

High knees exercise strengthens the entire body along with the abdominal muscles. Therefore, it can help in improving the posture of a person.

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Before doing the high knees exercise, it should be checked that the place where this exercise is to be done is flat as well as clean and there is no grease there. Also, it is important to wear the right kind of running shoes. High knees exercise looks easy, but it is beneficial only when done correctly. Let's know how to do high knees -

  • Stand straight and keep both the feet close. Hands should be on the sides of the body. Make sure that the spine is absolutely straight.
  • Now bend the right knee at a 90 degree angle and lift the leg up. At this time the upper part of the body should not bend forward, the body should be in a straight line.
  • After this, bring the knee closer to the chest. Along with this, the left hand will also rise upwards.
  • The same process has to be repeated with the other leg and hand as well.
  • In this way, both the legs have to be moved up and down rapidly.
  • High knees exercise can be started in 30 seconds. A break of 30 seconds can be taken between each set. 10 to 20 rounds of high knees exercise can be done for warm up.

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High knees exercise not only strengthens the body but also helps in reducing calories. If a person wants, he can do it in two ways by changing its intensity. Let us know in detail about the types of high knees exercise-

High Intensity High Knees Exercise

In this type, along with raising the knee more, speed has to be brought. If a person wants, he can also increase the number of sets. Not only this, a twist can also be brought in the process of raising the knee, like instead of raising the knee straight, it can be raised by rotating it.

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Low Intensity High Knees Exercise

While doing this exercise, its intensity can be reduced by slowing down the speed. For example, instead of raising the knee fast, it can be done at a slow speed. It can be done like a normal walking movement. It is easy for the joints.

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If a person has any kind of problem in the knees, ankles or hips, then special care needs to be taken while doing high knees exercise. It would be better to talk to a doctor. Only the doctor can tell whether this exercise will cause pain to the knees or joints or not.

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High knees exercise is usually done as a warm-up, but it is a great exercise in itself. It activates the knees, hips and lower part of the body. By doing this, calories are burned rapidly and posture also improves. While doing high knees exercise, keeping the whole body straight and hands to the side is the right way to exercise. People who have problems in the knees or joints should consult a doctor before doing high knees exercise.

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