Name Dulari
Meaning Dear
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 11
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Pisces

Dulari Meaning

Dulari The name is considered very beautiful. Not only this, its meaning is also very good. Let us tell you that the meaning of the name Dulari is Dear. By naming your child Dulari, you can give a new direction to his/her life. For this reason also, before naming the child, its meaning should be known. It is also said in the Vedas that before giving Dulari to the child, the parents should get complete information about it. People with the name Dulari are exactly like the meaning of their name. Further, the zodiac sign and lucky number of the name Dulari or the Dear of the name Dulari are explained in detail.

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Dulari's Lucky Number

The ruling planet of the zodiac sign of girls named Dulari is Jupiter and the lucky number is 3. Girls named Dulari are attractive. If they work hard they can achieve a lot of popularity. Girls named Dulari do not shy away from responsibilities. Girls named Dulari like to follow rules and principles and live life with discipline. Girls with the name Dulari have a lot of enemies because they are headstrong and stubborn by nature. They have very few friends in their life. Girls named Dulari generally have good health, but they may be at risk of diabetes.

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Dulari Personality

The zodiac sign of the girl named Dulari is Pisces. The girls of Dulari have a strong inclination towards spirituality. Girls with name Dulari keep trying to achieve their spiritual peace. Girls named Dulari like to remain calm, for which they make every possible effort. Women whose name is Dulari do not like fighting at all. Girls named Dulari think that other people should respect their opinions.

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Dulari's zodiac Pisces Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Zena Ornament, Something beautiful, A hospitable woman Hindu
Zenil Victorious God swaminarayan, Victory of blue Hindu
Zenisha God is gracious, Superior person Hindu
Zenith Computer Hindu
Zenshi Hindu
Zerelda Brave warrior woman Hindu
Zev Deer, Wolf Hindu
Zhalak Glimpse, Spark, Sudden motion Hindu
Zhanvi Ganga the river Hindu
Zian Life, Strong Hindu
Zinga Hindu
Zitien Little shinning spark, It means a brightly, Shining star Hindu
Zitin Little shinning spark, It means a brightly, Shining star Hindu
Ziya Splendor or light or glow Hindu
Zoyel Hindu
Zyanna Heart of light Hindu
Chaah Love, Pit, Fondness, Fancy, Wish, Longing, Desired Hindu
Chaahana Longing, Affection, Desired Hindu
Chaamunda Name of Goddess who killed the demons Chanda and munda Hindu
Chaanakya Son of Chanak, Renowned mauryan writer and politician, Author of the arthashastra Hindu
Chaand Sincere wish, The Moon, To shine Hindu
Chaaran Feet, One who chants praises, Bard Hindu
Chaarani A bird, Nomad Hindu
Chaaru Preety, Pleasant, Beautiful, Loved, Cherished Hindu
Chaaruchithra One of the kauravas Hindu
Chaaruvi Light, Brilliant Hindu
Chaarvi Beautiful girl, Beautiful woman Hindu
Chaaya Shadow, Shade, Reflection Hindu
Chaayan Moon, Collection Hindu
Chaayavati Name of a Raga Hindu
Chahan Super Hindu
Chahana Longing, Desired, Affection Hindu
Chahat Love Hindu
Chahel Good cheer Hindu
Chaheti Lovely, Lovable for all Hindu
Chahna Love Hindu
Chaidya Wise, Ruler, King of Chedi Hindu
Chain Peace Hindu
Chainika Specially selected, Chosen one Hindu
Chairavali Full Moon of Chaitra month Hindu
Chaisaran Hindu
Chaitaalee Born in th month of Chaitra, Ancient city Hindu
Chaital Consciousness Hindu
Chaitali Born in the month of Chaitra, Blessed with a good memory Hindu
Chaitaly Born in the month of Chaitra, Blessed with a good memory Hindu
Chaitan Consciousness, Perception, Intelligence, Vigour, Life Hindu
Chaitana Perception, Intelligence, Life, Vigour, The sunflower seed Hindu
Chaitanya Life, Knowledge, Sage, Soul, Intellect, Intelligence Hindu
Chaithana Perception, Intelligence, Life, Vigour, The sunflower seed Hindu
Chaithanya Life, Knowledge, Sage, Soul, Intellect, Intelligence Hindu