Name Oisin
Meaning Divine
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 3
Length 5
Zodiac Sign Aries

Oisin Meaning

Most parents want to name their child Oisin but before that, they do not try to know its meaning. Oisin The meaning of the name is Divine. By naming your child Oisin, you can give a new direction to his/her life. For this reason also, before naming the child, its meaning should be known. It is also said in the Vedas that before giving Oisin to the child, the parents should get complete information about it. It is believed that a person with the name Oisin can have a glimpse of Divine in his nature. Further, the zodiac sign and lucky number of the name Oisin or the Divine of the name Oisin are explained in detail.

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Oisin's Lucky Number

The ruling planet of the name Oisin is Mars and its lucky number is 9. People whose lucky number is 9 are mentally strong. Even if they have to work hard at the beginning of any work, they get success in it. People with name Oisin are fearless and sometimes this becomes a cause of trouble for them. A person named Oisin has the qualities to become a leader. People with the lucky number 9 maintain not only friendship but also enmity with full courage.

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Oisin Personality

The zodiac sign of a person named Oisin is Aries and they are courageous, confident, ambitious and curious. Being courageous, they do not shy away from taking risks. People named Oisin like to do new things. They like to face challenges. A person named Oisin never lacks energy. People of the Aries zodiac sign are stubborn and arrogant. People named Oisin do not like to compromise with their careers. They don't trust anyone even in matters of money.

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Oisin's zodiac Aries Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Ibbani Fog, Honey dow Hindu
Ibha Elephant Hindu
Ibhan Lord Ganesh, The God having mouth of elephant Hindu
Ibhanan Elephant faced Hindu
Ibhya Possessor of many attendants Hindu
Ichaa Desire Hindu
Ichchha Desire Hindu
Ichha Desire Hindu
Idai Awakening, Love Hindu
Idaspati God of rain (Lord Vishnu) Hindu
Idaya Heart, Goddess Parvati Hindu
Iddham Shining, Brilliant, Sunshine Hindu
Idenya Praiseworthy Hindu
Idha Intelligence, Perception, The earth, Insight Hindu
Idhant Luminous, One who spreads light, Wonderful Hindu
Idhaya Heart, Goddess Parvati Hindu
Idhayan Joy of heart Hindu
Idhika Another name of Goddess Parvati, The earth, Perception Hindu
Idhitri One who praises, Complimentary Hindu
Idika Another name of Goddess Parvati, The earth, Perception Hindu
Iditri One who praises, Complimentary Hindu
Idum Red Hindu
Iha The earth, Desire, Labour, Exertion, Endeavour Hindu
Iham Expected, Thin, Desire Hindu
Ihina Enthusiasm, Desire Hindu
Ihit Prize, Honor, Effort, Desire Hindu
Ihita Hindu
Ihitha Desire, Prize, Effort Hindu
Ihsaan Kindness, Beneficence, Highest level of Iman Hindu
Iipsitha Desired, Wished Hindu
Iishka One who has only friends and no enemies Hindu
Ijay Lord Vishnu Hindu
Ijaya Sacrifice, Offer, Teacher, Divine Hindu
Ijya Sacrifice, Offer, Teacher, Divine Hindu
Ikansh Hindu
Ikrut One season Hindu
Iksha Sight, Working of the senses Hindu
Ikshan Sight, Eye, Look, Care Hindu
Ikshana Sight Hindu
Ikshit Desired, Done with intention, Visible, Beheld Hindu
Ikshita Visible, Beheld Hindu
Ikshitha Visible, Beheld Hindu
Ikshu Sugarcane Hindu
Ikshula Holy river Hindu
Iksura Fragrant grass Hindu
Ila The earth, Cardamom tree, Daughter of Manu, Moonlight, Turpentine tree, Terebinth tree Hindu
Ilaiyavan Youthful Hindu
Ilakkiya Creativity Hindu
Ilakkuvan It is the Tamil form of the name Lakshman, It also mean ambitious person, The one who has goal, Desire Hindu
Ilampirai Young crescent Hindu