Name Krianshree
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 9
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Gemini
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Krianshree's Lucky Number

Krianshree The name comes under the planet Mercury and its lucky number is 5. Girls named Krianshree related to the number 5 are intelligent and sharp-minded and luck always favors them. Girls with number 5 love freedom in their life. People whose name is Krianshree do not like to make promises at all. Those whose name is Krianshree have the quality of becoming successful businessmen. They can make difficult tasks easy with their hard work and dedication. People with the name Krianshree have very fast luck. They love adventure in their life. Women named Krianshree lack patience and sometimes make hasty decisions.

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Krianshree Personality

The zodiac sign of a woman named Krianshree is Gemini. Girls named Krianshree like to do such work in which they can stay busy and connect with new people. Girls named Krianshree always choose such tasks, which pose new challenges every day. Girls named Krianshree do not like to do the same work again and again. Girls named Krianshree mostly choose fields like education, sales, writing, acting, journalism, etc. Women named Krianshree are not trustworthy.

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Krianshree's zodiac Gemini Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Kapila Yellowish brown coloured, Name of the celestial cow, Fragrance, Kapish, Kuhp-ihsh, Lord of the monkeys, Golden incense, Another name for Shiva and the Sun Hindu
Kapilashwar One with a white horse Hindu
Kapilesh Hindu
Kapisenanayaka Head of the monkey army Hindu
Kapish Lord Hanuman, Lord of monkeys, Name of Sugreev Hindu
Kapotakshi Eyes like a pigeons Hindu
Karaali The violent Hindu
Karabi A flower Hindu
Karagrahavimoktre One who frees from imprisonment Hindu
Karala Goddess Durga, Opening wide, Tearing Hindu
Karalika Goddess Durga, That which tears Hindu
Karamshi Hindu
Karan Karna, The firstborn of Kunti, Talented, Intelligent, Ear, Document, Another name for brahman or the supreme spirit Hindu
Kardama Name of a sage Hindu
Kareena Pure, Innocent, Female friend, Manner, Mode, Order, Scandinavian, Variant of katherine Hindu
Karen Abbreviation of katherine, Pure Hindu
Karhik Son of Lord Shiva and leader of Deva army, Kartik means Hindu month Hindu
Karika Philosophical verses, Activity, Dancer, Actress Hindu
Karisha A miracle Hindu
Karishma Favor: gift, Miracle Hindu
Karisma Favor: gift, Miracle Hindu
Karka Crab Hindu
Karla Goddess Durga, Opening wide, Tearing Hindu
Karm Deed, Action, Destiny, Code, Duty Hindu
Karma Deed, Action, Destiny, Code, Duty Hindu
Karman Meaning Karma - the act of doing - origin Sanskrit Hindu
Karmarthi Hindu
Karmash One who does his duty, Dutiful Hindu
Karmathi Hindu
Karmdeep Lamp of the god, grace Hindu
Karmendra God of action Hindu
Karmjit Winner over obstacles Hindu
Karn The ear Hindu
Karna The firstborn of Kunti (Eldest son of Kunti, sired by the Sun God; Friend of Duryodhana; Raised by a charioteer when his mother abandoned him at birth.) Hindu
Karnajeet Conqueror of Karna Hindu
Karnak A chamber of the heart, Of the ear, Attentive Hindu
Karnam Famed Hindu
Karnan Mythological character - eldest of the pandavas. he was generous, Loyal, And always kept his word Hindu
Karnavi Hindu
Karnesh Lord of mercy Hindu
Karnik Judge Hindu
Karnika Lotus, Heart of a lotus, Earring, An Apsara or celestial nymph Hindu
Karnish Hindu
Karona Merciful, Forgiving Hindu
Karpakaraj Lord of Karuppasamy Hindu
Karsan One who ploughs Hindu
Karshin Afiractive, Another name for the Love God Hindu
Kartaar Master of all creation Hindu
Kartar Master of all creation Hindu
Kartaveya Hindu