Name Dhevaneyan
Meaning Pious
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 9
Length 5
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

Dhevaneyan Meaning

Dhevaneyan The meaning of the name is Pious. If you know the meaning of Dhevaneyan before naming your baby, it can make your baby's life better. The name Dhevaneyan has special significance because its meaning is considered very good. Dhevaneyan Before naming a name, it is important to know its meaning. The name Dhevaneyan means Pious and the effect of this meaning is also visible like the person named Dhevaneyan. After knowing the meaning of the name Dhevaneyan, you can easily name your child Dhevaneyan. It is believed that a person with the name Dhevaneyan can have a glimpse of Pious in his nature. Read further to know the zodiac sign of the name Dhevaneyan, what is its lucky number, and Pious of the name Dhevaneyan in detail.

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Dhevaneyan's zodiac Sagittarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Bhatrashree Hindu
Bhaumi Goddess Sita, Produced from the earth, An epithet of Seeta Hindu
Bhaumik Lord of the earth, Land owner, Attached to the earth Hindu
Bhautik Everything you see, Feel, Smell Hindu
Bhav Lord Shiva, Sentiment, Real Hindu
Bhava Being, Becoming Hindu
Bhavaani Goddess Parvati, Consort of Bhava i.e. parvatee, Name of a Goddess of Shakti cult, Name of a river, Name of the sword given to Shivaji by the Goddess Bhavani Hindu
Bhavad Life giving, Real Hindu
Bhavada Life giving, Real Hindu
Bhavadeep Hindu
Bhavagna Lalitha Devi Hindu
Bhavalan Poet Hindu
Bhavamanyu Creator of universe Hindu
Bhavamochani The absolver of the universe Hindu
Bhavan Creator, Solicitous, Charming, Brilliant, Another name for Lord Krishna, Palace Hindu
Bhavana Affection, Feeling, Imagination, Direct knowledge, Sentiment, Emotion, Reflection, Meditation, Contemplation, Mental perception, Proof Hindu
Bhavanagamya Goddess Durga, She who can be attained by thinking Hindu
Bhavani Goddess Parvati, Consort of Bhava i.e. parvatee, Name of a Goddess of Shakti cult, Name of a river, Name of the sword given to Shivaji by the Goddess Bhavani Hindu
Bhavanil Hindu
Bhavanya Goddess Durga, Meditation, Concentration Hindu
Bhavaprita One who is loved by the universe Hindu
Bhavapriya Name of a Raga Hindu
Bhavarth Meaning Hindu
Bhavartha Meaning Hindu
Bhavatharini Goddess name Hindu
Bhavati A Raagini (wife of Sun) Hindu
Bhavesh Lord of sentiment, Lord of existence, Lord of the universe, Lord Shiva Hindu
Bhaveshwari Hindu
Bhavi Emotional Hindu
Bhaviada Great, Splendid Hindu
Bhaviguru Hindu
Bhavik Devotee of God, Devout, Worthy, Happy Hindu
Bhavika Cheerful expression, Well-behaved, Worthy Hindu
Bhavin Living, Existing, Winner, Man Hindu
Bhavina Hindu
Bhavini Emotional, The beautiful woman eminent, Emotional, Caring, Noble, Beautiful Hindu
Bhavish Future Hindu
Bhavisha Future, Futuristic Hindu
Bhavishya Future Hindu
Bhavishyaa Futures of parent Hindu
Bhavisya Future Hindu
Bhavita Person who knows future, Oracle, Bhagyavidhata Hindu
Bhavitha Name of Goddess Durga Hindu
Bhaviya Grand, Splendid, Virtuous, Composed, Another name for Goddess Paarvati, Beautiful, Brilliant Hindu
Bhavmanyu Hindu
Bhavna Goddess Parvati, Purity, Gift from God, One who protects, Night prayer, Plough, Another name for Durga, Intellect, Power Hindu
Bhavnish King Hindu
Bhavukta Emotions Hindu
Bhavy Grand, Goddess Parvati, Splendid Hindu
Bhavya Grand, Splendid, Virtuous, Composed, Another name for Goddess Paarvati, Beautiful, Brilliant Hindu