Name Lavit
Meaning Lord Shiva, Lovely, Small
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 1
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Aries

Lavit Meaning

Lavit The meaning of the name is Lord Shiva, Lovely, Small. If you know the meaning of Lavit before naming your baby, it can make your baby's life better. By naming your child Lavit, you can give a new direction to his/her life. Let us tell you that by naming your baby Lavit, you can increase the positive possibilities in her life. As we told you Lavit means Lord Shiva, Lovely, Small and you can also see the effect of this meaning in the behavior of the person named Lavit. You can see the effect of the meaning of the name Lavit in their nature. Below, the zodiac sign, lucky number, nature, and Lord Shiva, Lovely, Small of the name Lavit are explained in detail.

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Lavit's Lucky Number

The ruling planet of people with the name Lavit is Mars. Their lucky number is 9. People with the number 9 are mentally very strong and have a unique spirit to fight every difficulty. Even if they have to work hard at the beginning of any work, they get success in it. People with name Lavit are fearless and sometimes this becomes a cause of trouble for them. People with the lucky number 9 have the qualities to become good leaders. People with this number maintain both friendship and enmity with full dedication.

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Lavit Personality

The zodiac sign of people named Lavit is Aries, they have amazing courage and ambition. They are very curious and have confidence in themselves. Those whose zodiac sign is Aries are not afraid of trouble at all. These people are always ready for new work. They like challenges. These people are always full of energy. People of the Aries zodiac sign are stubborn and arrogant. These people do not make any compromises in matters of career and money.

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Lavit's zodiac Aries Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Aswapn Dream Hindu
Aswath This is the tree where Buddha did meditate and gained lot of knowledge ... so it can also be considered as tree of knowledge, Banyan tree Hindu
Aswatha Hindu
Aswathaama Son of drone Hindu
Aswathi Fire horse, Grace Hindu
Aswathy An Angel Hindu
Aswin A cavalier, A Hindu month, Medical God, One who owns horses, The name of the group of divine physicians Hindu
Aswini A star, Wealthy, Quick Hindu
Aswitha Hindu
Asya Grace Hindu
Atal Immoveable, Firm, Unshakeable, Constant Hindu
Atambhu The holy Trinity Hindu
Atana Name of a Raga Hindu
Atanu Cupid Hindu
Atas The soul, Divine Hindu
Atasi A blue flower Hindu
Atchya Infinity Hindu
Ateeksh Wise Hindu
Ateet Past Hindu
Athalia God is exalted Hindu
Atharav Lord Ganesh, Name of a Ved, Name of a Rishi married to Santi, The daughter of kardam Rishi and devahooti, Name of brahmas eldest son, To whom he revealed brahma-vidya Hindu
Atharv Lord Ganesh, Name of a Ved, Name of a Rishi married to Santi, The daughter of kardam Rishi and devahooti, Name of brahmas eldest son, To whom he revealed brahma-vidya Hindu
Atharva The first Vedas, Lord Ganesh, Knower of the arthara Vedas Hindu
Atharvan The first Vedas, Lord Ganesh, Knower of the arthara Vedas Hindu
Athasha Ultimate Hindu
Atheeva Ultimate Hindu
Athiban Leader. born to win as a leader, Lord ayyapas another name Hindu
Athidhi Important person Hindu
Athikaya Of extra ordinary size Hindu
Athini River Hindu
Athira Prayer or quick or lightening, Pray Hindu
Athish Kind, Explosive, A dynamic person Hindu
Athishay Wonderful, Successful & bright Hindu
Athishaya Superiority Hindu
Athisman Hindu
Athitha Surpassed Hindu
Athithi Guest Hindu
Athithya Hindu
Athitya Transcending Hindu
Athiya Lord Ganesh, Gift Hindu
Athmikha Light of God Hindu
Athrava The first Vedas, Lord Ganesh, Knower of the arthara Vedas Hindu
Athreya Name of a sage, Clever, Receptacle of glory Hindu
Athrv Lord Ganesh, Name of a Ved, Name of a Rishi married to Santi, The daughter of kardam Rishi and devahooti, Name of brahmas eldest son, To whom he revealed brahma-vidya Hindu
Athul Matchless or incomparable, Unique, Without match Hindu
Athulith Hindu
Athulya Unequalled, Unrivalled, Immeasurable, Unique, Unweigh able, Incomparable, Without match Hindu
Athvika Denote Goddess sowdeswari Hindu
Athyajat Sacrifice Hindu
Ati Too much Hindu