Name Anurven
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 5
Length 4.5
Zodiac Sign Aries
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Anurven's Lucky Number

People with the name Anurven have the lucky number 9 and are under the influence of the planet Mars. People with number 9 face difficulties with courage and passion. There may be many obstacles before starting any work, but people named Anurven achieve success through their passion. People named Anurven are courageous but sometimes excessive courage becomes a cause of trouble for them. A person named Anurven has the qualities to become a leader. These people not only know how to maintain friendship but also maintain enmity well.

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Anurven Personality

The zodiac sign of people named Anurven is Aries, they have amazing courage and ambition. They are very curious and have confidence in themselves. Being courageous, they do not shy away from taking risks. These people are always ready for new work. They like challenges. These people are always full of energy. People with the Aries Anurven sign are very stubborn and arrogant. People named Anurven do not compromise in their business, job, or money matters.

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Anurven's zodiac Aries Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Laxmikant It is name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Laxminarayana Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi Hindu
Laxmipriya Hindu
Laxmidevi Goddess name and money Hindu
Laxmikant It is name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Laxminarayana Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi Hindu
Laxmipriya Hindu
Laxmitha Goddess Lakshmi, Prosperous life Hindu
Lay From the meadow farm, Concentration, Peace, Another name for brahman or the supreme spirit, Small, Bit, A moment of time, Harvesting, The son of God raam Hindu
Laya Musical Rhythm Hindu
Layak Fit, Clever, Capable Hindu
Layakari Generates harmony in dance and music Hindu
Layam Hindu
Layana Ray of The Sun, Lives by the lane Hindu
Leela Divine play, Creation of God, Joy, Comfort, Beauty, Grace Hindu
Leeladhar Lord Vishnu, One who indulges in play, Pastime, An epithet of Krishna, Epithet of Vishnu Hindu
Leelakar Lord Krishna, Capable, One who works miracles, One of many names of Lord Krishna Hindu
Leelamayee Playful Hindu
Leelavathi Playful, Goddess Durga Hindu
Leelavati Playful, Goddess Durga Hindu
Leelawati Goddess Durga, Amusing, Charming, Graceful Hindu
Leelima Hindu
Leena Goddess Lakshmi, A wife, The Goddess of fortune, Good luck, Riches, Splendor, Vermillion, Red earth, Name of An Apsara, Epithet of Mahalakshmi, A woman Hindu
Leenata Humility Hindu
Leenatha Humility Hindu
Leepaakshi Girl with peacock eyes Hindu
Leesha Noble sort Hindu
Leeza Joy, Devoted to God Hindu
Lehak A light that shines very bright that even you close your eyes you can see it Hindu
Lehan One who refuses Hindu
Lehar Wave Hindu
Leher Wave Hindu
Leheri Wave Hindu
Leisha Angle, Of noble kind Hindu
Leivina Dragnet Hindu
Lekh Document, Writing, Signature, Deity Hindu
Lekha Writing, Mark, Horizon the crescent Moon, Line, Record, Lightening Hindu
Lekhak An author Hindu
Lekhan Writing, Article Hindu
Lekhana Hindu
Lekhi Writing, Picture Hindu
Lekhisha Hindu
Lekhit Written Hindu
Lekhya World Hindu
Lekisha Life Hindu
Lekith Written Hindu
Lekshana One with auspicious signs on her, Goal, Vision, Metaphor, An Apsara Hindu
Lekya Mathematician Hindu
Lema The name lemma means a creeper, A deer, A lady Hindu
Lemana Hindu