Name Manikant
Meaning The blue jewel, Shining brightly
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 11
Length 4
Zodiac Sign Leo

Manikant Meaning

Manikant The meaning of the name is The blue jewel, Shining brightly. If you know the meaning of Manikant before naming your baby, it can make your baby's life better. The name Manikant has special significance because its meaning is considered very good. The name Manikant is considered very good in the scriptures and its meaning is also liked by the people. After knowing the meaning of the name Manikant, you can easily name your child Manikant. According to some social concepts, the meaning of the name Manikant is related to the personality of the person, that is, if the meaning of the name Manikant is then it will be reflected in your personality also. The zodiac sign of the name Manikant, the lucky number of the name Manikant, and the personality of the people with the name Manikant or the meaning of this name, etc. are explained further.

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Manikant's zodiac Leo Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Mayanka The Moon Hindu
Mayanshi Related o Goddess Laxmi Hindu
Mayas Refreshment, Pleasure, Joy, -lodern baby names Hindu
Mayawati Hindu
Mayil Full of grace, Like a peacock Hindu
Mayon The black God Hindu
Mayoor Peacock Hindu
Mayoora Peacock, Illusion Hindu
Mayra Beloved, Favorable, Admirable, Marvellous Hindu
Mayuesh Hindu
Mayuk Brilliance, Brilliant, Splendor Hindu
Mayuka Pea-hen Hindu
Mayukh Brilliance, Brilliant, Splendor Hindu
Mayukha Ray of light, Brightness Hindu
Mayukhi Pea-hen Hindu
Mayur Peacock Hindu
Mayura Peacock, Illusion Hindu
Mayurakhsi Eye of the peacock Hindu
Mayuran Lord Murugan, The one who has a peacock as his vehicle Hindu
Mayuresh Karthikeya - son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. he travels on a peacock (Mayur), Lord of peacock Hindu
Mayuri Pea-hen Hindu
Mayurika With peacock feathers Hindu
Mayurini Hindu
Mazhilan Give Happy to life Hindu
Medant Danav ka ant karne vala Hindu
Medh Intellect, Goddess Saraswati Hindu
Medha Intellect, Goddess Saraswati Hindu
Medhaavi Wise, Very intelligent Hindu
Medhaj Chief Hindu
Medhani Of intelligence Hindu
Medhansh Who born with intelligence Hindu
Medhasvi Goddess Saraswati, Vitality, Strength, Vigour, Ability, Power, Intellect, Knowledge, Prudence, Wisdom, Memory, A form of Sarasvati, Understanding, Name of a sister of Agni Hindu
Medhavi Wise, Very intelligent Hindu
Medhinee The earth Hindu
Medhuna Hindu
Medhya Mighty, Clean, Fresh Hindu
Medini The earth Hindu
Meehan Hindu
Meehika Mist, Fog Hindu
Meeksha Hindu
Meelan Union Hindu
Meeli Bitter, A meeting, To find Hindu
Meena Precious blue stone, Fish, Jewel Hindu
Meenakshi A women with a beautiful eyes, Fish eyed Hindu
Meenal Precious gem, Stone Hindu
Meenu Fish which moves with ease everywhere bestowing Love and peace over her surroundings getting pride to all, Paradise, A gem, Precious stone Hindu
Meer Chief, Worthy of admiration Hindu
Meera Devotee of Lord Krishna, Ocean, Boundary, Poetess Hindu
Meeraja Combination of Meenakshi & natrajan Hindu
Meerant Meeras end. Lord Krishna Bhakt devotee, Meeras moment of merging into Lord Krishna, I.e. meera-ant: meeras end Hindu