Name Aadhav
Meaning Ruler
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 1
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Aries

Aadhav Meaning

Most parents want to name their child Aadhav but before that, they do not try to know its meaning. Aadhav The meaning of the name is Ruler. Due to Ruler the name Aadhav becomes very beautiful. Aadhav Before naming a name, it is important to know its meaning. The name Aadhav means Ruler and the effect of this meaning is also visible like the person named Aadhav. As we told you Aadhav means Ruler and you can also see the effect of this meaning in the behavior of the person named Aadhav. According to some social concepts, the meaning of the name Aadhav is related to the personality of the person, that is, if the meaning of the name Aadhav is then it will be reflected in your personality also. Further, the zodiac sign of the name Aadhav, the lucky number of Aadhav, and the Ruler of this name are briefly explained.

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Aadhav's Lucky Number

People with the name Aadhav have the lucky number 9 and are under the influence of the planet Mars. People named Aadhav are mentally strong and face difficulties with courage. Even if they have to work hard at the beginning of any work, they get success in it. People with the name Aadhav are not afraid of any person or situation, sometimes this becomes a cause of trouble for them. People with the lucky number 9 have the qualities to become good leaders. People with the lucky number 9 maintain not only friendship but also enmity with full courage.

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Aadhav Personality

The zodiac sign of the name Aadhav is Aries. They are full of courage and self-confidence. They are also ambitious and curious. People of Aadhav love to play with danger. These people are always ready for new work. People named Aadhav are always full of enthusiasm. They like to face challenges. People of the Aries zodiac sign are stubborn and arrogant. These people do not make any compromises in matters of career and money.

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Aadhav's zodiac Aries Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Anshumali The Sun Hindu
Anshuman The Sun, Lord Surya (Sun), The Moon, Brilliant Hindu
Anshumat Brilliant, Luminous Hindu
Anshumati Brilliant, Wise Hindu
Anshumi Every element of the earth Hindu
Ansika Minute particle, Beautiful Hindu
Ansil Smart Hindu
Ansitha A part of Hindu
Ansu The Sun, Ray of light, Splendour, Speed, Sunbean Hindu
Ansuman The Sun, Lord Surya (Sun), The Moon, Brilliant Hindu
Ansuya Without spite or envy, Learned woman, Full of goodwill, Not resentful Hindu
Antam Nearest, Intimate as a friend, Bright Hindu
Antar Famous warrior, Intimate, Security, Soul, Heart Hindu
Antara The second note in hindustani classical music, Para of a song, Beauty Hindu
Antarang Intimate, Close to heart Hindu
Antareeksh Space Hindu
Antariksh Space Hindu
Antariksha Space, Sky Hindu
Anthika Hindu
Anthudaran One of the kauravas Hindu
Antim Last Hindu
Antini Living in a hermitage Hindu
Antra The second note in hindustani classical music, Para of a song, Beauty Hindu
Antrix Space Hindu
Anu An atom, Celestial, Another name for Shiva Hindu
Anupriya Beloved daughter Hindu
Anubha Ambitious, Seeking glory Hindu
Anubhab Insight, Experience, Feeling Hindu
Anubhaj One who follows worship, Spiritual Hindu
Anubhav Insight, Experience, Feeling Hindu
Anubhavi Experience Hindu
Anubhutha Experienced Hindu
Anubhuti Experience Hindu
Anubodh Awareness, Memory Hindu
Anuchan Well versed in the Vedas, Lover of knowledge, Conscientious, An Apsara or celestial nymph Hindu
Anuchana Well behaved, Lover of knowledge, Conscientious Hindu
Anudarshan Observing Hindu
Anudarshana Observing Hindu
Anudeep Small Diya, Small light Hindu
Anudeepthi Divine light Hindu
Anudev Atom Hindu
Anudhya Thinking, Wishing well of Hindu
Anuga A companion Hindu
Anugna Beautiful woman Hindu
Anugrah Divine blessing Hindu
Anugraha Divine blessing Hindu
Anugya Authority Hindu
Anuh Calm, Without desire, Content Hindu
Anuha Satisfied Hindu
Anuhas Hindu