Name Divakar
Meaning The Sun
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 3
Length 4
Zodiac Sign Pisces

Divakar Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Divakar, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Divakar means The Sun. The name Divakar has special significance because its meaning is considered very good. The name Divakar is considered very good in the scriptures and its meaning is also liked by the people. Because of the meaning of the name, people named Divakar are very much liked in society. It is believed that if your name is Divakar and its meaning is The Sun, then it also has a deep impact on the personality of the person. Read further to know the zodiac sign of the name Divakar, what is its lucky number, and The Sun of the name Divakar in detail.

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Divakar's Lucky Number

Divakar The lord of the name is Jupiter and your lucky number is 3. People with this name are quite popular and attract people towards themselves. People whose name is Divakar know how to fulfill their responsibilities well. People named Divakar live their lives by following rules, principles, and discipline. People of this number are stubborn and obstinate. This is the reason why they have less friends and more enemies. Their health remains good but they are at risk of diabetes.

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Divakar Personality

People named Divakar are of Pisces zodiac sign. Most of the people with this name are interested in spirituality. Peace of mind matters more to people named Divakar. People named Divakar try to live peacefully without any disturbance. People named Divakar stay away from fights. People with the name Divakar like it if their thoughts are given importance.

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Divakar's zodiac Pisces Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Devarpana Offerings to the gods Hindu
Devarsh Gods gift Hindu
Devarshee A God like saint. Devarshee was used for naradmuni because he was the son of Brahma and was the saint of Lord Vishnu Bhagwan, Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Devarshi Teacher of the God, Sage of the devas Hindu
Devarsi Teacher of the God, Sage of the devas Hindu
Devarya Divine belief Hindu
Devasena Lord subramanians consort Hindu
Devasenapati Lord Murugan, Consort of Devasena, The army chief of heavenly gods, Lord Murugan Hindu
Devashish Benediction of God, Pleased by the gods Hindu
Devashree Goddess Lakshmi, Divine beauty Hindu
Devasmitha With a devine smile Hindu
Devasree Goddess Lakshmi, Divine beauty Hindu
Devasri A God like saint. Devarshee was used for naradmuni because he was the son of Brahma and was the saint of Lord Vishnu Bhagwan, Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Devatha Deity Hindu
Devavarnini Daughter of sage bharadvaja Hindu
Devavrat Oath of God, Another name of Bhishma Hindu
Devavrata One who accepts all penances Hindu
Devavrath Oath of God, Another name of Bhishma Hindu
Devayan Hindu
Devayani Gracious Hindu
Devbrata Bhishma Hindu
Devdakshak Hindu
Devdan The gift of the gods Hindu
Devdarsh Worshipper of God Hindu
Devdas Servant of God, Follower of God Hindu
Devdath God given Hindu
Devdatta Given by God Hindu
Devdeep Hindu
Devdharsh Worshipper of God Hindu
Devdutta King, Gift of God Hindu
Deveena Blessing, Eye of God, Resembling a Goddess, Blessing Hindu
Deven King of the gods, Another name for Lord Indra Hindu
Devender God Hindu
Devendra King of the gods, Lord Indra Hindu
Devendran King of the Gods, Lord Indra Hindu
Devendranath Lord of the King of the Gods Hindu
Devendrashika Protector of all gods Hindu
Devesh King of the gods, Another name for Indra, God of the gods Hindu
Deveshi Chief among the Goddess, Goddess Durga Hindu
Deveshwar Lord Shiva, Lord of the devas Hindu
Devesi Chief among the Goddess, Goddess Durga Hindu
Devgarbha Goddess Durga, Divine child Hindu
Devguru Teacher of the Gods (Brihaspati) Hindu
Devi Goddess, Queen, Noblewoman, Holy Hindu
Deviprasad Gift of Goddess Hindu
Devipriya Name of a Raga Hindu
Devidas Servant, devotee of Goddess Hindu
Devik Devine Hindu
Devika Minor deity, A river in the himalayas, Minor Goddess Hindu
Deviki From the Goddess Hindu