A pregnant woman is advised to eat certain types of foods in the 9th month and not to eat certain foods. It is said that the foods eaten in the 9th month can be helpful in inducing labor pain. Also, it is advised to eat such things which are healthy for the pregnant woman as well as the baby. It is advised to take dates, pineapple and papaya along with protein, fiber and vitamins. At the same time, consumption of seafood, caffeine and alcohol is prohibited.In this article you will know what a pregnant woman should eat and what she should not eat in the 9th month -

(Read more - Pregnancy: care, tips, and everything)

  1. What To Eat In 9th Month Of Pregnancy
  2. What Not To Eat In The 9th Month Of Pregnancy?
  3. Summary
Doctors for Pregnancy Nutrition: What to Eat and What to Avoid in the Ninth Month

A pregnant woman should eat such things in the 9th month which are beneficial for her as well as her child. Also, such foods which can be helpful in inducing labor pain. In these foods, it is advised to take protein, fiber and vitamins along with pineapple and papaya. Let us know in detail what a pregnant woman should eat in the 9th month -

Side Effects Of Papaya In Pregnancy

It is forbidden to eat ripe papaya during pregnancy, but raw papaya is advised to be eaten in the 9th month of pregnancy. Actually, raw papaya contains latex, which can trigger uterine contractions. This latex has the same properties that are found in the hormone oxytocin released during labor for uterine contractions.

(Read more - Every Mother Should Know : Pregnancy Problems)

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Benefits Of Pineapple In Pregnancy

An enzyme called bromelain is found in pineapple, which has the ability to trigger labor by softening the cervix of a pregnant woman. Keep in mind that there is no benefit in eating tinned or canned pineapple, because it does not contain bromelain, which triggers labor. At present, no exact scientific evidence is available in this regard.

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Benefits Of Dates In Pregnancy

Research says that dates also have properties to soften the cervix. Also, eating it reduces the chances of postpartum hemorrhage. According to research, eating dates by a pregnant woman in the 9th month reduces the time taken for labor. Eating this does not require separate oxytocin to start labor pain.

(Read more - Indigestion during pregnancy)

Benefits Of Protein In Pregnancy

A pregnant woman should consume protein even in the 9th month, as it contains amino acids. For protein, a pregnant woman can eat tofu, soy beans, pulses, nuts, seeds, fully cooked eggs, and well-cooked fish (except some types of fish).

(Read more - Diet during the first month of pregnancy)

Benefits Of Fibre In Pregnancy

Oats, brown rice, pulses, fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber. All these are important for overall health and also make the stomach feel full for a long time. Due to this, there is no problem like constipation, which causes a different kind of problem to the pregnant woman.

(Read more - The Role of Folic Acid in Female Fertility)

Benefits Of Vitamins In Pregnancy

After giving birth to a child, the body of a pregnant woman needs vitamins for health. The child can be born anytime after the 9th month, so vitamins must be taken for postnatal recovery. For vitamin-A, you can eat fish, dairy products, carrots and spinach. Vitamin-C is found in oranges, kiwi, strawberries, tomatoes and broccoli. For vitamin-B6, bananas, potatoes and whole grains can be eaten. For vitamin-B12, eggs and dairy products are good.

(Read more - Acidity during pregnancy)

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Benefits Of Iron In Pregnancy

A pregnant woman needs iron as much in the 9th month as she does in the initial months. There is a risk of anemia due to iron deficiency. There is a risk of excessive bleeding during childbirth. Iron is found in green leafy vegetables and lean meat.

(Read more - Round ligament pain during pregnancy)

Benefits Of Folic Acid In Pregnancy

Both of these protect the child from neural tube defects, a problem related to the brain and spinal cord. For this, peanuts, green leafy vegetables, oranges, nuts and beans should be eaten.

(Read more - Fruits for Pregnant Women)

Benefits Of Calcium In Pregnancy

Calcium is responsible for building bones and teeth, which is necessary for a pregnant woman even in the 9th month. This is because at this time the bones of the child are getting stronger. Calcium is found in dairy products, broccoli and kale.

(Read more - Bleeding During Pregnancy)

For a smooth pregnancy and for there to be no problem at the time of childbirth, things like undercooked meat, seafood containing mercury and raw eggs should not be eaten. Let us know in detail what a pregnant woman should not eat in the 9th month -

Seafood Containing Mercury

Seafood like swordfish and marlin are not good for a pregnant woman. They should not be consumed.

(Read more - The Power of Raisins: Health Benefits for Pregnant Women)

Undercooked Meat

Bacteria remain in undercooked meat, which can prove to be dangerous in the 9th month of pregnancy.

(Read more - Is it safe to eat fish during pregnancy?)

Raw Eggs

Raw eggs are also not good for the health of a pregnant woman. Raw eggs contain bacteria, which can harm a pregnant woman.

(Read more - Should Probiotics Be Taken During Pregnancy?)

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Caffeine does not only mean coffee, but it also includes green tea, normal tea, cola, energy drinks and plain milk chocolate.

(Read more - Is it safe to eat cheese during pregnancy)


Women or men, no one should consume alcohol. Especially during pregnancy, its consumption can prove fatal for both the pregnant woman and the baby.

(Read more - Benefits Of Watermelon For Pregnancy)

A pregnant woman is advised to eat dates, pineapple, raw papaya along with protein, fiber and vitamins in the 9th month. These foods are helpful during labor and are also necessary for the development of the child. A pregnant woman should not consume seafood containing mercury, caffeine and alcohol in the 9th month. However, it is best that a pregnant woman takes care of her diet as per the doctor's advice even in the 9th month.

Dt. Vinkaljit Kaur

Dt. Vinkaljit Kaur

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