Nowadays every woman wants to look beautiful and attractive. That is why they pay more attention to their weight than men. But there is a lot of difference between keeping weight under control and making zero figure. However, zero figure starts only after weight loss. Nowadays zero figure is very much in trend and every woman wants her figure to be like Kareena Kapoor. But you do not need to think much, your wish can be fulfilled through this article. In this article, we are going to tell you what is zero figure and the ways and methods to make zero figure. With the help of these measures, you can easily make your zero figure.So let us tell you how to make zero figure:

(Read more - research based tips for weight loss)

  1. What Is A Zero Figure?
  2. Ways To Make Zero Figure
  3. Summary

What is zero size:

  • Breast size: 31 inches.
  • Waist: 23 inches.
  • Hip size: 32 inches.

It takes the most hard work to get this figure. There is a strict diet plan in which 400 to 500 calories have to be taken daily. Also, one has to workout continuously for two to three hours daily, so that twice the amount of fat taken can be burnt.

(Read more - Sudden Weight Loss)

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Ways to make zero figure are as follows:

Keep Calories In Mind

Many times you must be thinking that it is necessary to take care of calories only during workouts. But it is important to keep calories in mind while eating food as well. To make size zero, it is necessary to burn twice the calories than what you have taken. Kareena Kapoor, who made her size zero, her trainer advises that consuming 400 to 600 calories daily is the right amount for size zero.

(Read more - Understanding the Initial Stage of Weight Loss)

Drink As Much Water As Possible

Our body is made up of 70% water and yet you all ignore the need for water. Drinking water at short intervals does not make you crave for food and it keeps your body hydrated. To get size zero, it is very important that you drink as much water as possible every day. Apart from this, you can also include coconut water, juice and soup in your diet.

(Read more - Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss)

Adopt Yoga

Apart from diet, yoga is also very important to make a zero figure. Yoga keeps you strong from inside and also maintains the flexibility of the body. You can do Navasana, Bhujangasana, Tadasana, Virabhadrasana daily. Also, Pranayama like Surya Namaskar and Kapalbhati are also very good for zero figure.

(Read more - Diet Plan for Weight Loss)

Exercise Regularly

To get a zero size figure, it is important that you exercise daily, exercising one day does not cause any change in your body. Daily exercise is very important for a healthy body. Tone the waist, shoulders and thighs for a beautiful body. Also, jogging, Pilates, shoulder exercises, Zumba, crunches and squats are considered very important exercises for size zero.

(Read more - Secret Workout Tips to Lose Weight)

Take Proper Diet

To get size zero, drink as many beverages as possible like drinking water from time to time, drinking coconut water etc. It is very important for people who workout daily to stay hydrated. Apart from this, you must include vitamins, proteins and other essential nutrients in your diet. Zero size does not mean that you stop eating food but include some essential foods in your diet.

Wheat and lentils are low in calories and also contain essential nutrients that do not let the body lack nutrition. To get rid of fat, you can include lentils, fish and eggs in your diet. Also, eat roti instead of rice.

(Read more - 9 Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss)

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Stay Away From Junk Food

If you dream of size zero and work hard every day to achieve it, then completely remove junk food from your lifestyle. Such tasty food spoils your health and due to this you cannot even fulfill your dream. Junk food contains only a lot of calories and almost no nutrition for you. Instead, eat something healthy every day.

(Read more - Intermittent fasting for weight loss)

Include Other Physical Activities

Apart from doing gym daily for zero size figure, it is important that you also participate in other physical activities like use stairs instead of lift, walk when going to market, go up and down stairs from the terrace to your house as many times as possible, play any outdoor game with your children and friends like badminton, cricket etc.

(Read more - How Many Calories Should I Eat to Lose Weight)

Consumption Of Dairy Products Is Important

Dairy products are healthy and very rich for your body. When you consume dairy products, it is very important to keep in mind how much you need it and in what quantity you should take it. Dairy products which contain high amounts of fat are not beneficial for size zero. You can drink toned milk, it contains very less fat. Apart from butter and cheese, you can eat buttermilk and curd, eating them does not make you feel hungry again and again.

(Read more - 5 Guaranteed ways to lose weight)

Choose The Right Clothes

Many times your clothes also affect your body structure. If you have a thick waist and want to make it look slim, then wear a belt over your dress, this will make your waist look slim and you will also look attractive.

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Zero figure means a body structure that has a low waist and less weight than normal. This ideal body measurement is often seen in the modeling and film industry, but achieving it requires disciplined diet and exercise. To achieve a zero figure, a person has to do regular cardio and strength training, take a balanced and nutritious diet, and take proper care of the body. Everyone's body has its own characteristics, and it is important for one to keep one's body healthy and fit, and not just mold oneself according to external standards.

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