Name Bhoodevi
Meaning Goddess Lakshmi, The Goddess who is the earth
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 8
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

Bhoodevi Meaning

Most parents want to name their child Bhoodevi but before that, they do not try to know its meaning. Bhoodevi The meaning of the name is Goddess Lakshmi, The Goddess who is the earth. The name Bhoodevi has special significance because its meaning is considered very good. For this reason also, before naming the child, its meaning should be known. After knowing the meaning of the name Bhoodevi, you can easily name your child Bhoodevi. It is believed that a person with the name Bhoodevi can have a glimpse of Goddess Lakshmi, The Goddess who is the earth in his nature. Read further to know the zodiac sign of the name Bhoodevi, what is its lucky number, and Goddess Lakshmi, The Goddess who is the earth of the name Bhoodevi in detail.

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Bhoodevi's zodiac Sagittarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Dhansika Hindu
Dhansith Wealth Hindu
Dhansukh Wealthy, Happy Hindu
Dhanu Name of a Hindu Rashi sagittarius Hindu
Dhanuja Arujuna wiil Hindu
Dhanunjay Hindu
Dhanunjaya Partha, Arjun, Agni God, Fire Hindu
Dhanurdhara One with a bow in hand Hindu
Dhanus A bow in hand Hindu
Dhanush A bow in hand Hindu
Dhanusha Bow, Genuine Hindu
Dhanushka Dhan, Wealth Hindu
Dhanushri The bow or name of a Hindu Rashi sagittarius Hindu
Dhanushya Selvem Hindu
Dhanusri The bow or name of a Hindu Rashi sagittarius Hindu
Dhanvant Wealthy Hindu
Dhanvantari Doctor of the gods Hindu
Dhanvanth Wealthy Hindu
Dhanvanti Very quit, Holding wealth Hindu
Dhanvi Wealthy Hindu
Dhanvika Hindu
Dhanvin Lord Shiva, A name of Lord Rama Hindu
Dhanvine Lord Shiva, A name of Lord Rama Hindu
Dhanya Great, Worthy, Fortunate, Auspicious, Happy Hindu
Dhanyashree Blessed, Thankful, Great or personification of gratitude, Lucky or giver of wealth Hindu
Dhanyasree Blessed, Thankful, Great or personification of gratitude, Lucky or giver of wealth Hindu
Dhanyasri Blessed, Thankful, Great or personification of gratitude, Lucky or giver of wealth Hindu
Dhanyata Success, Fulfilment, Money and good luck, Thankful, Blessed Hindu
Dhanyatha Success, Fulfilment, Money and good luck, Thankful, Blessed Hindu
Dhanyavi Hindu
Dhanyta Success, Fulfilment, Money and good luck, Thankful, Blessed Hindu
Dhar Mountain, Holding, Sustaining, The earth Hindu
Dhara Rain, Constant flow, One who holds, One who sustains, The earth, Gold Hindu
Dharahasi Smile Hindu
Dharahasini Always smile Hindu
Dharam Religion, Law religious Hindu
Dharama Dharm Hindu
Dharamnishth One who has faith in religion Hindu
Dharamveer One who gets victory on religion Hindu
Dharamvir One who gets victory on religion Hindu
Dharana Is associated to Lord Murugan Hindu
Dharaneesh Hindu
Dharani The earth, Keeping, Protecting Hindu
Dharanidhar Shesh, The cosmic serpent Hindu
Dharanishwar Hindu
Dharasutha Goddess Durga, She who is the daughter of the mountain Hindu
Dharati Earth Hindu
Dharavira Hindu
Dharendra King of the earth Hindu
Dharesh Lord of land Hindu