Whenever we prepare any food to offer to God during worship, it is completely Sattvic food. You must have heard many people say that Sattvic food is the best for the body and is also considered very important in the Indian tradition. Actually, there are 3 types of diet - Sattvic, Tamasic and Rajasic. Based on the foods suggested in Ayurveda and Yoga literature, fresh, slightly oily, vegetarian and nutritious food is called Sattvic food. In other words, Sattvic food is that which purifies the body and gives peace to the mind.
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Actually, Sattvic is derived from the Sanskrit word "Sattva". Sattva is a concept of Indian Yoga philosophy which means pure, true, moral, energetic, clean, strong, intelligent and alive or essential. Thus, the Sattvic diet includes foods that comply with its meaning. The meaning of sattvic food is not limited to the food items included in it, but it is also related to eating habits such as the habit of eating in moderation and avoiding overeating.
According to Ayurveda, it is also important to consume sattvic food or diet so that it can help in maintaining a healthy balance between body and mind. So, in this article, we are telling you what sattvic food is and what are the benefits of eating it to the body.
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